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Thread: TexasGiant Cycle Update: Test C/ Tren E

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Post TexasGiant Cycle Update: Test C/ Tren E

    Hey Yall, just finished week 5 of my cycle and am going to give yall an update on everything.
    Cycle Goals: To add 25-30lbs of mass while improving overall body comp/muscle shape/ and specifically muscle condition (also to improve some flaws in my physique)

    Weight Progression:
    Starting Weight: 217lbs
    End Week 1 Weight: 223.0 lbs
    End Week 2 Weight:226.0 lbs
    End Week 3 Weight:227.0lbs
    End Week 4 Weight:230.0lbs
    End Week 5 Weight: 232.0lbs

    Week 1-12:
    Tren E- 300mg/week
    Test Cyp- 500mg/week
    Week 1-5:
    Turinabol -50mg ed Bumped to 60mg for weeks 4 and 5
    Week 7-14:
    Anavar 100mg Ed
    Week 12-14:
    Test Prop 75mg eod (while the tren esters clear)
    Week 1-14
    Arimidex .25mg ed
    Cabergolin .3mg on pin days

    Sides so Far: Have not experienced any nightsweats,insomnia exct. Skin is pretty good right now minor acne on back from running out of bodywash the other day lol. I can tell a little bit of a decrease in appetite especially if i miss a meal so alot of forcefeeding going on. My blood pressure i feel is actually improving probably from just an overall better state of mind and diet. Mentally i feel some elitist like thoughts in the gym for brief periods of time but i try and remove them when i notice that i am doing it. I have noticed my urine is a darker tint than normal (attributing this to the tren metabolites aswell as the dryness of the tbol) i try and constantly be drinking water but regardless in the morning my urine still seems to be a noticeably darker tint.

    Gains/Cycle experience so far:
    Training sessions have been good try and keep them right at about an hour training 6 days a week sometimes twice a day (only hit 1 bodypart per workout). Strength is ridiculous, the pumps are good and not overbearing like dbol/var. Tbol was very slow and consistent, can see why people tend to run higher mg's of it though. Developmentally my lats and back have improving tremendously. Im noticeablly leaner and more vascular each day but i feel as though i am losing some of the thickness in my legs but its probably me losing fat while my upper body continues to grow. Am going to focus on deadlifts for the next 3-4 weeks to try and help offset and rebuild some great thickness in my quads/hams/lowerback.

    Heres a couple recent pictures the lighting is pretty shitty and im pretty pasty these days but hopefully it gives yall some idea. Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Nice TG..I am glad everything discussed is working out. I agree the Tbol could easily have been run at 80-120mg. Phased and I were just dicussing that last night. I am guessing from the mid section pic that you are gaining fat and some water. Have you posted diet in nutrition? I cant remember (I'm getting old). Is there a cutting pahse to this cycle...also cant remember. I havn't read your old PM's in along time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Nice TG..I am glad everything discussed is working out. I agree the Tbol could easily have been run at 80-120mg. Phased and I were just dicussing that last night. I am guessing from the mid section pic that you are gaining fat and some water. Have you posted diet in nutrition? I cant remember (I'm getting old). Is there a cutting pahse to this cycle...also cant remember. I havn't read your old PM's in along time.
    The cutting phase is the last 4 weeks, these pictures are after eating a massiveee lunch and pounding a few water. Im actually very lean compared to usual especially in the morning. Diet isnt 110% but its getting there im more or less trying to meet cals/protein the fat will come off eventually when i cut for contest, but all of these pictures minus the rear double bicep are relaxed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    TG- Looking good. Nice results!!
    I am getting ready for a 3rd cycle and looking at your gear.
    I have everything but
    Turinabol -50mg ed Bumped to 60mg for weeks 4 and 5
    Week 7-14:
    Anavar 100mg Ed
    Cabergolin .3mg on pin days( This I would like to get)

