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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Sydney Australia

    First Cycle

    I have all my shit ready for my first cycle. This is what I was thinkin

    Weeks 1-10 200mg of Test Cyp 100 (split into 2 inj)
    Weeks 1-8 200mg of Deca 50 (split into 2 inj.)
    Weeks 9-11 350mg of Winstrol 50 ED (drink with protein shake)
    Weeks 13-16 Clomid 300mg Day1 , 100mg 10 days, 50mg 10days

    My stats are 178cms (not sure what that is in feet). 170lbs age 22 training for 18 mnths. Please critique

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    18 months IMO is not enought training experience, you have yet to gain enough size naturally to warrant AAS use.

    As for the cycle, come back in two years and up the dosages to 400/400.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by Big Al
    18 months IMO is not enought training experience, you have yet to gain enough size naturally to warrant AAS use.

    As for the cycle, come back in two years and up the dosages to 400/400.
    I agree. 18 months doesn't allow for enough natural growth. Thats my opinion, but if you're still gonna do the cycle do it like Big Al said.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I agree bro...18months is to little IMO..I had been training for 4+ years before I started my first cycle...A solid routine, good diet and use of the proper supps will yeild great gains...The best gains I made while natural were the ones I made in my first 2 years of traing...Build a solid base first and then hit the stuff...I would also up the Dose to 400mg/week of Deca and Test and run the Winny for 5-6 weeks. Good luck on what ever you decide to do


  5. #5
    Hmm... you're 170lbs. I was around this weight when I considered juice and was around 22 years old. Listen, I did alot of research and decided to wait until 26. I gained an additional 30lbs. NATURALLY. All I did was change my diet around and my training. Diet is the key. Eat like there's no tommorrow and don't worry about a little fat gain. It'll come off later. Eat burgers, chicken, peanut butter, protein shakes with milk, etc. Eat lots of proteins and fat. You'll gain (I guarantee) at least 10 lbs. in 2 weeks. Eat all the time--when you're not hungry, eat some more. As far as training, do heavy,and I mean heavy, compound exercises with a focus on adding more weight every day. Stick with the big 3. Deadlifts, Squats and Bench Presses. Try this routine for 1 month and post it with your results.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    ON, Canada
    Gotta go with the majority on this one. If you still insist on taking the sauce regardless though, I might up the dosages of Test and Deca to 400/week split into two shots. Don't forget to eat!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Sydney Australia
    Thanks for all the advice bros you've been a huge help. I don't want to sound like I'm ignorant, coz I know all of you boys have alot of experience and knowledge (I've learnt just about everything from this board and you posts) but I've already got my shit and I've spent alot of money on it. Roids are F*****G expensive in Aussie and I don't want to waste all that money. I know I'm a bit premature to use the gear, especially after all your advice. But I've been researching this every day, for the last 4 months, so Its not a decision that I've made Lightly.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    well if you going to do it dont chince out now up it to 400-400 a week and you will grow.

  9. #9
    Listen bro, I understand your investment. Remember, steroids don't go bad overnight. You can still keep them if their exp. date hasn't expired. I know someone who waited 2 years after all exps. expired!! Guess what? He gained very well. I'm not saying this is the rule, but, do me a favor... try my method for 2 weeks. That's all--2 weeks, and you'll grow. After that, have fun. I just want to show you that you still have natural potential left. Do I sound like a personal trainer? That's because I am and I have many clients who seem to "break out" of a rut and reach higher levels never thought possible. First rules in Bodybuilding are good training and eating like I described. Don't start too early or you won't gain as much long-term.
    Hope this helps.
    Giant Bill

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