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  1. #1
    Elkanz is offline New Member
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    Question New To Steroids, Please Help! Tren+Test Questions!

    Hello everybody,

    So this is my first post in this forum and hopefully not the last one. I started lifting weights about 8 months ago and have seen great results so far. I put on almost 20lbs of pure muscle. I am 5'7 tall and weighed 125lbs and am currently at 145lbs. All this was gained 100% naturally by me giving my all at the gym, very clean dieting, and great sleep (8hrs per night). I count on continuing to train natural for another 4 months so it will give me one full year of natural training. I read a lot online that a person shouldn't even look or think about running a cycle if he hasn't had at least 1 year of proper training.

    Before getting to my main point, I would just like to point out that I have made a significant amount of research on the steroids that I count on taking, however, the deeper I go, the more stuff arises and I am looking for an experienced person that is educated or has personal experience on this matter.

    So, in 4 months from today, once the year barrier has been broken, I would like to start by running a test + dbol cycle for 1.5 months then continue on with test + tren for the remaining 1.5 months. I read a lot online and supposedly that would be the best thing since my body is new to steroids, any input on this? As far as dosage is concerned, I have seen many different amuonts and do not know which amount would be best for me and my body weight/type.

    As for the PCT, I count on using Climo since this seems to be what most people running a test + tren cycle use. However, I have seen people strongly recommend Nolvadex and do not know which to choose. Once more, I do not know the dosages for my body weight/type. Any additional input on something I should add/remove from my PCT plan.

    Sorry for all the questions guys it's just that this stuff is going to go in my system and I want to know exactly what I am dealing with and know everything off the tip of my fingers. I want to be very well prepared, educated and have my whole plan sorted out before I even think of touching steroids. Any and all help, advice, tips, and inputs both positive and negative are extremely appreciated!

    Many thanks to everybody helping me out!
    Last edited by Elkanz; 10-31-2012 at 04:17 PM.

  2. #2
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elkanz
    Hello everybody,

    So this is my first post in this forum and hopefully not the last one. I started lifting weights about 8 months ago and have seen great results so far. I put on almost 20lbs of pure muscle. I am 5'7 tall and weighed 125lbs and am currently at 145lbs. All this was gained 100% naturally by me giving my all at the gym, very clean dieting, and great sleep (8hrs per night). I count on continuing to train natural for another 4 months so it will give me one full year of natural training. I read a lot online that a person shouldn't even look or think about running a cycle if he hasn't had at least 1 year of proper training.

    Before getting to my main point, I would just like to point out that I have made a significant amount of research on the steroids that I count on taking, however, the deeper I go, the more stuff arises and I am looking for an experienced person that is educated or has personal experience on this matter.

    So, in 4 months from today, once the year barrier has been broken, I would like to start by running a test + dbol cycle for 1.5 months then continue on with test + tren for the remaining 1.5 months. I read a lot online and supposedly that would be the best thing since my body is new to steroids, any input on this? As far as dosage is concerned, I have seen many different amuonts and do not know which amount would be best for me and my body weight/type.

    As for the PCT, I count on using Climo since this seems what most people running a test + tren cycle use. However, I have seen people strongly recommend Nolvadex and do not know which to choose. Once more, I do not know the dosages for my body weight/type. Any additional input on something I should/remove from my PCT plan.

    Sorry for all the questions guys it's just that this stuff is going to go in my system and I want to know exactly what I am dealing with and know everything off the tip of my fingers. I want to be very well prepared, educated and have my whole plan sorted out before I even think of touching steroids. Any and all help, advice, tips, and inputs both positive and negative are extremely appreciated!

    Many thanks to everybody helping me out!
    Hey Elkanz! Great job on the training so far. Keep up the good work. Get your diet checked in the nutrition forum. Sounds like you are making progress but it never hurts to have your nutrition reviewed.

    Use the forum to do more research. Test+dbol is not advisable for a first cycle or at your age. Read and learn and see where you are after a year of solid training!