    Not sure on the Anavar though.
    Whats your height and weight.
    Never mind I see your weight. height?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I undersytand and thats why I asked about the cutting phase. I do remeber our discussion that this was for comp. You are definetly going to have to cut HARD to get those abds out lol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Bowtye8 View Post
    TG- Looking good. Nice results!!
    I am getting ready for a 3rd cycle and looking at your gear.
    I have everything but
    Turinabol -50mg ed Bumped to 60mg for weeks 4 and 5
    Week 7-14:
    Anavar 100mg Ed
    Cabergolin .3mg on pin days( This I would like to get)

    Not sure on the Anavar though.
    Whats your height and weight.
    Never mind I see your weight. height?
    I am 5"11

  7. #7
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I undersytand and thats why I asked about the cutting phase. I do remeber our discussion that this was for comp. You are definetly going to have to cut HARD to get those abds out lol.
    haha yeah your telling me, luckily ive got a 20 week cut set aside for from mid march to july. Hopefully 20 weeks is enough bahaha

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasGiant1177 View Post
    haha yeah your telling me, luckily ive got a 20 week cut set aside for from mid march to july. Hopefully 20 weeks is enough bahaha
    Thanks for the continued updates. Still say that nutrition guys can help you do even BETTER!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Looking good bro keep the pics coming.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Hope someone can get something out of this.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Looking great TG! I do have a question for you. As far as your orals, I have taken Anavar but have been contemplating TBol myself due to the cost being substantially better. Are the gains/fat loss (cost to results) any better with Tbol? I was concerned Tbol might be a little harsher on the liver than the Var, so what do you think of the 2? Are they actually pretty close in what they do? Keep it up man! Your going places for sure.

  12. #12
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Looking great TG! I do have a question for you. As far as your orals, I have taken Anavar but have been contemplating TBol myself due to the cost being substantially better. Are the gains/fat loss (cost to results) any better with Tbol? I was concerned Tbol might be a little harsher on the liver than the Var, so what do you think of the 2? Are they actually pretty close in what they do? Keep it up man! Your going places for sure.
    i honestly would prefer var hands down, from my source tbol is the most expensive oral probably just because its very rare nowadays. mg per mg var is better and honestly tbol i wouldnt run under like 70mg, 60mg was very slow and consistent but on top of everything else its really hard to distinguish what exactly it accomplishes. i feel you know what vars within a few days but the back bumps for me on var are absolutely dreadful. I get them just sitting in a car.

  13. #13
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasGiant1177 View Post
    i honestly would prefer var hands down, from my source tbol is the most expensive oral probably just because its very rare nowadays. mg per mg var is better and honestly tbol i wouldnt run under like 70mg, 60mg was very slow and consistent but on top of everything else its really hard to distinguish what exactly it accomplishes. i feel you know what vars within a few days but the back bumps for me on var are absolutely dreadful. I get them just sitting in a car.
    Exactly the same problems on Var that I have. I would have muscle cramps just walking up my stairs at home and would have to sit down til they passed. Working out was no different. I was doing 80mgs for 6 weeks. But I can get Turninabol for 20% less than var, and that is why I was wanting to give it a go. If the results are somewhat similar, I would like too. Anavar gave me horrible insomnia as well. But with all of this said, I am starting to see where genetics have more to play in growing huge than AAS. You are a prime example of good genetics and AAS can help you do insane things. Even at moderate doses. For the majority of us, no matter what we do, we dont get HUGE, so to speak. And I am talking 240ish. I would consider myself huge at 200, but my genetics have me on the small side. Always have, and nothing, not even AAS can help that.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Exactly the same problems on Var that I have. I would have muscle cramps just walking up my stairs at home and would have to sit down til they passed. Working out was no different. I was doing 80mgs for 6 weeks. But I can get Turninabol for 20% less than var, and that is why I was wanting to give it a go. If the results are somewhat similar, I would like too. Anavar gave me horrible insomnia as well. But with all of this said, I am starting to see where genetics have more to play in growing huge than AAS. You are a prime example of good genetics and AAS can help you do insane things. Even at moderate doses. For the majority of us, no matter what we do, we dont get HUGE, so to speak. And I am talking 240ish. I would consider myself huge at 200, but my genetics have me on the small side. Always have, and nothing, not even AAS can help that.
    Trade take my 240 and I will take your 200 (but i need to keep my traps lol)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    you are looking beastly as hell bro. im jealous.

