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Thread: new user winstrol issue fake/real doesnt feel right?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    new user winstrol issue fake/real doesnt feel right?

    OK so i'm new to this and tried to do as much research as i could first, probably not enough but i have a couple bottles of stuff from a friend who got it so on and so on, looks ok white milky in color and settles with a little clear on top, i started 6 days ago doing 1cc every other day and not sure about this yet, my first spot seems to have a build up under the area and is still sore to the touch, is this normal and is it ok to list the info on the bottle as that may help to know if its real or fake, if its fake i just dont want to keep injecting it into my body, that concerns me way more than the money, also like i said i'm brand new and common sense is telling me it shouldn't be sore six days later, and its not painfull just sensitive to the touch like a bruise i guess, any info is appreciatted

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    West Australia
    Is it hot, red, swollen,throbbing, you have to rule out infection.if its infected see the doc, long pip is common the first few times, if its Just saw that's all it could be.. If you are unsure don't Fk around pay the doc a visit and tell him you pinned b12, .are you running test with that winny?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    no just the winny, no infection just large nob under the area, and sensitive, im very clean with what i do, glove alcohol swabs and clean up of coures, i was more worried about it just being fake, 3rd pin this morning and not expecting to feel anything crazy yet but thanks for you answer, sounds more like the long pip im hoping lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    I would stop it immediately. It's pretty safe to say you jumped the gun here. Time for some research.

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