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Thread: Anavar

  1. #1


    Guys what's your opinions on anavar?
    And also on another note what about stacking with dbol ? I know they're both oral but I don't fancy injections even though I'm not afraid of needles I just think its a step further than what I want to go? I'm going to get my blood work panel before using any of the two preferably I'm leaning towards anavar for my first cycle with less sides so less worry while I will use clompid as my pct of choice since struggling to find a good source for Nola unless someone can link me to a good supplier 100% genuine no coint

  2. #2
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    May 2010
    Anavar is great. Always run anavar with test imo. Dbol i dont care to much for and wont run them together.

    Anavar can and probably will shut your natty test down.

  3. #3
    See I'm hearing lots of different things regarding a shut down when running anavar can you show me some fact based answers, not saying I don't believe I just feel that I need a solid point in the right direction

  4. #4
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    Im on my phone right now. Hust search on here. Plunty of studies proving what i say.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niallface View Post
    Guys what's your opinions on anavar?
    And also on another note what about stacking with dbol ? I know they're both oral but I don't fancy injections even though I'm not afraid of needles I just think its a step further than what I want to go? I'm going to get my blood work panel before using any of the two preferably I'm leaning towards anavar for my first cycle with less sides so less worry while I will use clompid as my pct of choice since struggling to find a good source for Nola unless someone can link me to a good supplier 100% genuine no coint
    If you arent ready to pin, you arent ready for AAS. Steroids are steroids no matter if you swallow them or pin them.

    Orals only is usually just for the inexperienced person to take the easy way out thinking they are magic pills. It doesnt work that way. You will still suppress your natural testosterone production, therefore it needs to be replaced with synthetic testosterone. Almost all of your gains will be lost on these oral only cycles and it is really just a waste of money and time.

  6. #6
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    Agree with Noles. Its really hard to keep gains when you have low test for months after.

  7. #7
    That's why I thought I'd run a strong test booster towards the end of my cycle.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niallface View Post
    That's why I thought I'd run a strong test booster towards the end of my cycle.
    This will not work. If you arent ready to pin, you arent ready for AAS. An oral only cycle is a terrible idea. You will lose any progress you make, and you have just risked permanent damage to your HPTA for a temporary couple of pounds that will be lost as fast as they came. If you decide to run injectable test along with something, then we can and will be more comfortable givng you advice. Until then, we cannot in good conscience give you advice other than to not run an oral only cycle. There is just too much risk involved and we dont want to give you bad advice just because it is what you want to hear, only to hurt you in the long run. Incorperate testosterone and we will be alot more open with advice. Good Luck in whatever you decide.

  9. #9
    Look steroids are steroids they're not great for anyone in the long run all I'm saying is I'm gunna be doing the stuff and the least you can do is give me a best way to go about it without criticizing me but now I'm going to switch to dbol and I'm gunna run a clomid only pct

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niallface View Post
    Look steroids are steroids they're not great for anyone in the long run all I'm saying is I'm gunna be doing the stuff and the least you can do is give me a best way to go about it without criticizing me but now I'm going to switch to dbol and I'm gunna run a clomid only pct
    We did give you the best way to go about it but you are being stubborn and not listening. Did you happen to catch everyone saying run test?

  11. #11
    Yes I caught that but I thought people caught that I said no needles.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niallface View Post
    Yes I caught that but I thought people caught that I said no needles.
    Then you will receive no help. You are having trouble understanding this. We are not going to tell you what you want to hear if it goes against our ways of thinking just to make you happy. The safest way to run a cycle is with test. I personally have no advice that would start any differently.

    Good luck with your proposed plan whatever that may be. I hope you realize what you really need to do before you hurt yourself

  13. #13
    I said I'm gunna get strong test tablets and your telling me this might aswell be needle steroids only forum I know what you're saying and I don't disagree but I can't use needles as I'm leading a hectic lifestyle tbh I'm wanting to run a medium cycle of what dbol with clomid even though its not a full pct. I really appreciate you guys looking out for me but this is my only option I just need your tips for making this safer maybe a recommended cycle, if I get a promotion and grad my studies I could move to pinning but for now I need a fast fix and I know the risks.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niallface View Post
    I said I'm gunna get strong test tablets and your telling me this might aswell be needle steroids only forum I know what you're saying and I don't disagree but I can't use needles as I'm leading a hectic lifestyle tbh I'm wanting to run a medium cycle of what dbol with clomid even though its not a full pct. I really appreciate you guys looking out for me but this is my only option I just need your tips for making this safer maybe a recommended cycle, if I get a promotion and grad my studies I could move to pinning but for now I need a fast fix and I know the risks.
    If your life is too hectic for needles then it is too hectic for orals. Injections dont make life more hectic. With your busy life, will you have time to dedicate yourself to the lifestyle that comes with AAS use? If not then you are wasting your time and money.

    As for test boosters, they dont work. A strong test booster is not testosterone. You will be shut down and those will give negligible results if any at all

  15. #15
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niallface View Post
    I said I'm gunna get strong test tablets and your telling me this might aswell be needle steroids only forum I know what you're saying and I don't disagree but I can't use needles as I'm leading a hectic lifestyle tbh I'm wanting to run a medium cycle of what dbol with clomid even though its not a full pct. I really appreciate you guys looking out for me but this is my only option I just need your tips for making this safer maybe a recommended cycle, if I get a promotion and grad my studies I could move to pinning but for now I need a fast fix and I know the risks.
    Nailface. Noles12 has given you great advice. If you are here for advice, take it. If you are not willing to listen to advice, there is no need to go any further with this thread. You asked for the safest/best way and that was given to you. There are no other options, because it would no longer be "The Best Way".

