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Thread: Cutting "cycle"

  1. #1
    Lecent83 is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2009

    Cutting "cycle"

    29yrs old
    on and off training since high school football and U.S. Marine Corps.
    2 cycles under my belt (test 500mg/wk 8weeks & 12 weeks)
    20% or so in body fat.
    Just came off cycle last Inj Sept. 17th

    I'm planning on going back with a

    test P/Masteron P/Tren A, 75mg(each)/EOD [comes pre-mixed in the bottle]
    4IU GH ED (split inj)
    GW501516 & AICAR at 10mg/ED (split doses)

    Goal: cut this fat off and see my abs for the first time since I was 17 and graduating boot camp.

    any comments, concerns or questions... I plan to begin the GH, GW and AICAR on November 1st

    below is a current picture of me from 12 October 2012
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Cutting "cycle"-img_1069.jpg  

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Welcome fellow Devil Dog.

    As a Marine you should be able to take this advise, improvise, adapt and overcome right???

    Your cycles have not been successful from the appearence in the pic you posted. I am not sure your as high as 20% but from the looks of things, diet and gym routine are off!

    You are not cut enough to waste time with Mast (nned to be under 12% to get the full effect) and honestly I thing you maybe a bit away from ready for Tren . It's not a diet...a diet is a diet.

    I propose we get your diet and routine on point then take FULL advantage of a solid Test cycle.

    Did you use an AI while on cycle? Are you currently using a PCT protocal or on TRT. You will need to wait an equal amount of time that you ran your cycle and used a PCT before you should cycle again anyhow so let's take advantage of the time by getting the above mentioned issues checked out!

  3. #3
    Lecent83 is offline Junior Member
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    one cycle was two years ago, the other just recently... i'm coming from 260 close to 30% bodyfat, (got fat after the corps.) i won't lie and say my diet is great but i am far from horrible.

    Im on a PCT 22 days. day 19 atm

    Clomid Nolva HCG

    I've never been one to put on muscle very easy, my whole life. so I think i'm doing well.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Cutting "cycle"-32201_1498877391862_6751337_n.jpg  
    Last edited by Lecent83; 10-14-2012 at 01:50 PM.

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Did you use an AI???

    Congrats on the loss...I know it's tuff. After I got out I eventually shot up to 280 at 6' 236 (still 6') lol.

    Can you stop over to the nutrition forum and post a full days diet with a macro breakdown before we look at other options.

    You need to be off cycle for 4 months to allow natty production to start again so let's work on getting the BF% down to the mid teens before looking into a cycle...Semper Fi brotha!

  5. #5
    Lecent83 is offline Junior Member
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    My natural production is horrible... 1 year out from cycle i was tested at having serum testosterone of 216... WAY below normal....

    my faith in natural production is non-existent..

    as far as diet..

    I'm currently traveling alot so my macros aren't being monitored for optimal results atm.. i am choosing chicken and broccli over rib eye and potatos... low carb when possible and eat when hungry with out gourging....

    i know i know i need to get a routine going but I just split from my fiance of 3 years and my job sent me out of town for work all during last cycle so i've fallen off the band wagon... enough excuses....

    moving on..

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lecent83 View Post
    My natural production is horrible... 1 year out from cycle i was tested at having serum testosterone of 216... WAY below normal....

    my faith in natural production is non-existent..

    as far as diet..

    I'm currently traveling alot so my macros aren't being monitored for optimal results atm.. i am choosing chicken and broccli over rib eye and potatos... low carb when possible and eat when hungry with out gourging....

    i know i know i need to get a routine going but I just split from my fiance of 3 years and my job sent me out of town for work all during last cycle so i've fallen off the band wagon... enough excuses....

    moving on..
    Well you either need to get bloodwork done and determine if TRT is needed or do the PCT and WAIT the time before attempting a cycle. Bloodwork would be best in both scenarios

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