Sword I'm driving help him please.
Sword I'm driving help him please.
Good god, what a mess.
This poor young man need assistance and he is getting is convoluted answers and confusing information.
Boxer, if youre still confused PM me and i'll write out exactly what you need.
Good luck..
Man upOriginally Posted by frank13
Would hgh be safe to run at the moment...have 100iu's of kig and plan to get another 400iu's
Ye your right there ill just save it. How long till the bloat is reduced and gyno starts to clear up...just added arimidex
Wow... Did u take deca or tren??! Your lactating bro... U need to lower prolactin levels plain an simple. Has anyone even asked what he took in cycle?? He needs prami, nolv or relox, and hcg. And he NEEDS BLOODWORK to confirm what's up. Start with your nolv and get prami and hcg, and work on getting blood work man, best advise u can get man.
Would hcg speed up recovery or worsen the gyno and estrogen??
Okay so this is what my pct looks like now - clomid 100/100/50/50 nolva 40/40//20/20/20/20 arimidex 0.5mg eod untill estrogen related sides dissapear. I am currently on day 10 of this pct and will swap the nolva for the other one when it arrives. Is this right?
Stay on this, no reason to change. Just when blood plasama levels are increasing, your going to swap it, no logic.
Can you get BW done? All these are nonse assumptions you have high estrogen. Endogenous Testosterone is low, which means in most cases estrogen follows suit. Your not severy overweight either.
Im in the uk so my gp will not do blood work. I could go private but wont be able to get it done till the end of next week
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