I just got a ultrasound done after my cycle that included anadrol and the doc said my liver and kidneys are bigger than normal I know anadrol does this I am just wondering if it returns to normal and if so how long untill it does
I just got a ultrasound done after my cycle that included anadrol and the doc said my liver and kidneys are bigger than normal I know anadrol does this I am just wondering if it returns to normal and if so how long untill it does
Did you use any liver protection supplements during your adrol cycle? Did the MD perform any CMP (blood work) prior to the Dx scan?Originally Posted by Larrytheanimal
I was taking animal packs the whole time which have uni liver and milk thistle And yes I got bloodwork done and he said everything was fine
Okay...well I put little faith in milk thistle.....but if your BW was clear, why the scan.? Normally a scan would be indicated by BW. Have you been having pain? Fatty liver and enlarged kidneys can result from other issues not related to adrol. If the adrol was impacting liver function, your AST and ALT would be 3 or 4 times the ULN.Originally Posted by Larrytheanimal
Feel free to PM me with details if you wish to keep your medical results private. I am in clinic today so it may take a while to reply.
I'd be happy to discuss it with you.
Thanks a lot.i first went because I was getting
Stomach pain I did the first bloodtest and the doc said my muscle enzyme levels were about double the normal level,about a month later I did another one and he said it was back to normal and everything was fine but I was still getting stomach pain in the lower ab so he sent me for the ultrasound I got the results which I mentioned already and now he gave me a form for another b test this time it's for hep a,b,c also. Also I never told the doc about my cycle do u think I should tell him?
By "muscle enzyme" he is likely referring to your CPK (also called CK), your creatine phosphokinase. It's not uncommon for this to be elevated in anabolic users. Heavy weight training causes muscle strain and micro-trauma which elevated CK levels. Injectables will also elevate this value due to the irritation caused by pinning and injecting oil-based substances into the muscles. We're your liver function tests elevated (AST, ALT)?Originally Posted by Larrytheanimal
The secondary tests he is giving you are to screen for variants of the hepatitis virus.
Have you stopped all anabolic uses now?
Discussing prior use isn't the best course of action but if the hepatitis screens are negative and the problem persists you may have little choice. Disclosure of your use is a personal decision. It will help in the diagnosis but will certainly be looked upon negatively.
He didn't say that my alt and ast we're elevated.im on cycle again.do u think I should just give it some time wait it out for a month or so then go back and see him or should I keep following through with the tests
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