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Thread: Test E/EQ Cycle Advice

  1. #1

    Test E/EQ Cycle Advice

    I'm currently thinking of doing a Test E/EQ cycle and looking for opinions/suggestions regarding changes that could/should be made. I'm 6'2", 225 lbs, 28 yrs old, ~15% BF...I'm guessing. I've lifted since probably 15 yrs old or so and have previously done a few Test Prop & DBol cycles in the last couple years. My plan is as follows:
    WEEK------TEST E----------TEST PROP---------EQUIPOISE--------HCG-----------CLOMID-----------NOLVA
    1--------500mg/wk-------100mg EOD---------500mg/wk
    2--------500mg/wk-------100mg EOD---------500mg/wk
    3--------500mg/wk-------100mg EOD---------500mg/wk---------500IU/wk
    4--------500mg/wk-------100mg EOD---------500mg/wk---------500IU/wk
    13------------------------100mg EOD----------500mg/wk---------500IU/wk
    14------------------------100mg EOD----------500mg/wk---------500IU/wk

    I'll be pinning the Test E, EQ, & HCG twice a week on Mon & Thurs. What do you guys think about the frontloading w/ Test Prop as well as using it just after coming off of Test E while the Test E leaves the system? What about 500IU/wk HCG...enough or would it be better to take 1000IU/wk? Anyone think Adex needs to be taken while on cycle? PCT seem strong enough? Again, any input is appreciated.
    Last edited by smOOthOper8tor; 10-26-2012 at 02:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Drop the makes you hungry and raises your RBC...thats IT. Your cycle lay out hurts my eyes and my brain lol. Yhis would have been easier on both
    1-4 Test P 100mg EW
    1-12 Test E 500 mg EW
    1-16 HCG 500 IU/2X week

    you see the idea lol....anyhow...lose the EQ! I am sure at 15% you are not looking for a compound to assist you in being hungry no???

  3. #3
    Point taken on the layout! 15's a guess, but no, not looking to constantly be hungry or something like that.... Recommendation on another compound instead of the EQ then???
    Last edited by smOOthOper8tor; 10-26-2012 at 04:41 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Just asking, but shouldn't the hcg be dropped about 5 days before starting pct? At the very least not ran in conjunction with pct. Just wondering as this protocol above kinda goes against everything I've read here about proper hcg usage.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Drop Hcg 3 days prior to Pct. Most guys go with 250 iu's twice a week for the Hcg, if you start to experience testicular atropy then adjust. L-dex is typically used at .25 mgs eod and adjusted accordingly, very good idea to get yourself some.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Drop Hcg 3 days prior to Pct. Most guys go with 250 iu's twice a week for the Hcg, if you start to experience testicular atropy then adjust. L-dex is typically used at .25 mgs eod and adjusted accordingly, very good idea to get yourself some.
    Yep. That may be what he's planning. Didn't stipulate in schedule, just 500iu/wk which from a volume stand point is the same but blood/plasma levels would be much more stable with the 250iu/twice per week...which he may very well be planning on.

  7. #7
    Yes 250IU twice per week is what I was planning. Will stop the HCG before PCT per your advice. Thanks. Any other comments on the EQ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by smOOthOper8tor View Post
    Yes 250IU twice per week is what I was planning. Will stop the HCG before PCT per your advice. Thanks. Any other comments on the EQ?
    EQ has a love/hate relationship with people. I say try it and see how you respond. If it works, great. If not, you'll know not to include it ever again.

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