  3. #3
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    You might want to consider sticking to just one compound (testosterone only). That way you will know what is causing any sides you get and you can easily adjust as needed.

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Tren on your first cycle is even less advisable...

    Ifyou choose to use AAS in the future, do yourself a favor and use test by itself the first time. If you have negetive reaction or are predispositioned to side affects you will be able to determine the cause.

    Please stick around and do plenty of that guy above said. You have made great progress and would benifit greatly from a trip over to the nutrition forum. Great job!!!

  5. #5
    Elkanz is offline New Member
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    Thx alot guys for the input. Will definitely put my diet together and post in the Nutrition section!

  6. #6
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Great work on the muscle building. I guarantee that it will continue. At 21 you are a muscle building machine and it will continue for some time.with proper nutrition and exercise there should be no reason to use AAS before you hit 25.

    Your HPTA system is still maturing and your body still growing (height) you could mess up your hormone and stunt your eventual height.

  7. #7
    Elkanz is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    Great work on the muscle building. I guarantee that it will continue. At 21 you are a muscle building machine and it will continue for some time.with proper nutrition and exercise there should be no reason to use AAS before you hit 25.

    Your HPTA system is still maturing and your body still growing (height) you could mess up your hormone and stunt your eventual height.
    You are absolutely right and I actually feel everything you are saying. My motivation to train and get bigger is astonishing and I am very strict with my diet. I believe that most of your lean gains come from what you eat and not how heavy you lift. I was actually surprised myself to see how much weight I put on in 8 months. I used to be literally skin and bone and was always told that i would have to train for a very long time before seeing any results. I believe that if I continue this way, I could add another 10lbs - 15 lbs by this summer.

    Thanks for all the great advice and heads-up, I think i will simply put the whole steroid experience aside for now and start thinking about it in 2 - 3 years. The thing is that most people my age want to get really big, really fast and want the best shortcuts available. My physique and aesthetic look is very important to me, however, my life and health comes before all. Therefore, my steroid use would have to wait a little bit.

    A very big thank you to everybody who helped me out, I greatly appreciate it!

  8. #8
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elkanz View Post
    You are absolutely right and I actually feel everything you are saying. My motivation to train and get bigger is astonishing and I am very strict with my diet. I believe that most of your lean gains come from what you eat and not how heavy you lift. I was actually surprised myself to see how much weight I put on in 8 months. I used to be literally skin and bone and was always told that i would have to train for a very long time before seeing any results. I believe that if I continue this way, I could add another 10lbs - 15 lbs by this summer.

    Thanks for all the great advice and heads-up, I think i will simply put the whole steroid experience aside for now and start thinking about it in 2 - 3 years. The thing is that most people my age want to get really big, really fast and want the best shortcuts available. My physique and aesthetic look is very important to me, however, my life and health comes before all. Therefore, my steroid use would have to wait a little bit.

    A very big thank you to everybody who helped me out, I greatly appreciate it!
    This post nearly brought a tear to my eye! This may be one of the most mature responses I have seen from an 18-24 y.o. Kudos to you man. I hope you stick around over the next few years and learn all you can. You would also be an isperation to other young ppl.

  9. #9
    beans14's Avatar
    beans14 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey Elkanz, great job on all the progress to day. I too am 5'7" and know what it's like to have a smaller frame. I was able to make it 165lbs and stayed there for years. Keep up the good work!

  10. #10
    Elkanz is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    This post nearly brought a tear to my eye! This may be one of the most mature responses I have seen from an 18-24 y.o. Kudos to you man. I hope you stick around over the next few years and learn all you can. You would also be an isperation to other young ppl.
    I look forward to that and truly wish to inspire people around me. I already got 3 buddys of mine to join the gym since they saw my results. Thanks for the gratitude Lunk1, it is greatly appreciated.

    P.S: Can somebody post the link of the Nutrition forum, for some reason I cannot find it. Is it a different forum completely or a sub-category in this forum?

    Many thanks!!!

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