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Thread: HCG information - A quick guide

  1. #1
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    HCG information - A quick guide

    There have been a lot of replies lately on hCG use and the benefits so I wanted to do a quick write-up which I can link to instead of repeating the same things. As well as hopefully members reading this before asking questions. I put things in bold if you want to do a quick read. I may come back and edit/update.

    First issue seems to be that people do not want to do another injection on their first cycle. They are already doing two injections/week and to double that seems to be difficult. So I wanted to clarify!
    You can inject hCG with your testosterone in the same syringe! HCG injections can be done either IM or subQ. I would prefer doing my injections with a slin pin(subQ) for more accurate measurement but you can do them IM too!
    The best protocol for hCG is to run it 250IU twice a week from the first pin of your cycle all the way up until 3 days before PCT.
    HCG has a very short half life so it will clear quickly.

    Why do you want to run hCG?
    For recovery to take place in PCT you have three obstacles to overcome. The Hypothalamus, the pituitary and the testicles.
    1. The hypothalamus will give the "green light" once excessive hormones are cleared. This includes estrogen! A good reason to keep estrogen low in PCT to promote testosterone production.
    2.Then the pituitary will have to become responsive as it has atrophied or "fallen asleep" and once it is responsive it will produce LH/FSH.
    3. LH/FSH, LH being the signal that tells your testicles to produce testosterone. HCG acts like LH, so the benefit of running hCG is keeping the testicles responsive and "awake". So as soon as this third step is complete in PCT the testicles will start producing testosterone right away. If hCG is not administered during the cycle then it may take a while for the testicles to "wake up" the longer your cycle, the harder it is for the testicles to "wake up".

    Also a common misconception seems to be that some people are prone to testicular atrophy. For the typical cyclist you cannot tell the degree of shutdown just by looking at the volume of the gonads. If you are shutdown for 12 weeks your cells will have atrophied and recovery will be more difficult!
    Last edited by Sworder; 10-27-2012 at 02:04 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Great post. Much needed!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Yes, I believe it makes it easier with the bold. A lot of the times people are distraught from large posts. You would think that the bigger the post, the more valuable it is as it contains more information. Seems to work against its purpose sometimes, unfortunately.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Thank you very much sworder!

    Great information for me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    great info,thanks,clears up some of the questions and misconceptions i had

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Good post! Nice and simple

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    This should be a sticky!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Good job.......but you may have to do better to get your blue big guy.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Great write up man! Wasn't aware that hcg could be injected in the same syringe as your test! Good stuff to know but like you, I think I'll stick with sub-q for hcg! Thanks Sworder

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    Yes, I believe it makes it easier with the bold. A lot of the times people are distraught from large posts. You would think that the bigger the post, the more valuable it is as it contains more information. Seems to work against its purpose sometimes, unfortunately.
    Very helpful post. Thank you.

    I am just wondering. Firstly, I am mixing 5000 iu with 5ml of bac water. This is okay, right? And secondly if i'm putting 250 iu into a syringe thats labeled in ml's, how do i measure the 250 iu in ml's? Thanks.

  11. #11
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    5000iu in 5ml Bac water will yield approximately 1000iu/ml.

    So that would be 100iu/0.1ml

    0.25ml = 250iu hCG in your concentration.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    There have been a lot of replies lately on hCG use and the benefits so I wanted to do a quick write-up which I can link to instead of repeating the same things. As well as hopefully members reading this before asking questions. I put things in bold if you want to do a quick read. I may come back and edit/update.

    First issue seems to be that people do not want to do another injection on their first cycle. They are already doing two injections/week and to double that seems to be difficult. So I wanted to clarify!
    You can inject hCG with your testosterone in the same syringe! HCG injections can be done either IM or subQ. I would prefer doing my injections with a slin pin(subQ) for more accurate measurement but you can do them IM too!
    The best protocol for hCG is to run it 250IU twice a week from the first pin of your cycle all the way up until 3 days before PCT.
    HCG has a very short half life so it will clear quickly.

    Why do you want to run hCG?
    For recovery to take place in PCT you have three obstacles to overcome. The Hypothalamus, the pituitary and the testicles.
    1. The hypothalamus will give the "green light" once excessive hormones are cleared. This includes estrogen! A good reason to keep estrogen low in PCT to promote testosterone production.
    2.Then the pituitary will have to become responsive as it has atrophied or "fallen asleep" and once it is responsive it will produce LH/FSH.
    3. LH/FSH, LH being the signal that tells your testicles to produce testosterone. HCG acts like LH, so the benefit of running hCG is keeping the testicles responsive and "awake". So as soon as this third step is complete in PCT the testicles will start producing testosterone right away. If hCG is not administered during the cycle then it may take a while for the testicles to "wake up" the longer your cycle, the harder it is for the testicles to "wake up".

    Also a common misconception seems to be that some people are prone to testicular atrophy. For the typical cyclist you cannot tell the degree of shutdown just by looking at the volume of the gonads. If you are shutdown for 12 weeks your cells will have atrophied and recovery will be more difficult!
    i disagree with the red. Mixing oil and water based in the same syringe isnt a wise idea. It also increases the chance for a 'dirty' injection, increasing the infection chance.

