What is the best way to approach someone in the gym (who clearly uses) with questions about AAS? I've spoken with the individual before and we exchanged pleasantries but I'm interested in asking his experience with steroids. Any suggestions?
What is the best way to approach someone in the gym (who clearly uses) with questions about AAS? I've spoken with the individual before and we exchanged pleasantries but I'm interested in asking his experience with steroids. Any suggestions?
Well.....this website is probably by far your best resource for Q&A. Most people aren't going to readily divulge information about usage (etc.) due to the inherent risks (indictment, incarceration, etc.) of openly discussing experiences with AAS. In most instances, you'll need to build a relationship and a bit more "trust" with the guy in the gym before he'd likely admit to any use.Originally Posted by xerxes333
^ solid advice
You have to wait for him to mention it. Otherwise I would smell set up. And not talk to you.
Damn, another dp
In the Internet day & age I'm going with staying on the side of anonymity. There's nothing I can get from someone at a gym that I can't get online. When you have people that have lived in a bubble their entire lives hear (or over hear) AAS they switch to "illegal" mode...
I've also been mistaken (glad I never asked) & found some rather huge natural guys who might have taken offence.
Thing is I doubt there would be any legal trouble so long as you are not buying or selling. I doubt anyone is setting up a sting for a couple of cycles worth of gear that's for my personal (& private) use. I'd talk to a fellow lifter in person if he's a friend (real friend) or I saw him using gear & knew he was on the up & up.
Trust is hard to come by when people will flip for a deal in a heart beat----
I think it a good question. What if your looking for a connect instead of risking ordering over seas. You can find almost anything on the corner but if you want gear where do you look? I would go looking on the streets so at the gym would be the best to look. Hell if someone asked if i was on it and i really wasnt i would take it as a complement but i would just ask right away start by asking for spots and seeing if he goes out anywere its kinda like getting a girl but its not sex your after its a connect for gear
^^ haha
I would never go on advice from someone you met in the gym.We get so many horror stories of these off the wall cycles it isnt funny.You want to know something just come here and ask.We are always here to help.And we have Mickey who likes to touchLOL
Thanks for the input. I would never base a cycle off of JUST info from a guy in the gym. I have been on the forums for quite sometime and read all the stickies at one point or another but I have to take everything (even forum posts) with a grain of salt.
Thanks for the suggestions. (aside from the ball grabbing one)
The only time i ever talk to someone about AAS is if there a friend and they bring it up, otherwise, just shut up about it at the gym.
aas is not talked about at all in my gym thank god....there are way to many cops there thank god there all cool but it could be akward to say the least...
I know alot of cops that do cycles and its funny that they would still have to arrest someone for something that they use
I keep to myself at the gym to many spending hours talking. A couple young guys asked me one day what I was on. I answered on a diet and walked away. Was actually the truth at that moment. LOL
I wouldn't want to talk about it AT the gym but rather see if he was willing to talk somewhere where he was more comfortable. I guess the best thing is to ask without "asking" and see if he is willing to divulge info. The only hesitation I have would be that he might think its a set up. He's kind of young so who knows he might be a little dumb.
i thought most of the cops were on juice any way or is thaat just the sheriffs department
I wouldn't say most...but that's not relevant. If you're caught, the "most cops do it" defense wont hold up in court.Originally Posted by rogerm
not a defense, just an observation, i sure wouldnt want to put myself on front street around them even if them juicing was obvious
Very true. I understand the frustration. It's clearly a double standard, as are many things sometimes.Originally Posted by rogerm
Haha - I agree. I asked my trainer at gym when I first started and was basically told to leave - even though he admitted to using. He told me to check online and see why now - this site def has all the info I need.
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