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  1. #1
    Dan55 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2012

    One cycle. Hooked for life.

    Hello everyone.

    I promised myself before I started AAS i would reach somewhat my genetic reach and that I have done.

    After my first cycle I went from 116 kilos to 127 kilos. I still have 2 weeks left of a 12 week long 750 testo cypionate .
    Keep in mind I am dirty bulking so thats not all muscle, far from. And I expect to lose some of it when I am done with my PCT.

    However its no secret that my Testosorone levels are nowere close to what they used to be when I was 20 years old. I am now 35 and over the past 3 years I have achieved little to zero muscle mass. My natural genetic goal is reached and now its time for a new path in my life.

    Bodybuilding is my life and it have always been and will always be.
    From experience I know I will not get any further with going natural. And when I have completed my PCT I will go right back on it and I am already planning my next cycle.
    Theres is no way I would ever go back to natural again. I would get nowere and bodybuilding is all I ever cared for in life so its time to take it to the next level.

    But then the idea hit me.
    Whats the point of doing a PCT if I will go straight back on it again.
    Then I stumbled upon '' Blast and Cruise'' where you cruise on testosorone at a low dosage every week and then you blast it up with a cycle and then instead of PCT you cruise at a low dosage of test. Rince and Repeat

    Now I know that might be very extreme for a beginner like me.
    And I know theres alot of risks involved. Like the fact I may never be able to have kids when i completly screw up my production of testosorone like that and many other factors involved.

    So heres my question.
    Before I do this. Should i experiment with different cycles before I would if i would do a blast and cruise to see how my body reacts to different compounds.

    But cruising on a low test dosage for the rest of my life seemd like a good idea as I do not produce the natural testosorone required to keep up with my gains when I am on cycles.

    So why should I ever come off?
    Then again all you have in life is health.
    With health you can achieve anything

    Last edited by Dan55; 10-31-2012 at 05:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
    Chx beach 79 is offline Senior Member
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    Get a good dr. And they will keep your test high and insurance will pay for all your blood tests and most of your testosterone . Make sure your Dr. Is aggressive about keeping test levels over 1,000.

  3. #3
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    I would get blood work done after at least one month post cycle. THEN i would look at the results and decide if cruising or perhaps TRT is in my future. If not then run a cycle and wait the same amount of time you were on cycle PLUS PCT time, and then run another if that's what your goals are.

    BUT, i would not simply cruise and blast without first knowing my hormone values. That would be a bit irresponsible i would think.

  4. #4
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
    Chx beach 79 is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah I forgot to mention I've been on TRT for 5 years because of an accident with my testes. I am not saying take test all the time unless it is unusually low.

    Just FYI.

  5. #5
    freddy1418 is offline Associate Member
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    I did one cycle and am hooked as well... I realize this is a lifestyle and am willing to take the good with the bad.. I already have my 3 kids and been with my wife for 10yrs already... good luck in your journey...

  6. #6
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    Yup, I have said this many times: if you decide to cycle, don't bullshit yourself and say "just ONE cycle!". It NEVER happens that way. You're sure to do more after your first.

    However, you shouldn't be on 365 days per year. Cycle, yes. Make it a long term thing, yes. But do it sensibly with moderation. There's a difference between realizing that you're likely going to be doing cycles for years to come, and turning into one of those morons that ends up a massive abuser of the stuff... you know, the types that run 365 days a year no cycling, stacking 5 compounds at once, intaking over 3 grams per week of AAS, etc. DON'T fall into being one of those guys!

  7. #7
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You're right, if you're going to go right back on after you complete your PCT there's no point in running a PCT plan. It's pointless and makes no really makes no sense if you no longer have the ability to produce enough natural testosterone to begin with.

  8. #8
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    I just cruise on my TRT dose when I'm not on cycle. You don't want to do this if you don't have to. It really sucks knowing that you HAVE to get a shot every week for the rest of your life (unless you got a doctor who will give you a Nebido shot). Not to mention, you have to keep track of your lipids and RBC more. And by the way, we can't just run cycles whenever we want to. If your doctor decides to run bloodwork while you're on cycle and sees that your levels are off the charts, he's going to know you're on gear and cut you off.

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You got a lot of good advive here.I would suggest you do alot more research before you dive in Bro.Just sayin

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