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  1. #1
    ad88 is offline New Member
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    Best ANADROL dosage?

    I am aware of the consequences of oral AAS, though Anadrol is what I will be running with. I am a novice user, so I would like to know how I should pace myself. I am looking for mass gain (obviously), while trying not to promote abusive liver intoxication. I have come across the most common, 100mg per day, so 50mg morning/evening 4-6 week cycle. Or 200mg's, 100mg morning/evening 3 days on, 3 days off, on a 4-6 week cycle.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    Welcome to the board mate....

    200mgs or even 100mgs are really at the high end and for the more experienced imo......

    What will you be running with it??? And how many cycles have you run in the past???
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  3. #3
    ad88 is offline New Member
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    Well that's another thing... I have never done a cycle before. I will only be using anadrol , I know stacking with test is optimal, but I'm trying this out. I know the dosage seems to be high, though I figured I could follow in the steps of my buddy who did his first cycle, working with 100mg morning/evening, 3 days on/off, and didn't even work out before hand. He gained close to 30 lbs in 6 weeks. I on the other hand have been on and off working out, but I would say close to 5 years in the gym. I started at 150 lbs, and only using creatine and pre-workouts gained 35 lbs in less than 2 years. I lost a bit due to not having a steady schedule, so now i'm sitting at 175 lbs. With everything re-aligned, I figured I was ready to try something more hardcore.
    Last edited by ad88; 10-14-2012 at 04:58 PM.

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
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    Well those 30lbs your friend gained were all water no muscle, hows his labido??

    Oral cycles like this are normally a thing of the past before we gained a little more knowledge on the effects of aas.. Did you know for example that taking these steroids will cause your body to shut down its natural testosterone product, which in turn is about the most important thing needed when new muscle is being sort???

    Just out of interest how old are you???

    Have you or your friends given any thought to pct, (post cycle therapy )? This is what helps the body reboot itself into producing its regular hormone levels???
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  5. #5
    ad88 is offline New Member
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    I'm 24. Yes I know testosterone production shuts down while on AAS. Though I do believe even if not using a PCT, after time the body slowly but surely reboots itself (not something I intend to do). As for PCT, I believe consulting a medical expert would be the best way to go? I was told that they are equipped for such.

  6. #6
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Matt is correct on all points. 30lbs in 6 weeks, all muscle? Not a chance. Most of that is water weight, plain and simple. Anadrol is a serious compound. Doses at 100mg wkly or higher are certainly going to put significant stress and strain and your liver. You say you are aware of the consequences, but in my opinion, if you truly understood the hazards of anadrol, you wouldn't even consider an oral only cycle. In many cases, liver toxicity remains asymptomatic (meaning you WON'T see any syptoms) in the early stages. Once symptomatic patterns of liver damage begin to manifest, serious liver damage has begun to occur.

    Specific histo-pathological patterns of liver injury include:
    - cell necrosis (cell death)
    - cholestasis (impaired bile flow and destruction of bile ducts)
    - steatosis (accumulation of triglyceride particles - "fatty liver")
    - neoplasms (cancer)

    I would not recommend this cycle. First cycles should include testosterone only (C or E, preferably) at about 12-16 weeks, 500mg per week with a proper AI and PCT protocol.

  7. #7
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ad88 View Post
    I'm 24. Yes I know testosterone production shuts down while on AAS. Though I do believe even if not using a PCT, after time the body slowly but surely reboots itself (not something I intend to do). As for PCT, I believe consulting a medical expert would be the best way to go? I was told that they are equipped for such.
    Your a lucky guy if you can go to a medical expert for pct, my doctor tells me to p^ss off lol......

    Ok the problem i have with your proposed plan is that its very short term, have you given any thought to a test cycle?? A good 10/12 test e/c cycle with a good diet and training routine will for sure give a far better and lasting result, real muscle gains....
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  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
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    I would get your hands on some nova and clomid for your pct.I would also run a ai like [email protected] eod.While I dont endorse this cycle this will help make it a lil safer.

  9. #9
    ad88 is offline New Member
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    So what do I do? I already have the anadrol >< If I were to only take anadrol, what is your best recommendation? Say I didn't start off on the right path, but this is all educational. Yes I understand the stress it causes to the liver, that's why I wanted opinions on the best dosage. Maybe I not as well informed as I hoped I was... What is the best PCT for anadrol?

  10. #10
    cro's Avatar
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    anadrol alone is no good.but i love 50 mg daily for 4 weeks with 300+mg per week of test e /c.with ai/pct like song dog said.

  11. #11
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ad88 View Post
    So what do I do? I already have the anadrol >< If I were to only take anadrol, what is your best recommendation? Say I didn't start off on the right path, but this is all educational. Yes I understand the stress it causes to the liver, that's why I wanted opinions on the best dosage. Maybe I not as well informed as I hoped I was... What is the best PCT for anadrol?
    No one here is going to endorse this oral only cycle!!! I can tell you this within 1 to 2 weeks you will feel horrible on this cycle cause your testosterone production will be shut down. Yes you will have the andogens from the abombs in your system but your test will be low and you will have high esto sides. Its not a good idea at all. Save the anadrol ..... its good for a long time. Trust everyone on this we are just looking out for your better interest.

  12. #12
    ad88 is offline New Member
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    Yeah I do see that everyone says the same. I guess I should have come to this forum before, because everything I found on the net didn't promote needing to stack anadrol with something else, where it was more of an under statement that results would be preferable while stacking with test. While I thought I was ready to go, I guess I'm back at the starting point =(

  13. #13
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Send me the a bombs, ill put them to use for u

  14. #14
    ad88 is offline New Member
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    My bad, my buddy was stacking with test and trembolone. Now how does that sound?

  15. #15
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ad88 View Post
    I am aware of the consequences of oral AAS, though Anadrol is what I will be running with. I am a novice user, so I would like to know how I should pace myself. I am looking for mass gain (obviously), while trying not to promote abusive liver intoxication. I have come across the most common, 100mg per day, so 50mg morning/evening 4-6 week cycle. Or 200mg's, 100mg morning/evening 3 days on, 3 days off, on a 4-6 week cycle.
    We run it like this (ALWAYS with some additional testosterone ):
    wk1: 50mg daily
    wk2: 100mg daily
    wk3: 150mg daily
    wk4: 50mg daily

  16. #16
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ad88 View Post
    My bad, my buddy was stacking with test and trembolone. Now how does that sound?
    The test sounds good and is a must imo but for now stir clear of the tren ....

    I say this because of the potential of serious sides and the fact that fewer compounds now will leave more room for growth later.....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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