Hello there. Been experiencing some rather disturbing issues with my Testo Cycle recently.
I am a natural bodybuilder and this is indeed my first cycle. I am 116 kilos and around at 10-14% bodyfat 1.91cm tall.
Considering I am already big my first cycle is 750 Testo Cypionate split into two doses monday/thursday.
First weeks has been great. Experiencing some major strenght gains and I have gone from 116-128 kilos in 7 weeks. Planned cycle is 12 weeks.
I am also dirty bulkng so alot of that is fat.
I eat every 2nd hour, I also take a shit every 2nd hour throughout the day.
So the issue here I am starting to have troubles breathing. And its getting bad, real bad.
At first I just noticed that i was breathing heavly when I went to sleep.
I then needed to sit down after each set at the gym becouse i was completly out of breath.
For the first time in my life i strated to snore during nightime. I wake up several times a night to my own snoring and gasping for air.
When I woke up today I felt like complete shit.
I could not take a deep breath anymore. When I did i was this close to fainting. Tried several times just to take a deep breath and i am close to fainting and i get reeeal dizzy.
Feels like there is something blocking my airways and it requires effort to breath. At times i stopped breathing automaticly and all of a sudden i was gasping for air. Not dramaticly gasping for air but suddenly realising i was not breathing anymore.
It feels rather serious and i feel like I am a 80 year old man taking his last breaths
I have a scheduled shot later today.
First of should I stop, what is this side effect?
Is this just stress on the body for putting on 12 kilos in 7 weeks time and it cannot handle it? It seems to much to put on this kind of weight in a few weeks.
If I continue I should lower the dosage?
I should probably go to the Doc? Right now? Or is all this just due to putting on so much weight in such a short time