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  1. #1
    jenwilgo is offline Female Member
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    New to this Board, t3/Clen Cycle Questions

    Hello All! I'm new to the board here. Found you guys when researching. (ALOT of researching, LOL!) To give a bit of history, I have been heavy most of my life (since I was probably 10) Oh, the joys of being brought up a Southerner. Anyway, I lost 50 pounds with diet and exercise back in 2010, now I'm at 199 pounds, I'm 5'9" - not sure what my bf% is right now but will update that later in the week.

    My diet is low carb (under 40g per day), at percentages of 65-70/25-30/5-10 - F/P/C, and 1200-1700 calories. I've upped carbs, lowered carbs, upped fat, lowered fat, and just feel stuck. Hoping to be around 165 pounds. I am thinking about t3/clen , and though I would ask for advice. A typical days menu looks like this:

    2 large eggs, fried in olive oil
    4 slices bacon

    Whey protein shake
    Water (rare diet soda)

    Salad - 1C Iceberg, 1C raw spinach, red onions, .5 oz cheese, 1 Tbs bacon bits (real bacon), 3-4 oz chicken breast, 2-4 Tbs ranch dressing

    2 Tbs Natural peanut butter or a 1 oz cheese stick
    Water (occasional diet soda)

    Often same as lunch or 4 oz. hamburger wrapped in lettuce w/mayo, low sugar catsup, onions, mustard

    I think I have the diet and exercise down, I drink at least a gallon of water a day, never was a coffee or tea drinker. Feel free to tell me any different. I want to get the remaining pounds off and increse my lean muscle mass but all I seem to accomplish is fluctuations of weight every time I hit weights. I'm very frustrated with this. I have maintained at this weight for at least 8-10 months. I have permanently changed my lifestyle and eating habits. I'm sure that I'm ready to take on the Clen/t3 stack. I am hoping that it will help me. I understand the risks and a great deal about the dosing & effects. My dosing is planned as:

    Clen - 2 weeks on, 2 off - Starting at 20mcg-2 days, 40mcg-2 days, 60mcg-2 days, 80mcg-up to 14 days (if tolerable) - at restart after 2 weeks off, back to 80mcg

    t3 - 6 weeks - 12.5-3 days, 25-3 days, 37.5-3 days, 50-24 days, tapering back down to 12.5 to 42nd day

    does this sound correct to all of you?

    I read a story of a guy here - I think his user name was Camaro - Who had started that stack at 310 pounds so, that's probably what made me want to register and post here.

    Go easy on me guys, I'm here because you all know much more than I do. I'll just be a guniea pig! Thanks for the input!

  2. #2
    pipper0916's Avatar
    pipper0916 is offline Junior Member
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    Great job on the progress so far, I am not the most knowledgeable but i do have some knowledge on this subject.

    i am not saying that you shouldnt do this cycle, but the clen /t3 cycle is more effective at a lower bf. Since you said you have stayed the same weight for awhile i see whyy you are looking into this. Even the power of clen/t3 wont work magic w/o a good diet. You should post your diet in the nutrition forum as it needs some work. Also t3 may cause you to lose muscle and is why it is recommended to use with AAS. You may also want to supplement taurine to avoid cramping and beneadrly. In the Member cycle section their is a sticky on the clen/t3 cycle

  3. #3
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Ok I would only run clen if that. No T3 at all. The key as you know is diet and cardio. Id do two 45mins sessions a day am and pm. Id start drinking a gallon of water a day along with grean tea.

    Now if you do run clen you need to increase water intake. Take tourine pill. You also may need to increase pass "if you cramp from clen".

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Go to the diet section Bro they will hook you up.These guys are 2nd to none!

  5. #5
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Seriously I would not mess with T3. You could cause permenent damage to your thyroid. Are you familiar with thyroid function and all that it does. Not a good idea.

    Clen for me is also a waste...some like it but I don't care to be jittery and shaky all the time.

  6. #6
    jenwilgo is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pipper0916 View Post
    Great job on the progress so far, I am not the most knowledgeable but i do have some knowledge on this subject.

    i am not saying that you shouldnt do this cycle, but the clen/t3 cycle is more effective at a lower bf. Since you said you have stayed the same weight for awhile i see whyy you are looking into this. Even the power of clen/t3 wont work magic w/o a good diet. You should post your diet in the nutrition forum as it needs some work. Also t3 may cause you to lose muscle and is why it is recommended to use with AAS. You may also want to supplement taurine to avoid cramping and beneadrly. In the Member cycle section their is a sticky on the clen/t3 cycle
    Hi there! Thanks for the input! I left out a couple things that I realize I should have added to my post. I'm 36 years old, Female. I'll post my diet over there to get more feedback on it also. For a low carb/keto diet, I'm not sure where I'm wrong on it, but that's why I'm here. I read about the Taurine and potassium that I need to assure I'm getting while doing this, I didn't add that to me post though. I'm not very sure how the benadryl should be taken though. Do I take that every day, the entire time? I also read that I should take it for 2 weeks after to help receptors return to normal.

    I've read alot of info that mentions clen is better at a lower bf, and some that say it still helps a great deal at a higher bf. I guess it's like everything else, sooo contradictory, LOL! I get the idea that it isn't recommended at a higher bf because of blood pressure, etc at higher weights or bf. Is that the reason? I haven't seen an answer anywhere as to why it's better at a lower bf. Interesting, I think. Risk of heart issues? I have no idea.

    I appreciate the help very much! I'll get my diet over to that other section and see how that looks too!

  7. #7
    jenwilgo is offline Female Member
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    jenwilgo to t-dogg - Hi, thank you for the help with this. I read the bad about T3. It's still pretty debatable for me. Does it increase results at all? If the difference is minimal, I'm likely just gonna do the clen . I have the water down, I think. I'd say that I drink over a gallon a day. I keep a water bottle with me all the time, drinnking alot throughout the day.

    Have you taken clen before? I took phentermine (the newer, legal form) a couple years ago when I first started dieting. It did absolutely nothing for me but my sister took it and was cleaning ceiling fans at 2 am! LOL I don't think I have much of a reaction to stimulants. We'll see.

  8. #8
    jenwilgo is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Go to the diet section Bro they will hook you up.These guys are 2nd to none!
    I'm headed that way, just as soon as I respond to the posts here. Thank you! How long did it take you to get that body? I'm female so, I jut want to get toned & get the other pounds off. Wish me luck!!!

  9. #9
    jenwilgo is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Seriously I would not mess with T3. You could cause permenent damage to your thyroid. Are you familiar with thyroid function and all that it does. Not a good idea.

    Clen for me is also a waste...some like it but I don't care to be jittery and shaky all the time.
    Thank you for the input. Everyone here, so far seems pretty helpful! I was hoping for that. I've read the bad about the T3. Some avoid it like the plague, and I understand why. Some say that it's ok if you are carerful with it and don't abuse it. I think there's enough bad to make me avoid it, at least for now. I am familiar with what our thyroid does. I know if I screw it up, I'll never get the rest of my weight off, or be heavier. In the long run, it just doesn't seem worth the risk to me. I don't mind the hard work to get to my goal so, I'll likely just do the clen .

    I do plan to post a log of how it goes for me. I don't think I'd care for the jitters either! I've never really had that experience before, and I'm not very sensitive to stimulants so, I am hoping that I won't have them.

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