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  1. #1
    sooner45's Avatar
    sooner45 is offline Member
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    Why not Deca 300 on first cycle?!?

    I have heard Deca 300, or really any Deca is not good to take on a 1st cycle?? Is this true???? If so please elaborate(spelling?) Thanks Bro's!

  2. #2
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Who says this? Maybe some people may not like deca , so they they tell you not to take it. I think a deca/test cycle is great for beginners.

  3. #3
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    No Prob at all bro, fill in some of your stats for some suggestions on a cycle.

  4. #4
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    nothing wrong with using Deca as part of your first cycle...

  5. #5
    sooner45's Avatar
    sooner45 is offline Member
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    23 years old, 5'10" 195.....never used AS, worked out continuously for about 7-8 years, played high school and college f'ball, want to mass up, loose a lil in the stomach area........dont want to over due the AS though.want to be safe and careful as possible.....any suggestions??

  6. #6
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Wk1-11 500mg Test Enan
    Wk1-10 300mg Deca
    Wk1-4 75mg PropED
    Clomid starts 2 weeks after last test shot 300/100/50

    You could skip the prop, it's just to get ya a jumpstart before the others kick in. And if you use Cyp., don't extend it a week.

  7. #7
    dizzle's Avatar
    dizzle is offline Respected Member
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    Beautiful beginner cycle Pheedno.

  8. #8
    PHATCAT's Avatar
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  9. #9
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    I'm one that thinks a first cycle should be a test only. Then stack after that, the reason, so you'll know what your body reacts to. If you go test first and no sides, you know your body reacts to test well. If you do a deca and test cycle and you start showing signs of gyno, is it from the deca or the test, you wouldn't know if it from estrogen or progesterone.

    Go slow there is plenty of time to cycle. Get all you can out of the test cycle, then add a second drug, get all you can out of that cycle. Then add a third drug or start upping your doses.


    I think it's best to start one drug at a time to see how your body reacts.

  10. #10
    jagenz's Avatar
    jagenz is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by JohnnyB
    I'm one that thinks a first cycle should be a test only. Then stack after that, the reason, so you'll know what your body reacts to. If you go test first and no sides, you know your body reacts to test well. If you do a deca and test cycle and you start showing signs of gyno, is it from the deca or the test, you wouldn't know if it from estrogen or progesterone.

    Go slow there is plenty of time to cycle. Get all you can out of the test cycle, then add a second drug, get all you can out of that cycle. Then add a third drug or start upping your doses.


    I think it's best to start one drug at a time to see how your body reacts.

    Couldn't agree more johnyB good post.

  11. #11
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Originally posted by JohnnyB
    I'm one that thinks a first cycle should be a test only. Then stack after that, the reason, so you'll know what your body reacts to. If you go test first and no sides, you know your body reacts to test well. If you do a deca and test cycle and you start showing signs of gyno, is it from the deca or the test, you wouldn't know if it from estrogen or progesterone.

    Go slow there is plenty of time to cycle. Get all you can out of the test cycle, then add a second drug, get all you can out of that cycle. Then add a third drug or start upping your doses.


    I think it's best to start one drug at a time to see how your body reacts.
    While I see the logic and appreciate the idea, I have to disagree. As this previous cycle as an example. With Test at 500 and Deca at 300, your testosterone is not going to be supressed enough to lower the estrogen and thereby increasing the progesterone. It's a matter of ratios and with that stack, progesterone is a tiny concern.
    Now I get the idea of seeing how the body reacts and everyone should enter this decision as safely as possible, but with proper precaution I don't see any problem at all with stacking for a first. Mind you, I've had tri-weekly blood work on every cycle so concerns for me are lessened from the peace of mind my doc visits offer.(And everyone should have blood work done at least before and after) But I don't see a 2 stack combo being anymore of a concern than Test alone. That is, as long as you've done your research, know what sides have been consistant in many, and prepare yourself with proper ancilleries and supplements.

    A difference of opinion my bro JohnnyB. I think either way is a risk. We truly are the scientists and experiement in this game(I have a feeling I'm quoting somebody but I don't know who)

    To sooner45, I say evaluate your options, do all the research you can on any drug you might consider, get some blood work done, prepare your precautions, and then evaluate you options again. You'll find whats comfortable.

    I will say, don't do more gear to get more gains. Do what you think can be used in moderation to achieve optimal results.

  12. #12
    Jake Barnes's Avatar
    Jake Barnes is offline Junior Member
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    JohnnyB, I was interested in your suggestion to always start with test to check your reaction to it before moving into any stacks. Would you care to elaborate a bit more on that? For example, I'm guessing that you would also suggest keeping the cycle fairly short to start off with, with a low to medium dosage? This seems like a good scientific approach, i.e. only adding variables once you have determined how the existing variable acts. Thanks for your help.

  13. #13
    Mighty Max is offline Junior Member
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    I'm just curious, I will be doing a deca /test/winny cycle, and to minimize on shots per week could I inject both @ the same time sharing the same shringe??

  14. #14
    Epoc's Avatar
    Epoc is offline Junior Member
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    Yes, fill the pin up with both and then inject.

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