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Thread: Acne and Roids

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Acne and Roids

    I had to stop my cycle four weeks ago because my back and face was breaking up really bad, even though i already stopped the cycle a few weeks ago i still have a lot of acne its going away very slowly. Any recommendation of something i can use. Also i was wondering how the pro bodybuilders don't break up and have their skin like babies.

    Thank you guys in advance any help is appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Take a look at Accutane.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    ^^^agreed! at a small doese of 10-20 mg while on cycle seems to keep acne at bay. there is a really good web site out of the uk...but its expensive google "roaccutane"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    did you use an AI on cycle?

  5. #5
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    did you use an AI on cycle?
    My question as well. My acne flairs if my E2 increases. Stopping your cycle won't result in a quick drop of E2, so you acne will persist.

  6. #6
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    My question as well. My acne flairs if my E2 increases. Stopping your cycle won't result in a quick drop of E2, so you acne will persist.
    ..or get worse. bw asap to determine your e2 levels, amongst others.

    did you run any kind of pct in the last 4 wks? I don't recall you saying you did.

  7. #7
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    20mg of accutane everyday will stop all acne. But its powerful stuff.....the side effects are not all that friendly.

  8. #8
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    Business as usual yeah?
    I tried everything including dishwasher detergent and washing my sheets every day. I finally gave in and used accutane. Sides are harsh but in my case it was necessary. You should know what you are getting into though it can cause krohns desease and a bunch of nasty crap. Thats why you see ads for law firms asking if you want to sue from taking it on tv.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    I tried everything including dishwasher detergent and washing my sheets every day. I finally gave in and used accutane. Sides are harsh but in my case it was necessary. You should know what you are getting into though it can cause krohns desease and a bunch of nasty crap. Thats why you see ads for law firms asking if you want to sue from taking it on tv.
    I use dishwashing detergent 3X weekly and Salic<? acid wash dail amongst my normal antibacterial body wash. It does nothing at all. I even leave the dishwashing detergent on without washing it off. Accutane would probably be the absolutebest bet, but do you feel that it is worth it? There has to be something else that BBs use.

  10. #10
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    I've said this a few times and I don't think anyone has tried it : sudacreme for babies. It's used for nappy rash but works brilliant for acne. My gf got me to try it she uses it as a cosmetic great stuff for treatment not prevention though

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Never EVER thought of using sudacreme! That's a great idea.

  12. #12
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    post proelia praemia
    Quote Originally Posted by senorrebo
    Never EVER thought of using sudacreme! That's a great idea.
    OP as already suggested, your a.i. is the first place and can make a huge diference

    sudacream hmmmn try it if you want but i cannot see how it would help to be honest

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    what about some antibiotics for acne like doxycycline i know there is a bunch more too i have bad acne on back i think im going to go this route before trying accutane

  14. #14
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    Aug 2012
    Benzoyl peroxide, Retin-a, and salicylic acid did wonders for my skin...

  15. #15
    I just said this in another thread... I tried 'em all, accutane was the only one that worked miracles but the sides are worse than anything I've ever done. Lately I've been on an all natural craze because I'm not a fan of pharmaceuticals (except for the good ones of course) and now use freshly squeezed lemon juice spread on every night and wash off in the morning. It's cheap and works better than anything I've used. Reduces scarring and evens skin tone as well. Try it.

  16. #16
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    I ran a full 16 week cycle on about 600 - 700 of test per week no AI had everything on hand (Bro Science a lot of guys would say you not running enough to need a AI), never had a break out, one here and there but nothing bad. Started my PCT and I got a back full of acne, and some on my chest. It was awful.. Went to my dermatologist and he gave me some antibiotics and creams, that did nothing. Tried every suggestion, with soaps, creams, EVERYTHING. Finished my PCT and 20 weeks off. Acne still there, not as bad but far from good, still would not take my shirt off in public, beyond depressing. Started Dr shopping to get accutane cause I couldn't deal with it anymore, I had to cancelled a vacation and was like why did I stop, I was fine until I stopped..

    Started a new cycle cause WTF if I am going to have acne might was well be big too. Went to go get my blood work done and estrogen was way up there... forgot the number but it was high. Started running a AI and in about a week I noticed that my skin was finally drying out (have really hard water) on my back and shoulders, something that hadn't happened in a long time. After a little bit most of the oily skin is gone and so was the acne.

    As suggested above Get your blood work done and run a AI
    Last edited by RASIL; 10-17-2012 at 12:14 PM.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by fidelperdomo View Post
    I had to stop my cycle four weeks ago because my back and face was breaking up really bad, even though i already stopped the cycle a few weeks ago i still have a lot of acne its going away very slowly. Any recommendation of something i can use. Also i was wondering how the pro bodybuilders don't break up and have their skin like babies.

