Hows everybody doin!? New to the site.. Came hopin I could find some legitimate advice from knowledgable people. I am thinkin it's about time to run a cycle. Here's some data for you.
I'm 25.
I ran var pills about 4 years ago. Don't remember specifics but low dose- didn't do a damn thing. I was young and ignorant- plain and simple.
About 2 years ago I ran sust270 I believe 2ml a week one on Monday one on thur. (I think) again I had no clue what I was doing. Listened to a friend. I got some serious strength gains. Maybe more of a mental thing maybe?
I've been lifting for 5 years. Serious with good diet for. 2-3
5'7" 170lbs 10% bf
I competed in the nabba Great Lakes open last year and the NPC midstates muscle classic and placed top 3 in both shows. I never plan on competing again. 3% bf = shit
I am a certified personal trainer, corrective exercise specialist and senior fall prevention coach at a nationally recognized hospital.
I want to gain some solid muscle with minimal Fat and as little sides as possible. Wishful thinking, huh? I'm looking to be 185 around the same bf%.. No specific time just sooner than later I guess.
Thoughts? And thanks in advance!