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  1. #1
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
    yeahbuddy289 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Adding HGH to AAS cycle for shoulder injury

    I posted this in the HGH forum but I dont think that forum gets the traffic this one does. I have rotator cuff impingment... have had a cortisone shot, taken months off rom lifting, physical therapy multiple times at multiple places, a couple MRI's and I have gone to multiple doctors... and all they can do for me is give me anti-inflamitories and tell me to modify my workout routine (which I have). But it still bothers me.... and im tired of it. Is there a chance HGH could help me? I have a source that can get pharm. grade HGH and at this point would be willing to drop the cash on it if theres a good chance it will help me. Iwill be running a test e./dbol cycle soon and think maybe this would be a nice addition.

  2. #2
    RoadToHuge's Avatar
    RoadToHuge is offline Associate Member
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    Sounds like you need clavicle resection surgery....

  3. #3
    fries's Avatar
    fries is offline Junior Member
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    Might look into tb500 first. I can't say forsure that it'd help you with that bad of an injury... but it did help my rotator cuffs. Check the logs in the IGF forum.

  4. #4
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
    yeahbuddy289 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I asked the doctor if surgery would be an option and he said not at this point... ill take a look at tb500

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Check out this thread that might be of interest...

  6. #6
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Deca /Testosterone combo with hGH should help you recover swiftly!

    I have a study... On a female fish with 3 eyes and binoculars..

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Look into prolotherapy. Helped my shoulder greatly. They basically pull blood from you, spin it, remove platelets and then re-inject them into the joint/rotator cuff. It speeds up the healing process greatly. Just check with your insurance providor first as they may consider it experimental. Also consider MSM powder as a supplement.


  8. #8
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
    cherrydrpepper is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Hello I have a seriously f-d rotator cuff. At the moment these are the only chest day exercises I can perform (giving you this list to compare notes)

    Cable crossovers
    Hammerstrength bench press at low-moderate weight
    Kettlebells? (I was in gym tonight doing this for first time. I pinch my shoulder blades back and activate the core. Turn palms facing away from me with the ball part of the bell on the top of my forearms and kind of do a standing military press. This did not hurt my shoulder and I plan to experiment with it some more later)

    I perform 4 rotator cuff rehab exercises. I do them to close to failure a couple times a week. I also do them at very light resistance as a warm up every time I work out.

    I do both of these but I cant bring the broomstick but to a little behind my head yet:

    I also do these two exercises:

    I wish I knew everything I do now before I injured myself. I would do all this shit a couple times a week even with no injuries.

  9. #9
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
    cherrydrpepper is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Oh I forgot. I am reading in a couple of places if you can get your pullup strength up it will help. Here is a post I stole off some other site.

    " I would also like to note, that there are several different types of RC injuries and impingement ... and many people will tell you stay away from OH pressing. When I started to really focus on OVERHEAD PRESSING, and improving my pullup strength, my shoulder pain improved like it never had before. Overhead pressing is not the culprit in every shoulder situation. Particularly STANDING PRESSES... they allow the scapula to move in it's most natural position.

    Any pressing movement I do (machine, barbell, dumb bell) I retract the shit out of my scapula.

    BALANCE IS KEY. Do more pulling then pressing... EVERYONE should. "

    What he is saying in theory makes sense. At the end of the day, if it hurts don't do it.

  10. #10
    Phased is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by aimology
    I have a serious shoulder impingement and had 2 options.
    1 surgery
    1 year off lifting

    ran test E ( only ) for 12 weeks @ 500mg per week. went from lifting 185 sets of 12 on flat in pain. back up to my 350 range. Shoulder still bums when sleeping and rolling out it etc etc, but the pain from lifting is NOTHING like it use to be. I don't care what anyone says, it helped me. I was in pain for 3/4 months prior to running the cycle. Something like driving would irritate the shit out of it or putting on a shirt. Nothing like that anymore, now its just a little bum here and there when I sleep and roll on it. Even lifting while off for the past 2 months, pain has not really came back while lifting. Its "barely" there at most and I still lift in the 300s ( just using that exercise as an example. )

    also, while on cycle ( not any more ) I always did rotators-cuff movements with 5lbs on the cable machines to warm up. inner and outter head and used 5lb front delt raises. 2 sets x 12/15 reps each movement.
    Kelkel is a Great adviser.

    To be honest there is easy fix for what you have. I wish there was, I don't want you to spend thousands on additional hormone therapy for a shoulder injury which more than likely will not effect the outcome.

    Sometimes in life we have to make a choice which is more important, pushing 350 on the bench and having huge shoulders or putting your health/body first.

    There are plenty of ways to stay in shape without lifting weights but if you think lifting helps then no one is going to try and talk you out of it.

    You had the surgeon's try and fix it once and your still in pain. Only you can decide what the right thing for you is.

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