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Thread: Is my HCG bad?

  1. #1

    Is my HCG bad?

    I started a sust 350 cycle on Sunday October 14th. My plan was to run 250iu of hcg 2x a week. I mixed 10000iu of hcg w/ 20ml of STERILE WATER on Sunday Oct 14th. I am now reading multiple places that hcg mixed with steril water is only good for a couple of days....this is not good because 1) I wanted to run it my entire 12 week cycle. And 2) it took two months to get here when I ordered it. Now I have no idea what to do since I was dead set on running hcg through the entire cycle

  2. #2
    HCG is not live protein like HGH. If you mix HGH in sterile water the protein won't survive too long because of the growth of bacteria. So it's better to use BW to control the growth of bacteria. I always use BW for HCG but I'm not sure if it's 100% necessary. HCG is distilled out of pregnant women's urine and not like it's a live protein. There's a pharma plant in the Shandong Province in China that makes/sells the raw materials for the production of HCG. They're supposed to collect the expectant mother's urine under lab conditions (what does that mean? clean cup?). Anyways, maybe someone has a more scientific answer to your question.
    Last edited by ScotchGuard02; 10-23-2012 at 02:37 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Erockizzle View Post
    I started a sust 350 cycle on Sunday October 14th. My plan was to run 250iu of hcg 2x a week. I mixed 10000iu of hcg w/ 20ml of STERILE WATER on Sunday Oct 14th. I am now reading multiple places that hcg mixed with steril water is only good for a couple of days....this is not good because 1) I wanted to run it my entire 12 week cycle. And 2) it took two months to get here when I ordered it. Now I have no idea what to do since I was dead set on running hcg through the entire cycle
    I only use bw to reconstitute mine because i find sterile water strings when injected. This is MY experience. Im not suggesting anyone else feels this way.
    Last edited by MickeyKnox; 10-23-2012 at 04:17 PM. Reason: new info to supoort bw. see post #5

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Central Florida
    I was just reading up on it the other day and the BW helps perserve the HCG thus letting it last up to 45 days, sterile water maybe 5 days. Not saying this is correct but that's what I got out of it!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueWaffle21 View Post
    I was just reading up on it the other day and the BW helps perserve the HCG thus letting it last up to 45 days, sterile water maybe 5 days. Not saying this is correct but that's what I got out of it!
    Just did i quick search on sterile water and it appear as though sterile water does NOT preserve as long as bw. I could not find anything from the manufacture, but ill keep digging. Interesting, thanks Blue.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I use the old 0.9% Sodium Chloride mix. Same one I use for HGH and IGF. Works just fine.

  7. #7
    Yeah the sterile water hcg mix burns like a mofo....not worried about the burn I just don't want to keep pinning with chance of getting an infection or with hcg which is no longer good . The hcg I purchased is made by BHARAT SERUMS AND VACCINES and was sent to me pre mixed. It has been in the refrigerator since I mixed it with the sterile water.

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