Hey guys, is it ok for me to run test prop only cycle? How should the cycle be and what will it do physically? Will it ripped u as well?
Hey guys, is it ok for me to run test prop only cycle? How should the cycle be and what will it do physically? Will it ripped u as well?
Short answer: Prop only is fine. More than fine, it is great if you can handle injecting every other day (or daily). Getting ripped will come more from diet, but testosterone helps.
Regarding setting up a cycle, do a little research on beginner cycles. I recommend reading the stickies (at the top of the list, marked "Important") so you understand the basics before you jump into the deep end of the pool.
Thank u buddy... Appreciate it...Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas
Start here if you’re under 24:
First Cycle Protocol
Test E or C for 12 weeks at 500mg per week. The 500mg is split between 2 shots that are 3.5 days apart, so Monday morning and Thursday evening for example.
Please see this thread by jimmyinkedup for further explanation: http://forums.steroid.com/showpost.p...59&postcount=5
You want to run and AI from day 1 of your cycle to control estrogen levels. You can use Arimidex or Aromasin to do so.
Please see this thread by Swifto for more info:
Proper PCT is needed to return your natural testosterone levels back to normal. This will involve the use of Clomid, which is up for debate with Atomini, Nolvadex, and Torem depending on which you decide on.
A recent post by Swifto explaining all your PCT option:
For more information regarding PCT start times:
For more information regarding proper PCT:
HCG can be incorporated into your cycle and how to do so is debatable also. Most vets recommend 250 IU every 3.5 days starting in the second week up until the start of your PCT.
For more info please read Swifto’s HCG thread:
Now that you have done some research, come up with a cycle and the forum will be happy to critique it for you and provide and adjustments needed.
Will do... Thank u... Btw, I'mOriginally Posted by BlueWaffle21
33.... I have nolvadex in hand now n thinking of cycling test prop...
So you've said. But i recommend test e. you might grow tired of the frequent injects.
Test P was my first cycle, and it went good. I can tell you this, it is not good for a first cycle due to so much pinning. To each his own. Ill run Test C from now on. Ok, maybe I will do a P again, but C or E is so much easier.
Thanks man... Was thinking e same way too..Originally Posted by stpete
Thanks man... I'll give that a thought...Originally Posted by warmouth
Haha... Yeah... I might get tired of pinning it daily...Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas
I always recommend test e as it's a solid cycle w/great results. Prop for the person wanting the quicker gains and no issue w/pinning.
Dats good to know buddy.... Thanks...Originally Posted by stpete
This.... I'm splitting my shots up as well so 2x a day (due to volume).... Not fun at all....
Prop is going to be painfull too.... U can deal with it for a bit but trust me it really starts to get to u after a while...... 6 weeks of daily shots, PIP all over ur body.... This is not the best for a first cycle...
Go with test e or c
Yeah buddy.... I'm thinking of test e.... Thanks for e info...Originally Posted by baseline_9
Hey buddy, do u think u can share with me e cycle for test prop n test e? My pct will be nolvadex.... Appreciate it buddy...Originally Posted by hady
A good test prop cycle would be 1.5ml eod that's 525mg of test Orr week (average over 2 weeks)
For me I don't mind pinning eod I actually look forward to it but I'm a bit weird lol
Test e or c (assuming its 250mg per 1ml) is 2 x shots a week Monday and Thursday that's 500mg a week
That ok buddy?
Test prop is the better choice IMO if you dont mind pinning like the boys stated. Im months into EOD pins now and still look forward to the next one. Its as natural and easy as brushing my teeth.
Dats very helpful buddy.... So for test prop, it's everyday rite? When do I start nolvadex?Originally Posted by bigsiv
Thanks buddy.... Appreciate it... I'm thinking about it....Originally Posted by capetown
Hii my first cycle ever was Test Prop 100mg eod 8weeks out, great results and gains!!
Everybody told me to go for Test Enanthate, but i decided to go for propionate!!!
They first 2-3 weeks was okay, but after that it was very painfull.
I would really recommend you to start with Enthanate, just my personal advice.....
I Also used 10mg Nolvadex ed throughout the cycle
Hey buddy, this is a stupid question but pls don't slam me for it... Wat is EOD? Pls don't mind me...Originally Posted by Lunk1
Every Other Day.
Thanks buddy...Originally Posted by stpete
How many mg of nolvadex should I run? 20mg daily?Originally Posted by stpete
hey mate, most guys will recommend running adex or stane to help keep estro levels in check as opposed to nolva, you can use nolva but your better off with one of the others i mentioned and run eod bump up dosage only if needed no need to go ed!!
Thanks mate... Appreciate ur advice...Originally Posted by btern
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