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  1. #1
    Ndroughneck is offline New Member
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    2nd cycle in life. Advice please tren/test

    Hey guys. This is my first post on the forum. I just took my first pin today and am a little nervous. I'm 24 years old, 5'11", 170 pounds, 7%BF, and am in the best shape of my life. I just received some gear from my boss that consisted of tren e and test e. I bought it from him without doing the proper research, and now I'm stuck with it. I thought about just dropping the tren but decided to just do a little to get some of the affects with my test. My first pin was 350mg test e and 200 mg tren e. From everything I've read, his seems to be pretty low on both of the substances, so I'm not too worried. Should I be, and is there anything else I should become aware of? I've been burying my face in the computer researching how to do this safely. Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A rock & a hard place
    What is your planned cycle? Doses? Expected length? What AI are you using?

  3. #3
    Ndroughneck is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    What is your planned cycle? Doses? Expected length? What AI are you using?
    I plan on doing that pin once a week. I'm not opposed to tweaking either of those doses. I'm not sure what the length of the cycle is going to be since my bottles don't say how much is in them, so I'll pry do it till the test is gone and I'll have some tren left. I'm still looking into what AI I'm going to use and what my pct is going to look like. I'm also trying to find the best company to purchase those at(I'm not looking for a source since I know that is prohibited in the forum). So, I'm going to do more research and I'll know for sure. Some input would be nice on that as well.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Well you went about this thing all wrong.Beacuse just pinning once to see how it feels? Takes eth over 4 weeks to kick in.You are under weight for your size your diet is off.Tren is a beginners compound and its isnt good to start with tren eth.Beacuse if you cant handle the sides it takes a while before its out of your system.Also it a good thing to have everything you need for your cycle in hand before you start.You can get wat you need at Ar-r top right corner on or banner.Good luck Bro.

  5. #5
    Ndroughneck is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Well you went about this thing all wrong.Beacuse just pinning once to see how it feels? Takes eth over 4 weeks to kick in.You are under weight for your size your diet is off.Tren is a beginners compound and its isnt good to start with tren eth.Beacuse if you cant handle the sides it takes a while before its out of your system.Also it a good thing to have everything you need for your cycle in hand before you start.You can get wat you need at Ar-r top right corner on or banner.Good luck Bro.
    I was waiting for someone to say just that. I'm going through with this against my better judgement, but I plan on doing it right so we'll see. The tren will be very low, so hopefully the side affects will be very moderate. My test won't even be too high. Do you guys think I should raise the test. I have it at 350 mg/week and the tren at 200/week. Thanks for the quick replies. I'm very grateful for any help and/or constructive criticism.

  6. #6
    btern's Avatar
    btern is offline Associate Member
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    stop what your doing now, this is a mess

  7. #7
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ndroughneck View Post
    Hey guys. This is my first post on the forum. I just took my first pin today and am a little nervous. I'm 24 years old, 5'11", 170 pounds, 7%BF, and am in the best shape of my life. I just received some gear from my boss that consisted of tren e and test e. I bought it from him without doing the proper research, and now I'm stuck with it. I thought about just dropping the tren but decided to just do a little to get some of the affects with my test. My first pin was 350mg test e and 200 mg tren e. From everything I've read, his seems to be pretty low on both of the substances, so I'm not too worried. Should I be, and is there anything else I should become aware of? I've been burying my face in the computer researching how to do this safely. Thanks guys.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ndroughneck View Post
    I plan on doing that pin once a week. I'm not opposed to tweaking either of those doses. I'm not sure what the length of the cycle is going to be since my bottles don't say how much is in them, so I'll pry do it till the test is gone and I'll have some tren left. I'm still looking into what AI I'm going to use and what my pct is going to look like. I'm also trying to find the best company to purchase those at(I'm not looking for a source since I know that is prohibited in the forum). So, I'm going to do more research and I'll know for sure. Some input would be nice on that as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ndroughneck View Post
    I was waiting for someone to say just that. I'm going through with this against my better judgement, but I plan on doing it right so we'll see. The tren will be very low, so hopefully the side affects will be very moderate. My test won't even be too high. Do you guys think I should raise the test. I have it at 350 mg/week and the tren at 200/week. Thanks for the quick replies. I'm very grateful for any help and/or constructive criticism.
    You're damn right you're nervous, and rightfully so! You know absolutely nothing, and if you don't abort this "cycle" immediately you could end up with more complications, sides, and health problems, that you could possible imagine in your worst steroid nightmare. End this immediately (you do not require PCT with only one injection) and start reading up on AAS and how to use them responsively. Research first cycles, and AI's, and hCG , and SERMS, and what they are for and why you should take them.

