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Thread: a few questions I have about HCG

  1. #1

    a few questions I have about HCG

    1. Does hcg come in pill form? I would like to avoid dealing with mixing it with sterile water (sounds overly complicated and would like to avoid if possible)

    2. I did not run hcg during my cycle (have about a month left in cycle), how would I go about dosing hcg in my pct?

    thank you for all answers

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    1. i don't think so hcg has to be injected to work not swallowed its very easy to mix u should have no problem there are many YouTube videos u can watch to learn how

    2. i don't think running hcg in pct is a good idea if u can get it soon i would think of injecting it eod until one week after last pin if not then not at all

  4. #4
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    HCg is an injectable, should be run on cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by yamahaguitarguy View Post
    1. Does hcg come in pill form? I would like to avoid dealing with mixing it with sterile water (sounds overly complicated and would like to avoid if possible)

    2. I did not run hcg during my cycle (have about a month left in cycle), how would I go about dosing hcg in my pct?

    thank you for all answers
    No it does not come in pill form, not the legitimate kind anyway. As F2B said, it is injected SubQ or IM.

    If you neglected to include hCG on cycle, you can blast it @ 250iu eod for 3-5wks to get similar results.

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