I'm 47, 174lbs, 5'6", 16% bf, been working out on an off for 20+ years, on TRT for about 8 mo. finally dialed in at 100mg test. c/ week. I posted my bloodwork here a few weeks ago and got some great help as I was experiencing protruding / sensitive nipples. I can repost, but test. level was a bit high for my Dr. at 1167 and the free test. was "above range", etc. BUT sensitive E2 test showed 20 which is very good.
I went to Dr. yesterday requesting progesterone, prolaction, and all the other BW tests that I was pointed to here and he wants to wait about a month to do these till my "levels to settle out" as we just dropped from 200mg/ wk to 100/ week due to these earlier results.
Now, after about 6 weeks of the nipple thing the left one is sore, a little swollen and has a lump about the size of a button under it- its not too hard but def. there and sore to touch. I have some Letro coming by the weekend and really don't want to wait till I grow a girl boob on one side and have and irreversable condition to start treatment. So, I was going to self medicate w/ the Letro but wanted to double check w/ the Vets/ Pro's. The letro is going to take my already low Estridol levels to nothing Im sure, so if this was your boob and Dr. what would you do?