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  1. #1
    Matt1991 is offline New Member
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    Buying off this website

    Hi. Not sure if this has come up but I was trying to find information on people who have actually used the supplements/steroids off this site and was wondering how they went.

    I also didn't really understand what they were selling on the site. Are these actual steroids or just supplements that mimic the effects of the steroids that they are named after. I wasn't sure whether it would be legal are less harmful for my body just to order these steroid -like supplements, or just source out the steroids I wanted here in Sydney.

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    They are supplements Matt. I have never used them but I hear other people have, and with a solid diet you can do well for your first time.

  3. #3
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    MickyKnox's avatar is from after a cycle of those pills

    It's supplements that don't have anything to do with the steroid . Buy some protein powder or a good steak instead.

  4. #4
    Matt1991 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the advice. I'm more interested in the cutting and fat burning supplements, as I don't want to gain much more muscle, however I will eat a good steak and protein powder too. I might try to source out a solid fat burning steroid locally and work on diet too.

  5. #5
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Sorry to tell you but cutting is all diet and cardio brother. Don't waste your money on OTC fat burning supplements. Check out the nutrition section and get help with a good diet, that's where you want to be looking. Not in the supplement sections!

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Matt, you may find that some of the supplements offered on this site may help with your current goals. Explore them in more detail and then determine if they meet any of your needs.


  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I you've never use AAS, it's a perfect place to start. They are alternatives and they work. Coupled with a good diet will yield great results.

  8. #8
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    I you've never use AAS, it's a perfect place to start. They are alternatives and they work. Coupled with a good diet will yield great results.
    ^^^This is good. I have my young cousin on this stuff. He was insisting on going the AAS route, but I talked him into this for a beginner. Along with a few compounds from AR-R , and you can have great success. I would look into ARs L-Taurine, Glutamine and NO. They are a great price there and are as good as I have ever used. Their NO really increases blood flow during workouts and motivate me alot more when those pumps get going. Good Luck!

  9. #9
    Matt1991 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    Sorry to tell you but cutting is all diet and cardio brother. Don't waste your money on OTC fat burning supplements. Check out the nutrition section and get help with a good diet, that's where you want to be looking. Not in the supplement sections!
    I don’t agree, and think the right steroid would be worth trying. Obviously nutrition, lifestyle and exercise would play a major factor in losing weight, but I think supplement and steroid use would tweak results, and get to a higher level.

    I have plateaued around the same weight and body fat for all of this year. I don’t think that fitness models, athletes etc would bother using steroids like Anavar , Winny, Clen , Tren etc if they didn’t achieve any results. I want to get these results for aesthetic and athletic reasons, and would be happy with improvement in either category. I'm not sure if these would just give a more harden image of the muscle mass, or if I would gain anything strength and/or athleticism. I would be happy with either, but I would prefer not to put on much more mass.

    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Matt, you may find that some of the supplements offered on this site may help with your current goals. Explore them in more detail and then determine if they meet any of your needs.

    Thanks. I will definitely look into them and see if they are worthwhile. I don’t want to waste money on supplement pills with little effects. I am thinking if maybe trying them or something similar and waiting a year or a few years before getting into anything too serious as I didn’t want to do any damage to my body too early in life or stunt any possible further growth.

  10. #10
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Hey Matt at 21 we are not going to advise you to the use of actual AAS. But as the other experienced members have stated with proper nutrition and supplements you will reach your goals without steroid use ...

  11. #11
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt1991 View Post
    I don’t agree, and think the right steroid would be worth trying. Obviously nutrition, lifestyle and exercise would play a major factor in losing weight, but I think supplement and steroid use would tweak results, and get to a higher level.

    I have plateaued around the same weight and body fat for all of this year. I don’t think that fitness models, athletes etc would bother using steroids like Anavar , Winny, Clen , Tren etc if they didn’t achieve any results. I want to get these results for aesthetic and athletic reasons, and would be happy with improvement in either category. I'm not sure if these would just give a more harden image of the muscle mass, or if I would gain anything strength and/or athleticism. I would be happy with either, but I would prefer not to put on much more mass.

    Thanks. I will definitely look into them and see if they are worthwhile. I don’t want to waste money on supplement pills with little effects. I am thinking if maybe trying them or something similar and waiting a year or a few years before getting into anything too serious as I didn’t want to do any damage to my body too early in life or stunt any possible further growth.
    You're right, of course steroids make the dieting results better than they would be otherwise. I'm not sure why some or so dead set on implying otherwise. You take two genetically identical guys (two clones) and put them on the same identical plan and you give one steroids he's going to have better results. Of course diet is can't lose fat if you're not in a calorie deficit, this is common sense. If you're using steroids and you're consuming more calories than you burn you won't lose fat....again, common sense. But yes, they do help and make a big difference.

    The legal supplements you asked about....those products are pretty decent. They're alternatives like everyone has said but they're designed with natural ingredients with the intent of mimicking steroidal action as closely as possible. Will it be identical? No, but you can make some good progress. People wouldn't continually buy the products if they didn't do something.

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