Any of you vets out there willing to share your experiences in regards to how you feel post cycle? I'm talking about various levels of depression, lethargy, lack of energy or just daily drive, etc. Let's assume some things up front such as; 1) you're the proper age to cycle. 2) you have no predispositions making you more susceptible or prone to depression. 3) You have taken all the necessary steps to help minimize sides such as, responsible choice of gear, use of AI and HCG while on cycle, full PCT, correct diet and years of experience in training and correct diet compilation and all the other "good stuff" that makes a cycle successful.
I'm looking for real life experiences and what a person can honestly and legitimately expect to feel and experience once a proper cycle is completed with all reasonable safe guards in place. Bear in mind, I realize we're all individuals and we'll all react in various ways. I'm talking about norms for MOST individuals...what the average "Joe" could reasonably expect to experience, as well as any personal experiences any of you may be will to share. Any takers? Thanks