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Thread: ? on AI muscle gains and/or loss

  1. #1

    ? on AI muscle gains and/or loss

    Hey everyone,

    So I'm new here, just signed up, and I have a quick question for anyone who's kind enough to answer for me.

    I've been training for about 14 months now and about 7 months in I decided to try a natural test booster. Assuming they were safe I used it without any kind of AI or PCT, after the cycle my nipples got puffy (basically killed me inside to the point where I stopped training for a few months. I should also note that there are no lumps of any sort under my nipples). During that time I lost quite a bit of size, luckily I told myself to stop being a nancy and get back to it. I've been using nolva+aromasin to help with my nipples (it seems to be working, very slowly). I've been eating about 4,000 calories during a clean bulk to put on size as well, which also has been working. However since I started using the nolva with aromasin I felt like I've almost been shrinking. today was my leg day and my squats dropped 20lbs from last week (I was pretty discouraged today when training when I noticed this), I also look a bit smaller. While I have no intention to stop training again, I would like to know if my nolva+aromasin usage has the ability to induce muscle loss. I've read that using AI's and SERMs can hinder muscle gains, but I haven't read anything about actual muscle loss.


  2. #2
    (Not sure if this was the correct forum to post this question, if not I will gladly move the question to the correct one if someone tells me which would be more acceptable)

  3. #3
    Just thought of something. While I'm pretty positive that neither nolva/aromasin would induce muscle loss, I'm wondering if lower than normal testosterone could be the culprit. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

  4. #4
    Doesn't matter.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Well, your body functions with both testosterone and estrogen hand in hand. I suppose lower estrogen levels could potentially affect muscle growth. How much, all depends on your genetics, test levels, diet, workout, etc..

  6. #6
    Thanks for the reply. I've already looked into gains being hindered by AI/SERM usage, but what could be causing me to lose strength/size even with a good diet and training program. I've never had issues putting on size before, and now even with a ~500 calorie surplus I seem to be losing size. I'm pretty much bewildered at this point. I already have an appointment with an endo scheduled in two weeks, but was hoping someone on here would be able to give me some insight beforehand.

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