Thread: First cycle need help
First cycle need help
Hi guys been doing gym for abou 2 years now and wanna get ripped so i got myself some winstrol 50 mg capsules
iv already started them just having one a day.
just want to know some tips and other things i should be taking with them to keep my liver healthy and skin healthy etc.
any help will be greatly apreciated
Age: 18
Weight: 70
Height: 175
BF% 17
10-20-2012, 05:07 AM #2
I really need to explain to you the dangers of using steroids at 18yrs old, please dont just ignore what I am about to say because its very important and could effect the rest of your life.
At your age your hormonal system hasn't fully stopped developing yet and by shutting your natural testosterone down by using steroids it can have some serious side effects, in many guys testosterone wont reach peak or even worse case symptoms of low test which can have awful sides such as low libido, erections problems, mood swings, fat gain, muscle loss and depression to name a small few.
You also need to build a solid base and from your stats you really need to concentrate on your diet and training otherwise steroids wont help you anyway because even if you did use them and ran the risks of the above your body wont hold onto the new muscle tissue anyway because your diet isn't sufficient to sustain the new tissue.
My advice to use diet and training to build a solid base for a few more years until your own natural testosterone has fully developed and matured.
Please read these threads they will help you understand
10-20-2012, 05:44 AM #3
At your BF% you will not see any of the real affects from winstrol . Not to mention that this still needs to be taken with a test base!!
Last edited by Lunk1; 10-20-2012 at 06:40 AM.
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