Hi guys,

About to start 6 weeks Oxy Glonavar cycle tomorrow. Starting at 40mg the up it to 60mg

My stats are 30 years, 5'8, 140lb i train in Thailand at the moment weights and Muay Thai. Looking to trim the akward stubborn belly fat that is
hiding my 6 pack just and no more without loosing muscle weight. Probs have about 10% or less BF and i probs will not be fighting till mid Jan.

My diet cosists of lots of veg and meat with healthy fats, nuts and flax oil basicly very primal. But on training days sometimes some boiled rice in the morning.

I train 4/5 days a week. Muay Thai early morning then usually have a nap during afternoon then strength and conditioning/weights in the evening.

Was looking for advice on when to start PCT (nolvex) and how much of a dose.

Got a hold of some Glonavar in Thailand which i have heard good things about. If the Glonavar is legit what should i feel and when and if it aint what are warning signs of it being s**t??

ALso i have a stag do to go to in about 7 weeks, will it be ok to have a few drinks after stopping the var for just over a week?

Some pics below of the Glonavar. cheers

Hints and tip will be gratefully appreciated.

Also anyone heard anything about this medi tech var i got in Thailand also? Anyone know of anything about this stuff (fake/legit). I have heard conflicting stories. Pics below

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