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Thread: Anavar Only?

  1. #1
    Chelsea Grin is offline Junior Member
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    Question Anavar Only?

    I've seen a couple of my friends take Var just by itself. I know Var doesn't entirely shut down your natural test, it just suppresses it, but still would you guys recommend this? and what would be the result of taking Var alone?

  2. #2
    DanB is offline Banned
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    it helps us if we know a.little about you before we comment as sometimes the advise could change due to several factors

    so can we get your stats please

    training and cycle experience


  3. #3
    Chelsea Grin is offline Junior Member
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    I was planning on running test cyp and anavar for my first cycle, until I came to this forum, asked around and did some reserach, and decided I should wait a few years. I'm 20 years old, going to be 21, been lifting for 5 years, 5'10 160 6% bf. I've never cycled before and wanted to maintain my lean look but put some lean mass onto what I have. Lots of my friends have been through a cycle or two and they recommended me to take anavar either by itself or with test. As well as with kre-alkalyn as the body becomes twice as receptive to creatine while on Var. I was just curious as to what kind of result would that give someone if you just took Var alone. Would it just cut you up more? or along with the right diet, could you expect to put lean muscle mass on? Thanks

  4. #4
    DanB is offline Banned
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    ok before we get to steroids , i need to know if you understand the potential long term and irreversible damage that using them while your body may not be finished developing yet

    if you do know these risks can you very briefly just tell me them so that i know you do indeed understand the risks but still want to use aas regardless

  5. #5
    Chelsea Grin is offline Junior Member
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    Sure thing. Im well aware that they say the endocrine system isn't fully developed until around 24/25, which means if you abuse steroids before then you could end up on HRT later on in life. Without HRT, you're looking at low libido, possible erectile dysfunction, depression, no energy and so on and so forth. I do have to say, you're pretty smart for picking up on the fact I want to run a cycle still lol. In all honesty though my mind isn't made up, I'm still stuck on the fence as to whether I want to use aas now or wait until I'm 24,maybe you could give me some more insight there as well. As I said earlier my friends have been through a cycle or two at our age and have said if I do one cycle now with the proper PCT, I should be fine,but theres always that what if question.

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Chelsea, have a peek at this when you get a moment..

    The Young and Steroids

  7. #7
    DanB is offline Banned
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    in all honesty your goals are very realistic and can be attained naturally pretty easily and alot quicker then you may think if you perfect your diet which is the key, with or without steroids it still comes back to your diet matching your goals

    however if you do decide to use aas then var is prob your safest option, moderate dose followed by a nolva pct and you should be fine, however the risk is always there

    i cannot make the decision for you but i do commend you for one your honesty and two for doing your homework and being concious of your health

    weigh up the risk versus reward and there is your answer mate

  8. #8
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Even when you are 24 or 25 you can still damage your HPTA. I would never touch AAS unless I was willing to make sacrifices for it. If you can honestly say that you are okay with losing your testosterone production or have it impaired then I say go for it. Because it is going to become a reality whether you are 20 26 30 or 40 and then you are going to be sitting there crying and mad because you risked it. There are other drugs you can use to help boost performance such as clenbuterol , peptides and hGH which won't have the potential to fvck your HPTA. You don't stay in the steroid game for long with "normal" function. It's a gamble, don't bet more than you are willing to lose. This bet involves your ability to a healthy life and having children. Burning fat isn't even one of the things steroids does a GREAT job doing. Fat burning is 95% diet and cardio. Anybody who tells you differently has 0 experience probably. T3/T4 are thyroid hormones which assist in raising your metabolism. I would rather risk my thyroid than my precious HPTA.

    It's your call and everybody here is willing to help. I don't think it's the right decision to use it in your situation though.

  9. #9
    ppwc1985's Avatar
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    Yes and it's that what if ? You have to ask yourself about. Is it worth the 0-8 lbs that you could put on with var, or the 10-20 lbs with cycle where 90 of ppl will just lose anyway. I don't think so. At your age dude, up your calories, supplement with creatine and a couple quality weight gainer shakes, and work your ass if in the gym with so giant sets to include negatives, forced reps. I promise you will gain more and you will keep it as long as you keep your protein cal high. Gear just ain't worth it right now, you want to take chance of doing shots till you old, not worth it. A lot guys here did take that chance and they are on trt, listen to them and wait. Good luck

  10. #10
    Chelsea Grin is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks Dan


    Can you give me some more insight on Clen , and HGH? I'd really appreciate it bro. I'm trying to make the most educated decision as possible.

  11. #11
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    What do you want to know?

    Clenbuterol is a stimulant which aids in fat loss.

    Human growth hormone can also aid in fat loss but it doesn't have as big of an effect on the younger guys as we already produce a lot.

    Like I said 95% is going to be based on your diet and exercise. Just be really careful of your HPTA regardless of age!

