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Thread: Donating blood??

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Donating blood??

    So I'm on 500 mg of CYP a week. Simple question I think. Can I donate blood while on or should I wait till after pct? This was my first cycle. I try to donate a few times a year cuz I personally know a few people who survived major accidents because they had a transfusion. Thanx


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I donate every other month. It helps control RBC levels

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    And times your on TRT right? Do you blast and cruz? And then if this is the case on or off won't matter, correct?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    If you are doing it to save lives my understanding is when they screen it and your on cycle or pct it shows up and they won't use it.
    A month or more after pct should be fine. That being said I donate to help keep my levels down.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
    If you are doing it to save lives my understanding is when they screen it and your on cycle or pct it shows up and they won't use it.
    A month or more after pct should be fine. That being said I donate to help keep my levels down.
    So then when they screen it they just toss it? So it's more for your health then others? I'm cool with that, just kinda sucks that they waste it.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by papa-g View Post
    So then when they screen it they just toss it? So it's more for your health then others? I'm cool with that, just kinda sucks that they waste it.
    Thats my understanding.

  7. #7
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    You won't be able to donate if you answer the questions truthfully. Injecting drugs which are not prescribed to you will disqualify you. Testosterone prescribed from a physician is a different story. If you are injecting UGL steroids or anything else you will be contaminating the blood supply!

    Donating is supposed to be a good deed, not a selfish act to lower your hematocrit. Do not rely on the screening to be successful, I don't know where Cape read that they test for AAS but they test mainly for infectious diseases. Doing a full screen of everything would be a big waste of money for them and you aren't helping anybody by doing this. Certain drugs such as Propecia can cause birth defects.

    If you need to lower your hematocrit go to your doctor and get a script for a therapeutic phlebotomy.


    Please and thank you!

    If you still decide to donate please call the blood bank center it is stored at and say you caught the flu the next day or they usually have an automatic messaging where you just input date and donor number and they will discard the blood. Another thing, when they test your "iron" they are testing your hemoglobin so ask them for that value and your hematocrit is your hemoglobin x3. 50 is considered high, this is for your reference they won't tell you the hemoglobin unless you ask for it.
    Last edited by Sworder; 10-15-2012 at 01:58 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder
    You won't be able to donate if you answer the questions truthfully. Injecting drugs which are not prescribed to you will disqualify you. Testosterone prescribed from a physician is a different story. If you are injecting UGL steroids or anything else you will be contaminating the blood supply!

    Donating is supposed to be a good deed, not a selfish act to lower your hematocrit. Do not rely on the screening to be successful, I don't know where Cape read that they test for AAS but they test mainly for infectious diseases. Doing a full screen of everything would be a big waste of money for them and you aren't helping anybody by doing this. Certain drugs such as Propecia can cause birth defects.

    If you need to lower your hematocrit go to your doctor and get a script for a therapeutic phlebotomy.


    Please and thank you!

    If you still decide to donate please call the blood bank center it is stored at and say you caught the flu the next day or they usually have an automatic messaging where you just input date and donor number and they will discard the blood. Another thing, when they test your "iron" they are testing your hemoglobin so ask them for that value and your hematocrit is your hemoglobin x3. 50 is considered high, this is for your reference they won't tell you the hemoglobin unless you ask for it.
    Thanx for the reply. And my main reason for donating is to help others. As for the RBC count, I've never looked at it that way so I was surprised people would do that but I can see where some people's logic is so I don't judge.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by papa-g View Post
    Thanx for the reply. And my main reason for donating is to help others. As for the RBC count, I've never looked at it that way so I was surprised people would do that but I can see where some people's logic is so I don't judge.
    It is done in conjunction with long term aas use. Regular cycles it is not necessary

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    boston ma
    You are not suppose to if you use any kind of needle without legitimate reason. Also i would think gear would be in your blood stream just like any med you put in your body so would it still be ok to give blood?

  11. #11
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    Like I said. Everyone has their own reasons. Who am I to say right, wrong or other. I see the benefits of it but my question was mainly aimed at donating for the cause not for health. And I'll just wait for another 6 weeks and should be good

    In addition, I also never thought about the questioner. In my eyes AAS are not a drug but in terms of the law they are. So I'd probably just answer no and not even give it another thought. Simply because of my view. I had a drug screen the other day at work and never even thought about loosing my job cuz I was like, I don't take drugs, then I got home that night and took my shot and laughed cyz I was like oooppps. I do take drugs I guess. But the test was looking for narcotics with a standard 8 panel test so no worries any way.

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