Looking to start my next cycle.

Age: 31
Weight: 186
Height: 5'9
Bf: 8%

3500 calories a day
300g or more protein a day (52g shake rest from food)

This is what I have on hand:

60 ml test enanthate 300mg/ml
40 ml equipoise 250mg/ml
Clomid 50mgx40ct
Nolvadex 10mg x 60ml
Letrozole 1mg x 60 ml
Arimidex .25mg x 60 ml

Planing on 12-14 week test e / eq at 300/250 every 4 days.

Last cycle had itchy nips but started Ai and stopped it. This cycle was wondering if anyone could help with which of my compounds I currently have would be best to run during my cycle to keep most bloat and any negative sides out of the picture?

Also thinking about front loading both test e and eq any comments on this? Anyone try it and how much quicker do they kick in?

Appreciate any feedback!