  12. #12
    DanB is offline Banned
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    op forget hgh, expensive to run a dose necessary to get decent results on your physique and easily 90% is fake and sometimes contains dangerous chemicals and/or heavy metals

  13. #13
    Chelsea Grin is offline Junior Member
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    Could you pack on 10-15 lbs while on HGH? Presumably having the right diet. I eat every 2 hours a day, and aim for about 4500 calories. Sometimes it's hard because I'm at school and strapped for cash, but I do the best I can

  14. #14
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chelsea Grin
    Could you pack on 10-15 lbs while on HGH? Presumably having the right diet. I eat every 2 hours a day, and aim for about 4500 calories. Sometimes it's hard because I'm at school and strapped for cash, but I do the best I can
    to put it simply

    in your case no not possible

    strapped for cash then no way in hell you can mate, pharm grade generally isnt cheap, few grand a year for a moderate dose which will not give you the results you want, nowhere near it

    seriously scrap this idea mate, im running it now and speaking from personal experience
    Last edited by DanB; 10-13-2012 at 05:43 PM.

  15. #15
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Nope, can't do that on hGH. It's not a first hand choice I would recommend but I personally would prefer anything that doesn't mess with your HPTA. A lot of people have had success with peptides as well. There are tons of supplements out there that help you before you start messing with your HPTA.

  16. #16
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder
    Nope, can't do that on hGH. It's not a first hand choice I would recommend but I personally would prefer anything that doesn't mess with your HPTA. A lot of people have had success with peptides as well. There are tons of supplements out there that help you before you start messing with your HPTA.
    expensive for a student and again wont give anything near the results he wants, several pins a day, completely unnecessary for the op to use and results dont match or even come close to his goals

    op again i am using now and speaking from personal experience

  17. #17
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    No amount of $ can restore your HPTA to the way it was before steroids . As stated, don't gamble your HPTA unless you are willing to lose it!

  18. #18
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder
    No amount of $ can restore your HPTA to the way it was before steroids. As stated, don't gamble your HPTA unless you are willing to lose it!
    just wondering if you had to hazard a guess then what would you put the odds at, pm answer if you prefer and not a trick question if your trying to work out my angle, just curious as to your opinion on it
    Last edited by DanB; 10-13-2012 at 05:55 PM.

  19. #19
    Chelsea Grin is offline Junior Member
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    Alright appreciate that. I really have to think about it. Dan do you know how likely the chances are of ending up on HRT if you cycle now with a good PCT? This would also be my only cycle for awhile, if I do follow through.

  20. #20
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    From 1 Anavar only cycle with proper hCG and PCT, the chances high to recover completely. The chances of doing more cycles are very high though and then it's going to get worse. I am sure you know how that is, I don't know anybody that just does one cycle. It's not something you just do once, that is the scariest part. Plus having a reckless mindset creates a even bigger problem. 2-3 years in the steroid game am sure most guys are going to be on TRT after that. Am sure everyone who has a lot of experience in the game is very aware of that. This includes if you are 25 or 30. But just doing once cycle? There isn't a point, you should be able to achieve that naturally and if you can't do that. You won't be able to maintain it naturally so in the end you have just wasted time, money, and a strain on your system.

  21. #21
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chelsea Grin
    Alright appreciate that. I really have to think about it. Dan do you know how likely the chances are of ending up on HRT if you cycle now with a good PCT? This would also be my only cycle for awhile, if I do follow through.
    there is nothing set in concrete mate so cannot give you a proper answer, mabey one cycle and require trt at 21-22 and members here are testimony to this, or several with little to no effect on test levels

    sorry i know this dosnt help you much but id be lying if i tried to say yes or no for x or y

    all you can do is take every possible measure to give you best possible chance of recovery

    you seem hesistant so my proposal is this, run a bulk now for a few months then cut with clen for a few weeks and i think you will be surprised at the results

    then reassess your goals and again consider aas if you feel ready, and the extra 6+ months will give your body time to develop further if it hasnt finshed yet which in turn will improve chances of recovery if you decide to cycle then

    just my opinion based on your easily attainable goals and you dont seem to happy/ready to take the risk which is perfectly fine and sensible because your putting health first which is an excellent mentality to have

  22. #22
    Chelsea Grin is offline Junior Member
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    A bulk cycle with aas, Like deca and test? Or do you mean just to focus on bulking more through my dieting and routine?

  23. #23
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chelsea Grin View Post
    A bulk cycle with aas, Like deca and test? Or do you mean just to focus on bulking more through my dieting and routine?
    LMAO diet and routine is what you need! You won't be able to keep any gains if you don't have the basics down plus you are taxing your HPTA and gambling it!

  24. #24
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chelsea Grin
    A bulk cycle with aas, Like deca and test? Or do you mean just to focus on bulking more through my dieting and routine?
    natty bulk mate

  25. #25
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder

    LMAO diet and routine is what you need! You won't be able to keep any gains if you don't have the basics down plus you are taxing your HPTA and gambling it!
    Very true! Like mentioned before, your goals can easily be met naturally. Once I really learned how to diet and train, I stacked on some size pretty easily. A couple years back I was weighing around 190lbs. I decided I wanted to get into bodybuilding, so I started training and reading all I could to help me. I thought I new how to eat and train but I was wrong. I begin to adjust my diet and rethink my training. After I got that squared way, I started seeing results. I climbed to 220lbs and then cut to 192lbs for my first show. Now a year an a few months later I reached 230lbs @ about 15% bf. this was all done naturally! No use of AAS whatsoever. Ultimately the decision is on your hands. You can do what you want, but I know you can make some solid gains without it. You'd be surprised why you can achieve if you really want it. Good luck man!