  13. #13
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    i disagree with the red. Mixing oil and water based in the same syringe isnt a wise idea. It also increases the chance for a 'dirty' injection, increasing the infection chance.
    I guess Im just lucky for the past decade.

  14. #14
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    Please iterate a reason to why you would disagree. I would expect you to have enough pharmacological knowledge to understand that mixing a sterile aqueous solution and a sterile oil based solution won't produce "a dirty injection". I am eagerly awaiting your explanation to how these two will interact to create an infection.

    The only thing would be that if you don't shake the syringe it can create a forceful squirt while injecting. Shake for bubbles and pin!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    Please iterate a reason to why you would disagree. I would expect you to have enough pharmacological knowledge to understand that mixing a sterile aqueous solution and a sterile oil based solution won't produce "a dirty injection". I am eagerly awaiting your explanation to how these two will interact to create an infection.

    The only thing would be that if you don't shake the syringe it can create a forceful squirt while injecting. Shake for bubbles and pin!
    Just the fact that there is much more work to be done to ensure a sterile injection along with the increased chance of an abscess. It may be a sterile abscess but it can def act like a deep bruise and be a pain. So, change needles 3 times? IMO seems like a waste.

    Also, since most of the time u gotta mix the hcg personally; theres a greater chance that it becomes non-sterile. At least with gear, u can tyndalize it inside the vial after u get it to ensure sterility. HCG u cant do that.

    at least with subQ HCG, if there is sterility issues the body can act quicker and not to the same severe amount to an infection in the subQ. Intramuscular depot infections from an injection can turn out to be real nasty if its bad enough.

    IMO, if ur gonna do a cycle and inject; then using insulin pins in subQ shouldnt be a issue whatsoever; even to those who want to save themselves an injection...

    so, basically; not really founded on 'increased rates of infection' but more on the aspect of more has to be done to ensure a sterile injection...

  16. #16
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    Let me clarify: You are saying that there is a larger risk of infection because you are doing one injection rather than two? Or no, sorry, I think that you are saying that hCG isn't "as sterile" as oils. Also, nobody I know of subjects their gear to tyndalization. If you do, get another source as you are not trusting your current one.

    And no, there is no additional risk for a sterile abscess, you are talking nonsense. Do you even know of anybody that has gotten a sterile abscess? <- Rhetorical question as the answer is obviously no.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    Let me clarify: You are saying that there is a larger risk of infection because you are doing one injection rather than two? Or no, sorry, I think that you are saying that hCG isn't "as sterile" as oils. Also, nobody I know of subjects their gear to tyndalization. If you do, get another source as you are not trusting your current one.

    And no, there is no additional risk for a sterile abscess, you are talking nonsense. Do you even know of anybody that has gotten a sterile abscess? <- Rhetorical question as the answer is obviously no.

    Funny, as I looked up the definition of "abscess" in Webster Dictionary and the "sterile abscess" is a contradiction in terms, to be sure.

    I think what Lemonada8 is saying is that due to the fact that most people have to add bac water to the hcg, that the extra "handling and mixing" of the products increases the likelihood that a possible contamination issue could arise?? Lemonada8 if I'm misinterpreting what you are saying, please correct me.

    Personally, I would think that if you can't provide reasonably clean and safe environments and protocols to insure your products are clean or if these concerns aren't an issue for you, then you're gonna get what you have coming.

  18. #18
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    How would you mix a 5000iu vial of HCG with bac water? 1ml of bac water? 2ml? 5ml? Or does it not matter?

    I mix my 5000 IUs with 1 ml of bac water, so the HCG concentration is higher. I wonder if that may be a reason to the burning factor I get upon injecting it sub q, in stomach.

  19. #19
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    I usually do 2ml Bac water. That way 0.1ml is 250iu. You can reconstitute with 5ml bac water as well and switch it over to a sealed sterile vial if you would prefer that.

    It usually burns in the beginning, make sure you rotate injection sites SubQ as well.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    I usually do 2ml Bac water. That way 0.1ml is 250iu. You can reconstitute with 5ml bac water as well and switch it over to a sealed sterile vial if you would prefer that.

    It usually burns in the beginning, make sure you rotate injection sites SubQ as well.
    Thanks. I will try 2ml next time.

    As far as the burning, I have had it EVERY HCG pin my entire cycle. It stings like a bitch for the first 7 secs or so, then it goes away. It is annoying and I am wondering if it is due to the high concentration of HCG given that I mix with 1 ml bac water.

    I tried injecting it about 3 inches to the side of bellybutton instead of 1", but it didn't help. Even when I alternate sides of bellybutton from shot to shot, still burns like a bitch!!

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder
    I usually do 2ml Bac water. That way 0.1ml is 250iu. You can reconstitute with 5ml bac water as well and switch it over to a sealed sterile vial if you would prefer that.