    Read read read! And then read some more. Bookmark pages, make notes, and formulate Word documents to quickly refer too. THEN, ask questions based on YOUR reading and research. Dont be that foolish guy who returns here after he screws up his system and crys for help.

    Good luck.

  8. #8
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    There are more mistakes and issues in this post than I can fit into this box!

    1) Both of those compounds need to be injected 2X per week. If not your Blood levels are like a roller coaster and it will hinder muscle gains substantially!

    2) As Song pointed out...Tren is not a begginer compound and even at the dosage you are running there could be serious side effects. Tren is noted for causing High BP, high HR, prolactin buildup (wich can cause prolactin related gyno and fluid to come from your breasts)

    3) You do not have enough in those 2 vials to do an adequite cycle which would be 10-12 weeks. You have about 7-8 weeks based on your doses when you factor residual loss

    4) I am sure you are not using an AI which means that you WILL be suffering from E2 related sides such as gyno, acne, ED, high BP, High cholesterol and many more.

    5) I would be shocked if you have a PCT lined up which means recovery is Russian Roulette for you (maybe yes, maybe no)

    6) No doubt at your size your diet is not going to support the gains made and you will lose nearly any gains made using these compounds

    But I am sure you will diregard my multiple tren cycle experience and do it anyhow...

  9. #9
    Ndroughneck is offline New Member
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    I can't say I'm completely surprised by all the negative comments I'm receiving. It sounds like I'm just shooting from the hip, but I figured I have time to consider all my PCT's since it's going to take some time for all of this to kick in. Tell me if I'm wrong please. I am fully absorbed in my research on the topic, and I would appreciate it if people would chime in with advice on how to do this safely. You're probably all right, but I'm very stubborn. I'm looking into twice a week injections instead of weekly. My online cart at MP is full of anastrozol, cabergoline, clomi, and tamoxifen . I'll use Tamox and caber while on cycle and clomi and anastrozol during pct. Sound right? I haven't bought yet. I'm hoping to get some input before I purchase. Thanks

  10. #10
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    No NO NO....Your more worried about being told no then you are with the actual advice. Anastrozol is your AI, Caber is for prolactin but really only needed if your AI doesnt keep E2 down causing prolactin.

    Tamox and Clomi are your PCT.

    You should be using the AI now since you started and obviously can't or won't see the fact that we/I have had to correct you every step so far, yet you still insist that what your doing is all good. Seriously consider NOT pinning again until you have a REAL grasp for what your doing.

    At the rate your going your next thread will start "please help, I really screwed up". Act 24 not 17...harsh as that sounds I have seen 19 y.o. kids who have come on here and went "man, I really had NO clue, I am stopping till I know WTF I am doing".

    I am sounding harsh at this point because reason has not seemed to have had an effect on your thought making process!

  11. #11
    Ndroughneck is offline New Member
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    Well, this will be my last post. I've decided to drop the tren and do a test only cycle. I'm confident that by the time I'm done with my research, I will have a solid plan down. I won't however be posting about it. I know you guys are trying to look out for me by telling me to stop, but I started and I'm going to finish. My first cycle went fine with nothing more that a couple needles and a bottle of sustanon . Now, I feel good that I'm reading up on it and am going to do it the right way. So, thanks for the input.

  12. #12
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ndroughneck View Post
    Well, this will be my last post. I've decided to drop the tren and do a test only cycle. I'm confident that by the time I'm done with my research, I will have a solid plan down. I won't however be posting about it. I know you guys are trying to look out for me by telling me to stop, but I started and I'm going to finish. My first cycle went fine with nothing more that a couple needles and a bottle of sustanon. Now, I feel good that I'm reading up on it and am going to do it the right way. So, thanks for the input.
    Best of luck man and please don't feel pushed away...we are still here to help no matter what you encounter along the way. Undersatnd our advise often times comes from the heart as well so it will be the same advise we would give to a friend or family member.

  13. #13
    Ndroughneck is offline New Member
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    Thanks Lunk1. I just ordered tamox, clom, and anast from ID. I'll be on the anast as soon as I get it and will treat everything I'm doing with the respect it deserves. I have a badass source, so there's a good chance you'll hear from me around the forum from time to time. Hopefully my next thread won't be me in desperate need of medical advice.

  14. #14
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    I always suggest giving your diet a once over in the nutrition sub is TRUELY the key to success!

  15. #15
    Ndroughneck is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I always suggest giving your diet a once over in the nutrition sub is TRUELY the key to success!
    I'll do that right now. Thanks

  16. #16
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Good luck Bro.

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