  26. #26
    Chelsea Grin is offline Junior Member
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    I'll admit I definetley am not eating as much as I should, but that's only because I'm at school and it's tough when you're on a budget. My split looks like this:

    Mon: Chest/Tris/Abs
    Tues: Back/Bis/Calves
    Thurs: Quads/Hammys/Abs
    Sat and Sun:Rest

    If you guys could give me a few tips or point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. I like my physique now but like I said earlier I want to add lean mass onto it.

  27. #27
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post your current diet mate with macros if possible and what your weekly food budget is and if what if anything you can spend on supps and ill see what i can do for ya!

  28. #28
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    You got some great advice here OP. With your stats(Height and weight), I would definitely do a natty bulk, as you need to build a bit more of a base. I made the mistake of thinking AAS would do it for me, but that was the wrong mindset. Pack on another 15-20 over time, not too fast, and then if you are still considering the use of AAS, you will get more of a laid out plan. Just be carful and not act to hastily at your age. I belive supression of test is better than a full shut down, but a supression can lead to bad sides such as depression, anxiety, loss of motivation, and loss/lack of libido. Iam a firm believer that any AAS should have a test base, but at your age, you should be producing a ton still and IMO wouldnt be worth the risk yet. Good Luck!

  29. #29
    ppwc1985's Avatar
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    Dude look up cybergenics workout, do that workout and eat, than eat some. When I was 21 did this as a two month cycle and put in close 25 lbs of pure muscle. It is possible but a lot eating and extremely hard workout you need a buddy. Try it, better than playing Russian roulette with your health.

  30. #30
    Chelsea Grin is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    post your current diet mate with macros if possible and what your weekly food budget is and if what if anything you can spend on supps and ill see what i can do for ya!
    Alright, I know I'm going to get hounded once I post my diet because I know it's not up to par for what I'm trying to obtain but it looks something like this:

    Morning: Whole Wheat Bagel/ w butter, Coffee, Multi
    Mid Morning: Greek Yogurt or Cliff Bar
    Lunch: Tuna on Whole Wheat, or Chicken Cutlets, Multi
    Mid Afternoon: PB and J on Whole Wheat and Almonds
    Dinner(5:30): Could be Grilled chicken panini or wrap, Pasta, (whatever our cook makes for dinner)
    8:30-8:45- Post workout shake ( milk,protein,peanut butter, ice cream)
    10:00- Greek Yogurt or Cliff Bar
    11:30-12:00: Casein

    Like I said I know it's not perfect, especially since I'm living in a frat house and whatever our cooks makes for lunch and dinner I'll usually have unless it looks really gnarly then I'll order a grilled chicken wrap or panini.

    Also for supplements, I am going to be placing an order soon. I take this:

    Whey Protein
    Casein Protein

  31. #31
    Chelsea Grin is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    Dude look up cybergenics workout, do that workout and eat, than eat some. When I was 21 did this as a two month cycle and put in close 25 lbs of pure muscle. It is possible but a lot eating and extremely hard workout you need a buddy. Try it, better than playing Russian roulette with your health.
    Where can I read up on this workout and diet?

  32. #32
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    This is a fun and informative board...don't worry about being "hounded"...everyone is here to help adn some light hearted humor and a little friendly ribbing can be expected often Glad to see you are considering a 100% safe alternative vs unknown odds with your health.

  33. #33
    SoccerRat is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB
    in all honesty your goals are very realistic and can be attained naturally pretty easily and alot quicker then you may think if you perfect your diet which is the key, with or without steroids it still comes back to your diet matching your goals

    however if you do decide to use aas then var is prob your safest option, moderate dose followed by a nolva pct and you should be fine, however the risk is always there

    i cannot make the decision for you but i do commend you for one your honesty and two for doing your homework and being concious of your health

    weigh up the risk versus reward and there is your answer mate
    What amount would you recommend as a good PCT of nolva for 40mg ED/6 weeks of var only? How many weeks? thanks

  34. #34
    Chelsea Grin is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoccerRat View Post
    What amount would you recommend as a good PCT of nolva for 40mg ED/6 weeks of var only? How many weeks? thanks
    Personally, I think 6 weeks is too short. Whats your goal? I'd run Var for about 8 weeks, and after doing a lot more research I'd definetley run it with test as well, either prop or cyp otherwise you'll have little to no sex drive by the 2-3 week. As for Nolva for a PCT, I would start it the day of your last dose and have it look like this 40/40/40/20....FYI I havent cycled any aas yet so do some more research, but this is what seems to be the standard after reading up on everything. Good luck bro!

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