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Thread: Tren cough?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Tren cough?

    Would it be legit to question urself that your tren is fake if u havnt got 1 cough in like 10 pins?

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by christian123 View Post
    Would it be legit to question urself that your tren is fake if u havnt got 1 cough in like 10 pins?
    No not really...

    U get a cough when the gear enters the blood stream quicker than you like and hits the lungs which it irritable.....

    Is can happen when u nick a vein on the way in and open it up...

  3. #3
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    How much are u pinning? And what are u pinning with it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    No not at all. I got it 1x out of 30?

  5. #5
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    I pin 1ml of tren E and 0.5 test e

    Alright hahahahthansk

  6. #6
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by christian123 View Post
    I pin 1ml of tren E and 0.5 test e

    Alright hahahahthansk
    I never got it once on a tren e test e cycle...

    I got it bad once from prop.....

    I have felt it a little with tren a/ test p too.... More than most actually but not a full on coughing fit.... Just when u breath deep u can feel it..

  7. #7
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    Tren cough is a myth, as baseline_9 states if you get any gear(mainly the alcohol that causes it) in your circulatory system it will trigger a cough. It's not specific to tren, I think because tren a is often pinned ED, the frequency it has happened is greater. Most people that mention tren cough have never gotten it. It's forum dogma!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder
    Tren cough is a myth, as baseline_9 states if you get any gear(mainly the alcohol that causes it) in your circulatory system it will trigger a cough. It's not specific to tren, I think because tren a is often pinned ED, the frequency it has happened is greater. Most people that mention tren cough have never gotten it. It's forum dogma!
    This is true, I also read that it is because tren is more potent that it will trigger cough or similar symptoms more likely than other aas.

  9. #9
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    Wicked answers thanks alot guys

  10. #10
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    This thread Jinxed me lol

    I just got a terrible bout of 'tren' cough while pinning chest which wasn't pleasant for obvious reasons....

    U feel it coming on..... If it gets tickley in the back of your throat and u feel a little short of breath it's an early sign

  11. #11
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    I've been pinning my fina brew for 5 days and no cough. I agree w sworder. Forum dogma!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9
    This thread Jinxed me lol

    I just got a terrible bout of 'tren' cough while pinning chest which wasn't pleasant for obvious reasons....

    U feel it coming on..... If it gets tickley in the back of your throat and u feel a little short of breath it's an early sign
    Cn it occur while u pin or will it occur right after u pin?
    Lmao sorry dude

  13. #13
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    Both...I have had fits while the pin jiggles around in my leg and I have gotten it shortly after pulling out

  14. #14
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    I got it the first time and then never agian.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    I never got it once on a tren e test e cycle...

    I got it bad once from prop.....

    I have felt it a little with tren a/ test p too.... More than most actually but not a full on coughing fit.... Just when u breath deep u can feel it..
    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    This thread Jinxed me lol

    I just got a terrible bout of 'tren' cough while pinning chest which wasn't pleasant for obvious reasons....

    U feel it coming on..... If it gets tickley in the back of your throat and u feel a little short of breath it's an early sign
    LOL it's always good to remember to Never say never.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by christian123 View Post
    Cn it occur while u pin or will it occur right after u pin?
    Lmao sorry dude
    I've only ever had it twice now.... Both times the it was while pinning... Which isn't so bad when it's glutes lol

    A bit different when u have it stuck in ur chest at the time

  17. #17
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    Non productive dry cough (in medspeak) can occur with any AAS since many of the ingredients used in AAS are not welcome in the bloodstream and the body reacts when they get to the lungs by coughing. That said Tren is by far the most disruptive of any AAS that I know of or have used. However even with Test administered by nurses a non productive dry cough is seen approx 1 per 100 injections.

  18. #18
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    I've never had it on Tren E. Also never had it with Test A or P or anything but Tren A, but boy I've had some wicked bouts of Tren cough on Tren A. Terrible feeling. If I'm in the middle of an injection and feel the mildest tickling or discomfort I immediately withdraw, replace the needle and start again. I'd rather pin my dork with an 18 gauge needle than hit a vein with the Tren A!!!!

  19. #19
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    I may be sick in the head...I got the most wicked tren cough to date yesterday morning....and I liked it.

  20. #20
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    I can't imagine you've had a true Tren cough then

  21. #21
    I did two Tren cycles and only got the cough a few times. I was expecting to get it every time but no. My lifting partner gets it more often.

  22. #22
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    I get it maybe 2 or 3 times a cycle and want to call in to work after. ****s me up for the whole day

  23. #23
    That's sounds bad

  24. #24
    Way more then 2 tren cycles no cough at all where r u injecting

  25. #25
    Wow a myth

  26. #26
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    On my first Tren cycle now pinning 60mg ED. Had it my very first time tonight... sort of. I felt the familiar pain of punching a vein. Injected and as soon as I was finishing I felt my throat tighten up. Pulled the pin out and one short little cough. Throat was tight for about 10 minutes but no cough fit or anything terrible. I practically went IV with that pin and it still wasn't bad. I'm almost a month in on ED pins and this is the first time it's happened.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheSauce View Post
    I can't imagine you've had a true Tren cough then
    LMAO, I'm familiar with what is and isn't my friend. on my knees crawling out the front door for fresh air, gasping for oxygen and coughing my brains out, while having my lungs on fire, burning.
    I thing that registers as tren cough buddy lol

  28. #28
    For me is the test C and it happens so regularly that im starting to get used to it. Im not going to lie, first time I thought I was going to die for an embolia or something and I swear I look at the floor with every cough cuz I fear to cough blood, I didn't know what a hell was going on. Nowadays it still very uncomfortable, but at least I know that I am going to survive. But that chemical taste in your mouth while you still have the pin nailed in your glute is the worse thing, cuz you know that a few seconds later your lungs are going to be on fire!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by andi8814 View Post
    for me is the test c and it happens so regularly that im starting to get used to it. Im not going to lie, first time i thought i was going to die for an embolia or something and i swear i look at the floor with every cough cuz i fear to cough blood, i didn't know what a hell was going on. Nowadays it still very uncomfortable, but at least i know that i am going to survive. But that chemical taste in your mouth while you still have the pin nailed in your glute is the worse thing, cuz you know that a few seconds later your lungs are going to be on fire!

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