Looks like dulcolax (stool softners) just a different colour. Interesting to hear what they are officially..
I don't know if thats everything he sold you but a cycle will consist of considerably more.
It's either Vitamin E or A.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
You got ripped off
Fish oil capsules..lol!
Go back and kick your friend in the shin.
I hope you didn't pay much for that. You can buy 200 caps of fish oil at Walmart for $12.
Or flax seedOriginally Posted by MickeyKnox
i have seen krill oil tabs that look identical to that.
sorry bro, I don't think he is your real friend
I vote fish oil.....your friend? LOL
You just got ninjad
they look EXACTLY like my vitamin A soft pills.
Looks like my lecithin pills
Steroid suppositories. They are good to go. You'll love them!![]()
I love these forums. Go kick your friends ass tomorrow
He was joking I think lol I pray he was cause this is a hilarious post.
The only things that I have seen that look like gel caps like that are Andriol gel caps (oral Testosterone). That's the ONLY thing. And the color seems off on the pictures you posted (but then again lighting and camera angles, etc. can screw with colors).
im surprised no one askd the OP what kind of steroids he was trying to buy??? i mean what did u do dude just say: "hey "buddy" i wanna do some steroids. ill take whatever u can give me." ???
BTW they look like vitamin D3 ive taken..
OP what kind of steroid are you trying to buy???
i think youve been scammed mate
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