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Thread: December cutting cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    December cutting cycle

    Ok pct is over and done and everything is ok. I gained 30lbs during my last cycle, but I was underweight when I began. Im 5'9 200lbs 43 I would like some specifics on what might be best for cutting only? Diet and Cardio are all in check. Been pushing these alot lately.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    The go-to cycle seems to be prop, var, mast. But your diet is key, as you already know.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    When are you wanting to "look you best' from the cut? ReasonI ask is that I am shooting for mid-April for beach season and am just going to do an 8 or 10 weeker starting mid-Feb. If everything is good to go health wise, Mickeys suggestion sounds like the bomb. I will run something very similar. Definitely, prop is my favorite Test, and Var is an amazing compound! Good Luck!
    Also, I would chime in on a cycle I have had luck with. Test P/Winstrol dosed at 100mgs and 50mgs EOD. I prefer winny to be ran at 50mgs daily, but due to the stress it puts on my liver, I opt for EOD protocol. This was the best cycle I ever ran and I dropped BF like no ones business. 50mgs of winstrol is plenty EOD, as is 100mgs of Test P for a cut.

  4. #4
    One of the best cutting cycle I ever ran was Test Prop 300mg/wk, Clen/T4/Keto for 6 weeks. Went from 18% bf to 9% bf, didn't lose any weight and felt just awesome.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    One of the best cutting cycle I ever ran was Test Prop 300mg/wk, Clen/T4/Keto for 6 weeks. Went from 18% bf to 9% bf, didn't lose any weight and felt just awesome.
    Nice! 6 weeks and those results, cant beat that! Test P is an amazing compound!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    there is a clen/t3 cycle in the cycle forums that can aid to your cut

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    hopefully you are giving yourself enough time off. Just finished PCT and looking to start up again in Dec....

    Sounds like a bad idea!!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Sorry I wasnt able to respond yesterday. Work has a way of making you unable to work on a thread. I have gone through PCT but maybe I do need to wait until Jan. Ive never tried Var or Mast with Test. My cycle was Test, HGH, EQ. Didnt notice much from the EQ, but the other two together made some good gains. I would like to be ready to go by april also so im thinking Jan would be fine. Sometimes I get a head of myself being 43 I seem to think I dont have much time to build what I would like.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    With Prop, star in feb to be ready in april and run it for 8-10 weeks max. YOu should be good to go, and it will give you more time off.

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