There have been a lot of replies lately on hCG use and the benefits so I wanted to do a quick write-up which I can link to instead of repeating the same things. As well as hopefully members reading this before asking questions. I put things in bold if you want to do a quick read. I may come back and edit/update.
First issue seems to be that people do not want to do another injection on their first cycle. They are already doing two injections/week and to double that seems to be difficult. So I wanted to clarify!
You can inject hCG with your testosterone in the same syringe! HCG injections can be done either IM or subQ. I would prefer doing my injections with a slin pin(subQ) for more accurate measurement but you can do them IM too!
The best protocol for hCG is to run it 250IU twice a week from the first pin of your cycle all the way up until 3 days before PCT.
HCG has a very short half life so it will clear quickly.
Why do you want to run hCG?
For recovery to take place in PCT you have three obstacles to overcome. The Hypothalamus, the pituitary and the testicles.
1. The hypothalamus will give the "green light" once excessive hormones are cleared. This includes estrogen! A good reason to keep estrogen low in PCT to promote testosterone production.
2.Then the pituitary will have to become responsive as it has atrophied or "fallen asleep" and once it is responsive it will produce LH/FSH.
3. LH/FSH, LH being the signal that tells your testicles to produce testosterone. HCG acts like LH, so the benefit of running hCG is keeping the testicles responsive and "awake". So as soon as this third step is complete in PCT the testicles will start producing testosterone right away. If hCG is not administered during the cycle then it may take a while for the testicles to "wake up" the longer your cycle, the harder it is for the testicles to "wake up".
Also a common misconception seems to be that some people are prone to testicular atrophy. For the typical cyclist you cannot tell the degree of shutdown just by looking at the volume of the gonads. If you are shutdown for 12 weeks your cells will have atrophied and recovery will be more difficult!