    You can do whatever you want, no one will stop you. All we can do is give advice and we expect a simple agreement or disagreement with some explanations on both parts. No need to become combative.

    Oral test will not suffice.

    Best of luck to you, again, this thread will not go anywhere at this rate.

  16. #16
    It's just in my eyes needles think I'm going too far if you get me I'm open to the idea of needles just people around me are looking down on me I really want to coz that's best results but its the time they can consume. Honestly I don't want to sound like an absolute c*** even though this makes me sound like one its just all things adding up like needle prices and vials its just more hassle than I need. Unless you can give me cheap solutions

  17. #17
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    It's just a delivery method bro. Oral or injectable steroids are still steroids. If money is an issue it's best to wait until you can afford to cycle properly, because no one can afford to screw up with AAS.

  18. #18
    It's not that much of an issue its just managing pct and the cost of needles I can get clomid legit stuff but for Nolva I'm yet to find someone and needles I was looking on ar-r for prices but I'd like an idea of how much I'd need for a cycle and obviously a few extra just in case

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    It's just a delivery method bro. Oral or injectable steroids are still steroids. If money is an issue it's best to wait until you can afford to cycle properly, because no one can afford to screw up with AAS.

    If you dont have the money to cycle, then you are not ready. Do you have the money to stay on a strict proper diet 24/7 while on and off cycle?

  20. #20
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    heh, forgot about the diet. Good call Noles. My diet is far more expensive than gear.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niallface View Post
    See I'm hearing lots of different things regarding a shut down when running anavar can you show me some fact based answers, not saying I don't believe I just feel that I need a solid point in the right direction
    need proof?? really?? just take it alone and let your testicles shrink to the size of raisins.. oh don't get me wrong, they come back, it's a good time then..
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  22. #22
    I have a friend who whose dad owns a chicken farm and he sorts my chicken out as long as I pay a sum monthly and ill have left overs so I can cook me and bird a nice meal of hunters chicken. My diet is more stict than a nuns day to day work and I'm robbing the gym for the price I pay and usage and money is no problem if I'm going to do it properly and my mate is willing to help us out after a little phone call his bird is a nurse and he is minor diabetic so my needles are sorted I just need a cycle plan involving dbol or nav whichever you guys can put me together with least sides and the best effects with least sides as a balance

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niallface View Post
    I have a friend who whose dad owns a chicken farm and he sorts my chicken out as long as I pay a sum monthly and ill have left overs so I can cook me and bird a nice meal of hunters chicken. My diet is more stict than a nuns day to day work and I'm robbing the gym for the price I pay and usage and money is no problem if I'm going to do it properly and my mate is willing to help us out after a little phone call his bird is a nurse and he is minor diabetic so my needles are sorted I just need a cycle plan involving dbol or nav whichever you guys can put me together with least sides and the best effects with least sides as a balance
    Run a long estered test at 500mgs/week for 10-12 weeks. Dbol can be used as a kickstart for the first 4 weeks

  24. #24
    Be very detailed I'm not gunna lie I'm not a very smart person

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niallface View Post
    Be very detailed I'm not gunna lie I'm not a very smart person
    I am not going to spoon feed you. i have given you the basis of a cycle. You need to research the rest and come up with a plan then post it to make sure its right. This is not a lazy mans game

  26. #26
    austinite's Avatar
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    lol. That scares me.

  27. #27
    I'm not stupid just saying I'd like to know the pct cycle I will work my injection ml myself

  28. #28
    austinite's Avatar
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    It's all on here nailface. Just need to do a little research.

  29. #29
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    Tests boosters are junk. The advice we all gave is solid. If you can't pin you should do a cycle.

    You need to research and read our stickies.

  30. #30
    You obviously haven't read into this, I said I am going to pin I just need the best pct... Read before you post please.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niallface
    You obviously haven't read into this, I said I am going to pin I just need the best pct... Read before you post please.
    Actually o so smart guy, YOU REREAD your first post.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by "Niallface
    I don't fancy injections even though I'm not afraid of needles I just think its a step further than what I want to go?

    I READ just fine, thanks!

  33. #33
    marcus300's Avatar
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    You may find this thread of interest because at 18yrs old using steriods is not a good idea and you need to know what damage this can do, best of luck

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  35. #35
    Well you need to read on as I heard it was better to pin so I decided I will... Obviously haven't red that much into it...

  36. #36
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  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg
    Anavar is great. Always run anavar with test imo. Dbol i dont care to much for and wont run them together.

    Anavar can and probably will shut your natty test down.
    I was the first to reply to you recommend test....

  38. #38
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niallface View Post
    Well you need to read on as I heard it was better to pin so I decided I will... Obviously haven't red that much into it...
    You really need to read the threads ive posted, it doesnt matter if you inject or use orals your 18yrs and 140lbs and shutting down your natural test WILL cause you damage when its clear you dont need steroids......

    Please educate yourself with shutting down your HPTA and the consequences
    Last edited by marcus300; 10-29-2012 at 10:58 AM.

  39. #39
    austinite's Avatar
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    Let it go gentlemen. This will get out of control quick. OP please see marcus' link.

  40. #40
    wow !! that was scary........

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