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Thread: Tren ace / test prop

  1. #1

    Tren ace / test prop

    Alright guys,

    Currently on my third cycle, which is:
    Tren ace 50mg eod
    Test prop 100mg eod

    I am just over 3 weeks into my course and i haven't noticed anything other than negatives! Nothing out the ordinary for tren, little insomnia, ANGRY when angry, and cardio has pretty much taken a dive! I know im not on a massive amount, but im just wondering if i should or why i haven't noticed any size (nothing massive i know) or strength gains yet!?!? I have read some other forum posts and seen how people have been getting on and how long things have taken to kick in, and i understand 'everyone is different'!

    Would appreciate any feedback from you guys please, not sure if im aloud to say brand name of my tren/test?


    193 pounds
    15-16% bf
    Diet very good

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    IMO both of theses compound when taken together and properly AI is used, exhibit little to no water retention so any size gains will be completely muscle, so your not going to see blow up like when using d-ball of sus....
    Also ppl forget the power of the tren and its sustenance efficiency, you HAVE to up you healthy caloric uptake! But all your gains will be pure solid muscle!!
    Do understand what I'm getting at?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    also up the tren to 100 eod

  4. #4
    Thanks for replying,
    Yeah i understand completely and i have been doing so. My main concern is to why i haven't experienced any strength gains yet. But i will increase food even more and see how it goes. Getting to the point where I'm forcing food down though - ha.
    Am thinking of upping dose!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Yea tren can supress the appetite. Your strength gains happen about week 4-5 and you will be impressed( considering your gear is good) I'm not saying 50mg of tren won't be beneficial, I have never used less than 75mg eod, you want results right? up your tren to 100 eod and drop your test to 75mg every other day. Just MO

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    What are your current stats and cal intake?

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