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Thread: Tren acetate and test cycle question

  1. #1

    Tren acetate and test cycle question

    I've been running test at 700mg (500mg enanthate, 200mg cypionate) weekly for about 7 or 8 weeks. I've also been running tren ace for the past three weeks at 100mg EOD. Using anastrozole at 1mg EOD. I have no sides, other than irritated a bit more than normal and some acne on my upper back. So I have a bunch of extra cypionate and I decided last night to up my test to 900mg (500mg enanthate and 400mg cypionate). I have a powerlifting competition early next month and will discontinue the tren after that, so I should only be using the tren for about 6 weeks. Shortly after that I will start to taper my test down to my "normal" dose of 200mg weekly (as I am on TRT).

    Should I have left well enough alone?? My last run I was using around 1300mg weekly and tolerated it well. So it's not like this kind of dosing is unfamiliar to me. But that was not with tren, this is my first time using tren. And to be honest, I expect more. I believe my stuff to be legit.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodyshins View Post
    Should I have left well enough alone?? My last run I was using around 1300mg weekly and tolerated it well. So it's not like this kind of dosing is unfamiliar to me. But that was not with tren, this is my first time using tren. And to be honest, I expect more. I believe my stuff to be legit.
    What do you mean?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Los Angeles, CA
    i would have left it. i would have run the tren with the comp instead of before the comp. r u using an AI? any tren sides? usually high estrogen will provoke higher tren sides. more test = more aromatizing to estrogen.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    What do you mean?
    I mean, should I have left my test at 700mg. I was reading that many people keep there test relatively low while using tren.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by measuretwicecutonce View Post
    i would have left it. i would have run the tren with the comp instead of before the comp. r u using an AI? any tren sides? usually high estrogen will provoke higher tren sides. more test = more aromatizing to estrogen.
    I'll still be on the tren during the comp. Using anastrozole at 1mg EOD, and my estrogen is definitely under control this time around. As far as tren sides, like I said, just a bit more aggravated than normal, need to kind of keep myself in check, and I have some mild acne on my upper back... Well I also have a bit of a sweating issue, lol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    Yes, you could have left it. Personally I like my test high. Too much aromatase can be annoying. Enjoy your first cycle with tren! Find what you like and go from there. Next time keep your TRT dose and go a little higher with the tren.

  7. #7
    Yea, I am worried about my estrogen for sure. I had an issue last time with my test/deca/anadrol cycle, I had to letrozole my estrogen away. I also have learned to be consistent with my injections and MG's. So to have raised my test this week and lower it back down next week could also effect my estrogen.

    Should I keep the test at 900 or go back to 700? I only hit 900 once this past week.

    Thanks for all the help.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    Yes sure, go back to 700. Like I said, it's a lot of personal preference. If the only reasoning to bumping the testosterone was that you had a lot left that might be considered unnecessary. Run at 700mg/week and let the tren hit!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles, CA
    yes more test... the +200 jump u made will = more estrogen from ur body aromatizing even with anastrozole .....the AI ionly cuts out a % of the body estrogen not put it to normal range. you can adjust once or twice in a cycle. just don't roller coaster your hormone levels. u can run the 900 if you want n see how you feel although you won't know for 2 weeks. if ur tren sides increase then go back down to 700. imo, 200mg is a mild difference so you may or may not feel or see a difference.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by measuretwicecutonce View Post
    yes more test... the +200 jump u made will = more estrogen from ur body aromatizing even with anastrozole .....the AI ionly cuts out a % of the body estrogen not put it to normal range. you can adjust once or twice in a cycle. just don't roller coaster your hormone levels. u can run the 900 if you want n see how you feel although you won't know for 2 weeks. if ur tren sides increase then go back down to 700. imo, 200mg is a mild difference so you may or may not feel or see a difference.
    I was thinking the same thing, I'm going to keep it at 900 and see what happens.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    Yes sure, go back to 700. Like I said, it's a lot of personal preference. If the only reasoning to bumping the testosterone was that you had a lot left that might be considered unnecessary. Run at 700mg/week and let the tren hit!
    And the reason for raising the test wasn't just because I had a bunch of cypionate, I might have worded that wrong. It was mainly because I was tolerating this cycle so well that I figured why not, I want as many gains as possible as we all do.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2012
    Why E and C? the half life of C being only hours longer than E...why not just one or the other???

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Why E and C? the half life of C being only hours longer than E...why not just one or the other???
    Because I get some cypionate from my DR, I needed more test and had access to good human grade enanthate.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodyshins View Post
    I've been running test at 700mg (500mg enanthate, 200mg cypionate) weekly for about 7 or 8 weeks. I've also been running tren ace for the past three weeks at 100mg EOD. Using anastrozole at 1mg EOD. I have no sides, other than irritated a bit more than normal and some acne on my upper back. So I have a bunch of extra cypionate and I decided last night to up my test to 900mg (500mg enanthate and 400mg cypionate). I have a powerlifting competition early next month and will discontinue the tren after that, so I should only be using the tren for about 6 weeks. Shortly after that I will start to taper my test down to my "normal" dose of 200mg weekly (as I am on TRT).

    Should I have left well enough alone?? My last run I was using around 1300mg weekly and tolerated it well. So it's not like this kind of dosing is unfamiliar to me. But that was not with tren, this is my first time using tren. And to be honest, I expect more. I believe my stuff to be legit.
    Have you ever considered halo going into comp? When is your comp?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Suspension and halo kicks ass

  16. #16
    My competition is Nov. 11th.
    Last edited by Bloodyshins; 10-21-2012 at 07:15 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    That's enough time. Are you against halo? It's the best if you want quick strength.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    That's enough time. Are you against halo? It's the best if you want quick strength.
    Haha, I'm very happy with my strength right now. I have only really heard of halo once, heard it was hard to get. I haven't ever researched it to determine if I am against it or not. I'm not against the occasional anadrol use... done anadrol 75mg ED for a month once!

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