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Thread: Clenbuterol post cycle.

  1. #1

    Clenbuterol post cycle.

    Hey boys (and girls). I'm currently on cycle, and I've been researching that Clenbuterol is "often used by users after steroid treatment to balance the resulting catabolic phase and thus retain maximum strength and muscle mass". All of this sounds well and good and is obvious as to why I am drawn to its properties. I'm strongly thinking about using it during my PCT phase and a few weeks after (obviously in the two weeks on, two weeks off time). I've never used Clenbuterol before, and if I did, I'd prefer to use it at the lowest possible dose which posters on here think still does the job its properties usually do (fat namely fat loss around abdominals, waist etc).

    Also, do the tablet forms usually come in 0.20MCG? I'm looking at one in particular which is from a Chinese manufacturer, but is 0.40MCG per tablet - does this mean it's fake? I'd also be taking taurine at 3G daily, to help with the pumps/cramps. Finally, is Clenbuterol only efficient if on a calorie deficit? Or can it still promote fat loss at a maintenance level/slightly over?

    I'd really appreciate any help.
    Last edited by Doont-Hunter; 11-01-2012 at 01:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    The anabolic properties of Clen are a myth, at least as far as humans are concerned. Those reports came from the fact that Clem showed to be highly anabolic in cattle. In humans there is no evidence of such anabolic activity and that makes sense since, compared to cattle, we have a very small amount of Beta-2 receptors.

    As far as PCT is concerned, I find Clen to be a nice addition in order to keep lean after a cutting cycle. Dose must be low in order to avoid the natural catabolism that may occur during PCT so I keep it to 40-60mcg max.

    Pharmaceutical grade Clen usually comes in 20mcg tablets, but Chinese Clen often comes in 40mcg, so what you have may be legit. I never heard of Clen being counterfeited but you never know.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva View Post

    The anabolic properties of Clen are a myth, at least as far as humans are concerned. Those reports came from the fact that Clem showed to be highly anabolic in cattle. In humans there is no evidence of such anabolic activity and that makes sense since, compared to cattle, we have a very small amount of Beta-2 receptors.

    As far as PCT is concerned, I find Clen to be a nice addition in order to keep lean after a cutting cycle. Dose must be low in order to avoid the natural catabolism that may occur during PCT so I keep it to 40-60mcg max.

    Pharmaceutical grade Clen usually comes in 20mcg tablets, but Chinese Clen often comes in 40mcg, so what you have may be legit. I never heard of Clen being counterfeited but you never know.
    Thanks. I wasn't planning on having a high dose anyway, don't really want to have to put up with potentially nasty sides. I don't have to pyramid up and down then do I if I'm just keeping it at a low dose? I can just stay at 40MCG throughout the whole two weeks whilst on? I've never tried it before, so would it be sensible to start at 20MCG for a few days, then go up to 40MCG, then back down to 20MCG for the last few days?

    Also, is there any difference between pharmaceutical grad Clenbuterol and Chinese Clenbuterol? Is the Chinese one just as reliable?

  4. #4
    I'd really appreciate anymore help from some people on here. I know there are some really knowledgeable posters on here who would have some great advice and opinions. So anything would be awesome.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Doont-Hunter View Post
    Thanks. I wasn't planning on having a high dose anyway, don't really want to have to put up with potentially nasty sides. I don't have to pyramid up and down then do I if I'm just keeping it at a low dose? I can just stay at 40MCG throughout the whole two weeks whilst on? I've never tried it before, so would it be sensible to start at 20MCG for a few days, then go up to 40MCG, then back down to 20MCG for the last few days?

    Also, is there any difference between pharmaceutical grad Clenbuterol and Chinese Clenbuterol? Is the Chinese one just as reliable?
    If its your first time it is better to start at 20mcg and increase by 20mcg every 3 or 4 days. No use on going back down.

    Be aware of the Beta-2 receptors down regulation. Clen should be used on and off or in alternative together with Ketotifen.

    I have used both pharmaceutical and Chinese stuff and never noticed any difference between them.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva View Post
    If its your first time it is better to start at 20mcg and increase by 20mcg every 3 or 4 days. No use on going back down.

    Be aware of the Beta-2 receptors down regulation. Clen should be used on and off or in alternative together with Ketotifen.

    I have used both pharmaceutical and Chinese stuff and never noticed any difference between them.
    Thanks. Yeah I know about the two weeks on, two weeks off protocol. I think 40MCG will be the tops for me. I'm not looking for massive fat loss.

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