  16. #16
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    Mar 2012
    If he wins the comp I expect an honorable mention on stage lol

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Exactly the same problems on Var that I have. I would have muscle cramps just walking up my stairs at home and would have to sit down til they passed. Working out was no different. I was doing 80mgs for 6 weeks. But I can get Turninabol for 20% less than var, and that is why I was wanting to give it a go. If the results are somewhat similar, I would like too. Anavar gave me horrible insomnia as well. But with all of this said, I am starting to see where genetics have more to play in growing huge than AAS. You are a prime example of good genetics and AAS can help you do insane things. Even at moderate doses. For the majority of us, no matter what we do, we dont get HUGE, so to speak. And I am talking 240ish. I would consider myself huge at 200, but my genetics have me on the small side. Always have, and nothing, not even AAS can help that.
    yeah i truly agree, at the end of the day its genetics +how you respond to AAS my roomate whose older and has a few more cycles is like 5"7 165lbs 7 or 8% BF and regardless of what he runs or how much he forces down his through he cant get over 175lbs. I was 230lbs at 16 years old ive just been flucuating between 200-240 since then slowly improving composition and increasing lbm.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    If he wins the comp I expect an honorable mention on stage lol
    "and id like to give a shoutout to all the bro's on that helped me with my cycles" baha im sure that would go over well.

  19. #19
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    i honestly think anavar is hands down the best oral for gains/strength out of everything out there. No better bumps ive come across (granted i have done few orals) but if you can get it at a reasonable price id say its the most effective drug out there.

  20. #20
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    May 2012
    Question!!!! Okay since im only running 300mg of tren e and the ester weight makes it so technically there is only 216mg of tren in my system after that enanthate ester breaks down would it be reasonable to bump my tren dosages to 400mg a week? giving me roughly 290mg of tren in my system?

  21. #21
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    I would have to dig back through pms but didnt I try to get you to run that higher anyhow lol...just taking advantage of an I told ya so moment lol

  22. #22
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    haha i mean im making good gains exct. but i obviously am tolerating this dosage very well so i may bump and see if i started going straight animal mode... but then again less is more maybe i shouldnt get greedy lol shit itll take me 2 weeks to feel any difference anyways .

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexasGiant1177 View Post
    haha i mean im making good gains exct. but i obviously am tolerating this dosage very well so i may bump and see if i started going straight animal mode... but then again less is more maybe i shouldnt get greedy lol shit itll take me 2 weeks to feel any difference anyways .
    How far in again are you and what did you decide for the test dose??? Easier to remind me than me looking back

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    How far in again are you and what did you decide for the test dose??? Easier to remind me than me looking back
    i am in the middle of week 5 of 12 of tren e i decided on 500mg of test cyp. its all on the top of this thread

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexasGiant1177 View Post
    i am in the middle of week 5 of 12 of tren e i decided on 500mg of test cyp. its all on the top of this thread
    I guess may lazy AAS could have looked there too lol.

    I wouldn't be afreaid to bump it but I think I have said before...with Tren less is more so if your hitting goals then using the least amount neccessary is best.

  26. #26
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasGiant1177 View Post
    haha i mean im making good gains exct. but i obviously am tolerating this dosage very well so i may bump and see if i started going straight animal mode... but then again less is more maybe i shouldnt get greedy lol shit itll take me 2 weeks to feel any difference anyways .
    Doing great, man. Lookin good. I run my tren lower than test as well and it's always served me right. Less sides, better appetite etc.

    I would second you upping the tren. I would even go a little higher than what you stated, but that's just me. You are doing good. I'm going to check this out regularly. If you think i can help in anyway, just ask.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Doing great, man. Lookin good. I run my tren lower than test as well and it's always served me right. Less sides, better appetite etc.

    I would second you upping the tren. I would even go a little higher than what you stated, but that's just me. You are doing good. I'm going to check this out regularly. If you think i can help in anyway, just ask.
    Kids a monster isn't he Pete!? Wish I had the genetics!!!!

