Currently on
cyp 250mg 2x/week 16 weeks
dbol 50mg/ed 4-6 weeks
liquid anastrozole .5-1mg/ed 16 weeks
igf-1 lr3 40mcg/training days 2week on 2week off and thru pct
clomid & nolva pct
Question is, my connection was only able to get me liquid oral dbol. I use an oral syringe it's 25mg/ml. Other than wait and see is there a way to know if it is legit or not? My muscles do feel a bit fuller, but it's tough to tell if it's from the food and carb intake or simply swelling from heavy lifting. It's only been 3 days, took my first dose Tuesday evening around 8pm, it's now Friday at 12pm. Not being hasty,as I know it takes time just didn't know if there was any way to tell. I read on another forum that if it has an extremely bitter taste that is almost unbearable to keep in the mouth then most likely it is real, and this stuff certainly is bitter and tastes like sh!t. The first 4 doses I used 25mg just to make sure my body didn't get too p!ssed off at the unknown substance. Any advice would be great. Other than that? I plan to just ride it out.