Bought B 12 to practice pinning AAS. + I wanted to use B 12 for the benefits, which so far has helped immensely.
Is there any actual difference between them? Since AAS is oil base, I'm assuming it would take a little more time to load the syringe and to inject as well, but what about the pain after the injection? I admit, I'm a little shaky during the pin, and not exactly confident, but I love doing it
One more question. I was told to use an 18 gauge needle to fill the syringe from the vial, but for the b12, it left a hole, and when I turn everything upside down, the b12 leaks from it.
So from now on, I should only be using a 23 gauge to draw? as that doesn't leave big enough holes to cause leakage.
I'm assuming those holes cause positive air pressure inside the vial, since they are big enough to leak. Because the first time I drew from the vial, the syringe basically filled itself with b12.
After the holes appearing from using the 18 gauge needle, I have to draw some, inject the air back in, draw some more, inject the air back in, etc. until I get dose.
That is all. Thanks.