  28. #28
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    yeah im gonna bump the tren to 400 a week. i do my pin later today so ill throw an extra 1/2 cc on my pin days. We shall see how i respond. Appetite isnt too bad but if i start eating i cant stop its when i fast for like 4-6 hours cause of class it kills my appetite i keep b12 on hand to try and combat it. appreciate the support and advice yall.

  29. #29
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Kids a monster isn't he Pete!? Wish I had the genetics!!!!
    I agree on both points Lunk.

    Quote Originally Posted by TexasGiant1177 View Post
    yeah im gonna bump the tren to 400 a week. i do my pin later today so ill throw an extra 1/2 cc on my pin days. We shall see how i respond. Appetite isnt too bad but if i start eating i cant stop its when i fast for like 4-6 hours cause of class it kills my appetite i keep b12 on hand to try and combat it. appreciate the support and advice yall.
    B-12, B-6 and B-1 are always a staple especially w/tren. Keep up the good work!!

  30. #30
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    any of yall use cardio as purely an appetite stimulant?

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexasGiant1177 View Post
    any of yall use cardio as purely an appetite stimulant?
    OOOoooooo. That might be a good idea! I always am very hungry after a bit of cardio. Good idea!

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexasGiant1177 View Post
    any of yall use cardio as purely an appetite stimulant?
    NOOOO! I am hungry 24/7! I use cardio so that I can allow myself to eat with less guilt

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    NOOOO! I am hungry 24/7! I use cardio so that I can allow myself to eat with less guilt
    haha well currently i feel as the tren may be restricting my appetite a bit. So on days im really not craving food ill hit some stair master for 12-20mins and low and behold im starving for the next 2-4 hours. by the way my urine has gone back to its normal tint after ending the tbol... was expecting it to stay as i thought the discoloration was from the tren metabolites but i guess the tbol being dry was putting some strain on my kidneys.

  34. #34
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    monster mode
    Last edited by TexasGiant1177; 10-18-2012 at 10:41 AM.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexasGiant1177 View Post
    haha well currently i feel as the tren may be restricting my appetite a bit. So on days im really not craving food ill hit some stair master for 12-20mins and low and behold im starving for the next 2-4 hours. by the way my urine has gone back to its normal tint after ending the tbol... was expecting it to stay as i thought the discoloration was from the tren metabolites but i guess the tbol being dry was putting some strain on my kidneys.
    I do get the darker rust colored urine from Tren but not ALL the time. If I am well hydrated it's fairly normal but those morning moments or if I slack on fluid intakes some...yeah, you can see it then!

    I wish Tren suppressed my appetite lol. 750mg EW right now and I just sweat likee a whore in church mainly. Getting more easily irratated as well compared to the 500mg EW

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I do get the darker rust colored urine from Tren but not ALL the time. If I am well hydrated it's fairly normal but those morning moments or if I slack on fluid intakes some...yeah, you can see it then!

    I wish Tren suppressed my appetite lol. 750mg EW right now and I just sweat likee a whore in church mainly. Getting more easily irratated as well compared to the 500mg EW
    lol i haven't been too bad with irritability i take 5htp everyday which keeps my mood pretty good, also don't really have any negative influences in my life currently. ive had like 6000kcals the past 2 days so i feel like a mac truck right now.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexasGiant1177 View Post
    lol i haven't been too bad with irritability i take 5htp everyday which keeps my mood pretty good, also don't really have any negative influences in my life currently. ive had like 6000kcals the past 2 days so i feel like a mac truck right now.
    When are you starting that cut??? I want to see that mass all leaned out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. #38
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    will probably start cutting in march depending on how this goes. my composition hopefully can get down to 10% bf by the end of this cycle. we shall see... var has a helluva way of making you look good.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexasGiant1177 View Post
    will probably start cutting in march depending on how this goes. my composition hopefully can get down to 10% bf by the end of this cycle. we shall see... var has a helluva way of making you look good.
    Yes sir..if I can drop my BF by march it will be in my next one!!

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I think you should put some more pics up.

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