    Thank you guys in advance any help is appreciated
    Guarantee it's because your estrogen is way too high...Guys will get it bad to after a cycle that don't do PCT correctly..Because if estrogen isn't controlled acne and blow up if your the type of person to get it...

    Use an AI on cycle to control estrogen and do a good PCT and you'll most likely see it not be that bad

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    This is an interesting write up from TOKidd on how to combat acne once you get it..

    As a preface to this little article, I'd like to establish my credentials as something of an expert in acne treatment, having used just abut every prescription and OTC remedy available. When I was 18, I developed a nasty case of acne that did not respond to conventional treatments and had to go on Accutane eventually. Ultimately, I needed 2 courses of Accutane to obtain long-term relief, and I had little to no scarring.
    As I started my first cycle of test and dbol last year, I began to break out again pretty badly, so I tried Pro-activ, and it did not work very well. I saw my dermatologist, and she prescribed me a new topical medication called Tactuo (Epiduo in the US), which is a combination of Benzoyl Peroxide and a retinoid called Adapalene. The medication worked quite well, but not nearly as well as Accutane. However, I consider Accutane a med of last resort, and advise that people only use it under the supervision of a dermatologist.
    Anyhow, my cycle was cut short, and the acne eventually started to disappear after PCT .

    This time around, I prepared myself much better for acne before I started my cycle, and have managed to find a very effective regimen that should be effective for 90% of AAS users. Most of this information comes from a book called The Acne Cure by a dermatologist whose name I cannot remember. Having tried so many different approaches to acne over the years, including tetracycline, minocycline, benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin topical cream, Salicylic Acid, Proactiv, and many other treatments, this regimen has finally cleared my skin entirely of acne, and is flexible enough that it can be adjusted for the severity of the situation. The regimen consists of three parts, two of which do not change. It is the final step where some changes can be made. So here we go:

    Step one: 2% Salicylic Acid face wash. Neutrogena Oil-Free Face Wash is the best product I could find because it contains no sulphates, parabens, or other irritants. If you can't find it, any 2% Salicylic Acid face wash should be sufficient. Wet your hands and face with warm water, apply a small amount of face wash, work into a lather, then work it into your skin thoroughly. Leave the soap on your face for about two minutes before rinsing off. Do this twice a day - once in the morning, and then in the evening, as the first step of the three-step process.

    Step two: 8-10% glycolic acid toner. Neo-Strata Step One Toner is a great product with an 8% glycolic acid content. This step is especially important because it will dissolve plugs that lead directly to pimples. In the evening, after washing your face with the Salicylic Acid face wash, dry your face comletely and apply the toner. It will burn a bit, and might take some getting used to. Allow it 10 minutes or so to do its thing, and them proceed to step three.

    Step three: the reason step 3 can have some variation is because, based on the severity of the acne, different products can be used. For mild to moderate cases a simple high-quality 5% Benzoyl peroxide acne cream will suffice, while more serious cases should be treated with a stronger topical cream like Tactuo (Epiduo), or any other topical medication with Benzoyl Peroxide. Consult a dermatologist to find the best topical medication for your needs. Other than your choice of medication, step three is fairly simple. After allowing the glycolic acid to do its work, get an ice cube or two, a paper towel, and your topical med of choice. Now rub the ice on your face until the skin is cold but not frozen - this is apparently a dermatologist trick that helps the skin absorb topical medication. When your skin is sufficiently chilled, quickly dry with a paper towel, and then apply the medication all over your face.

    To avoid any confusion, remembers that only step 1 is repeated twice daily. The other two steps are done in the evening before bed.

    That's the regimen, and after 14 years of dealing with acne, it is by far the most effective I have encountered other than Accutane.

    In addition to this regimen, you can possibly take an antibacterial antibiotic like minocin in addition to topical stuff in more severe cases. The point is, this can be customized depending on the severity of your problem, using a high-quality OTC BP topical cream if your acne is fairly mild, or using a prescription strength medication that includes clindamycin or Adapalene if your situation is more severe.

    Also, even though I have described using this procedure on your face, your back and shoulders will benefit equally, though you may need a partner to apply the various compounds. Use ths daily for the month leading up to your cycle, and all through your cycle, and you will find acne to be much less of a problem.

    Hope this is helpful.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by fidelperdomo View Post
    I had to stop my cycle four weeks ago because my back and face was breaking up really bad, even though i already stopped the cycle a few weeks ago i still have a lot of acne its going away very slowly. Any recommendation of something i can use. Also i was wondering how the pro bodybuilders don't break up and have their skin like babies.

    Thank you guys in advance any help is appreciated
    genetics and some times people bodies adapt.
    i was really bad when started, im still full of scars.
    with 2-3oz apple cider vinager ed and using organic soap (dr.bronners) AND using an AI on cycle.... I havent had issue any more.
    just the odd one here and there.

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