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I was on a mild cycle of Prop (only 225mg/week) and Primo (400mg/week) for 10 weeks before starting my current cycle which I would consider my heaviest one yet (my 7th cycle I think). I'm 10 days into it:
Sustanon - 1000mg/week
EQ - 500mg/week
nandrolone - 100mg/week
Anadrol - 50mg/day
letro - .25mg/day (that's all I had, otherwise I would normally do Adex)
During my light "bridge" I started get some erectile dysfunction, but I thought it would go away when I upped my test for this new cycle. It hasn't gotten any better, and possibly worse since I'm thinking about it all the time.
Will some simple simple over the counter stuff like Tribulus, Maca powder, HCGenerate, D-Aspartic Acid, or Forged Steel help me? Or do I need to come off of cycle and reset to get my with some real HCG, clomid, and Nolva? I'm concerned that maybe my HPTA has shut down, but I don't know much about it.