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Thread: Nutrition ???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Nutrition ???

    I got a nutrition plan from a magazine. Been doing it for a while. Just wanna run it by you guys for feedback. 7am 8 egg whites and oatmeal. 10am protein shake syntha 6. 12-1230 7 ounces chicken or fish with rice. 3pm 7 ounces chicken or fish with rice. 530-600 7 ounces chicken with rice. Train at 7pm. 9pm shake syntha 6. Almonds and i always drink lots of water. I take animal pak, bcaa6000, fish oil pills and vpx redline

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Posting this in the nutrition section would yield better results. Also, you should include the total amount of calories that each meal consists of, along with how much grams of carbs/protein/fats that make up each meal.

    You should post your stats and what you are trying to accomplish with said diet.

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