    It usually burns in the beginning, make sure you rotate injection sites SubQ as well.
    Oh no way I never even thought of that. So I can just put 2ml right into the small vile that the 5000iu of hcg comes in right? Because I have 10 ml viles that used to have test in them but how exactly would I make those sterile?

  22. #22
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    I wouldn't re-use vials. You can purchase them from AR-R. Or just put the 2ml in the small vial instead

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder
    I wouldn't re-use vials. You can purchase them from AR-R. Or just put the 2ml in the small vial instead
    Okay i'll just use the 2ml and mix it like that other guy is so strongly against. Haha thanks a lot for the info Sworder, you were a ton of help and made me feel a lot more confident about hcg cause I had no idea what I was doing. Thank you!

  24. #24
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    i hate injecting this stuff, i spill more trying to measure it out in a slin barrel... argh!!! ghdjkgf;ksdgf

  25. #25
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    my slin needles hurt my fat more then 22g in my triceps does. maybe cause the skin isnt flat?

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Great info!!

  27. #27
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    Are there kinds of hCG?(like for AIs there are many different ones.)

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    my slin needles hurt my fat more then 22g in my triceps does. maybe cause the skin isnt flat?
    Yes, some people complain about it being more painful. The main thing I notice is that the slin pin gets very dull from the rubber stopper.

    Quote Originally Posted by rsking View Post
    Are there kinds of hCG?(like for AIs there are many different ones.)
    HCG mimics LH in the body so it is known as a LH analog. HCG is the most common LH analog, I don't even know of others. Am sure they exist.

    If you ever see "pregnyl" that one is derived from a pregnant woman's urine

  29. #29
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    Great post, exactly what I have been advised. Never had a problem mixing tes with Hcg.

  30. #30
    I was told to mix HCG with 10 mil vial. Them take 200 IU everyday for 23 days.

    Has anyone else heard this also?

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by oakeeboxer
    I was told to mix HCG with 10 mil vial. Them take 200 IU everyday for 23 days.

    Has anyone else heard this also?
    Yes but now after a lot of people have tried that, they found out if you are taking it everyday like that then it's more likely to convert to estrogen in your body. People tend to take 150-250 iu 2-3 times a week during a cycle it seems.

    Mixing is all your own preference, remember you need an amount that your mixing with so maybe your mixing 5000iu with 10ml bac water, but some people would mix the same amount with 1 or 2ml so that they inject less and it is just more potent.

  32. #32
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    wow since i started TRT, i just started hcg... this is my second week, after my forth shot all i can say is wow, my balls are back to a enormous size. i forgot what it was like having those ****ers bounce around.

    hcg 1 , small prune nuts 0

  33. #33
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    What's your take on how long Hcg is good once you recon it with Bac water and refrigerate? I have heard 30 days and after that it starts to lose potency so that is the protocol I have followed. I have heard other guys say it's good for up to 45 days. Thanks

  34. #34
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    Personally I try to use a 5kIU vial within 30-45 days. I would expect it to have decent potency up until about 60 days. The longer you keep it the worse it will get.

    I have made an apple analogy in the past about how it denatures(goes bad).

    HCG will go bad quickly, if you imagine it is an apple. The apple will rot sooner or later. If you keep the apple in the sun, it will rot a lot quicker than if you store it in a cool and dark place. Just like hCG will go bad more quickly if it is not in the fridge. Although it is in the fridge it will still go bad, sooner or later. After 60 days, just like the apple, it might not be completely bad. But it won't be as fresh as when you first got it.
    Last edited by Sworder; 10-28-2012 at 06:15 PM.

  35. #35
    Thank you, I have heard diet centers using HCG with a 500 a day dirt to lose fat. Is this the same type of HCG? Wouldn't 500 cal be counter productive to muscle growth?

  36. #36
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    The hCG diet is a scam and very unhealthy. Seems like they did a ridiculously good job promoting it.

  37. #37
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    What are your thoughts on when to pin HCG? For example, if someone is pinning test on the usual Mon/Thr, when would you pin HCG and why?

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    Great information

  39. #39
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    Thanks Sworder.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trying-Hard View Post

    What are your thoughts on when to pin HCG? For example, if someone is pinning test on the usual Mon/Thr, when would you pin HCG and why?
    Pin it whenever it is convenient, honestly I did lie in that first statement to avoid confusion. The best protocol would actually be pinning EOD as it has a half life of 48 hours if injected subQ. So to keep steady levels injecting every 48 hours would be the optimal protocol(150-200iu). The reason why I said to do 250iu twice a week is because on this forum that is the basic and most common protocol mentioned. I don't want to go against the grain as I don't see it being that crucial.

    I would pin my hCG when I am pinning everything else. Because I have my swabs and needles out. It doesn't really matter as the purpose is to maintain testicular function, it doesn't really have anything to do with the gear you are cycling.

    I want to make it as simple as possible and with the least confusion so if you are pinning twice a week, do it at the same time as your Test/whatever. Include it in your test shot or pin it separately SubQ.

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