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  1. #1
    babar's Avatar
    babar is offline New Member
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    I am 24, have 3 years of bodybuilding experience. Now thinking to use steroids.

    Hi guys.
    I am almost 25 years old now, have enough knowledge about body building. I have been doing it for 3 years now. I have improved but not according to my work out.
    I am 5'8'' and 160 lbs. I need 20-25 lbs on me to look better. Now i have finalized to go on cycles but the only concern would be, Is it gonna effect my libido or do any erection issues. Just letting you know guys i have been injected once by Deca -durobolin (back home, it was probably fake) for once when i was 17. Trust me it did not work at all, it shrank my testies and decreased the size of my penis. I need help, need to bulk up using steroids without it effecting my sexual part any more.
    Last edited by babar; 11-02-2012 at 05:14 PM.

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Youre a little light and likely not enough solid muscle to start AAS. I doubt that you have reached your genetic limit. If you begin a cycle prematurely, you will most likely lose all your gains and money.

    And if that Deca shrunk your testies and your penis<----i doubt that, it was not fake.

    Nutritional Forum

    How To BULK

  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Agree with Mickey you need that 20 lbs before you cycle. Doubt that one shot of Deca shrunk your junk.....Post a pic so we can see what were working with.

  4. #4
    babar's Avatar
    babar is offline New Member
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    Ok i have posted my picture in the profile. thats how i look now. As i said i think it was a fake deca injection. It costed me $1.50 to just buy one bottle + shot. I dont think it was worth of try.It shrank my junk the same night i slept, i started feeling the contraction same night.
    Now as i said, i was 130lbs and it took me 3 years to get to 160lbs. I had to work my ass off in the gym plus my diet is intense. Now you said i need 20lbs more before i get my cycle. that means i should wait more for 2 years. I am already 25 guys. I appreciate ur help guys

  5. #5
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Its all in your head. Deca did not shrink your dick.

    Just because you are already 25 doesnt mean you are ready for AAS. Good job on your progress so far but you still have room to grow naturally

  6. #6
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You should be able to grow some more naturally. This is what I suggest.

    But if you don't want to wait any longer then its your choice. You should be old enough to not cause a problem.

    Read the stickies at the top and if you have any other questions let us know.

    I HIGHLY recommend bloodwork before your first cycle.

  7. #7
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    30lbs in 3 years isnt that good, not to be mean. from 130lbs and noob gains, you couldve done that year one. hit the diet and nutrition section and see what they can do for you. i went from 150lbs skinny fat to 180lbs at 10% in one year naturally. its all about eating enough of the right foods.

  8. #8
    babar's Avatar
    babar is offline New Member
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    Hey guys,
    First thing i am totally not desperate to use steroids but i am going for a competition after 8 months so i thought i would give me a good fighting chance. I thought 25 yrs were enough. So the point is cleared i should not use steroids but i still have few more questions.
    1. Are there any pills ( non-steroids) that grow mass faster.
    2. Whats the best year to start first cycle and why.
    3. Which steroid would u prefer for a beginners first cycle along with PCT.
    4. any other extra info will be appreciated
    5. i have seen younger guys than me who have used steroids, gone big without any side effects if there were, they had it for a while and they are normal again. Why 25 is still not an age to use steroids.
    My blood sample is already taken and reports will be back in a week.

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro wat these guys are saying is.You need to learn how to eat! Beacuse if you do a cycle and gain some size you will lose it FAST.Now go to the diet section and post your diet with macros.Tell them your goal and wat you want to do.A first cycle for you is Test Eth @ 500mg a week.Split in 2 shots through the week.Run a Ai like Adex@ .25 eod to start and adjust as needed.Pct Clomid and Nova for 4 weeks.Hit the pct section to find doses.I can give them to you but I want you to read on pct and Gyno.This will all be in vein if you dont fix that DIET.

  10. #10
    babar's Avatar
    babar is offline New Member
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    Thanx Songdog, I will soon read and post. thanks again

  11. #11
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babar View Post
    Thanx Songdog, I will soon read and post. thanks again
    I forgot 1 thing run this cycle 12 weeks.

  12. #12
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    i think your age is fine, you just arent big enough to start yet. you can put on more mass before starting. I wish i would have waited another year until i was 200lbs. I was still making gains when i started, and i think i shortcut myself. live and learn. but like you, i had friends younger than me using. i did my research as far as my cycle, and ran it properly. i just started too early. use your natural test and young age to get a better base or platform before going on. You will have better results. if you tried to build a house on just a grass field, it would go up and be ok for a bit, then fall to pieces. your body is similar. you need to lay the foundation to build the house on. and right now, your body is not the complete foundation you should have before starting.
    I started because i was about to do a competition and ive been competing ever since. My first meet was just local, and I wouldve won without taking anything, couldve waited. Now I have a hard time making any progress if I'm not on.

  13. #13
    Relpur is offline New Member
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    Good post. I'm in a similar situation looking for where to start to prepare for competitions. I haven't done any comps before but see all the info I need is available on here. Def need to get my diet to perfection first so I'll also be checking out the diet section. Look forward to seeing how it works out for you babar.

  14. #14
    Anxnymous's Avatar
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    Theres no 'perfect age' to start using AAS, everybodys different, but preferebly you'd like to be around 25 so your done growing an nothing will shrink your dick. I'm on tren right now and i want to **** everything in sight, sex drive is in check.

  15. #15
    Anxnymous's Avatar
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    If your thinking bout competing you should already have a diet and been training, if your just starting, look to compete at the minimum of 2 years bc you got some work to do..

  16. #16
    babar's Avatar
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    Alright i saw a lot of diet sections which confused me. So i am putting my diet here.
    8:30am = 5-6 boiled eggs, .7 litre juice and 2 loafs of bread with butter.
    11:30am = 3 chicken breasts with 1.5lbs of rice and fried vegies like asparagus or brochli + .7 litre of juice
    2:00pm = 1 glass of protein shake
    4:00pm = 3 chicken thigh fried with butter and mushrooms + .7 litre of juice
    5:30pm = work out
    7:30pm = 1 glass of protein shake
    8:30pm = mash potatoes with butter + 1.5 lbs of chicken or beaf
    10:00pm = my last protein shake glass
    11:00pm = sleep

    My diet schedule is really strict. i have gained really good shape now. Pic posted is not that recent. I think not bulking up is probably in my genetics. My siblings are all skinny. My father used to be skinny when he was of my age. But trust me,i have been working my ass off to break that barrier but it looks a bit harder than i expected. Now i will get back to everyones remarks and comments asap, i am still doing my research. Soon know enough to talk about using steroids or not. Thanks everyone for guiding me.

  17. #17
    gymfu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babar View Post
    Alright i saw a lot of diet sections which confused me. So i am putting my diet here.
    8:30am = 5-6 boiled eggs, .7 litre juice and 2 loafs of bread with butter.
    11:30am = 3 chicken breasts with 1.5lbs of rice and fried vegies like asparagus or brochli + .7 litre of juice
    2:00pm = 1 glass of protein shake
    4:00pm = 3 chicken thigh fried with butter and mushrooms + .7 litre of juice
    5:30pm = work out
    7:30pm = 1 glass of protein shake
    8:30pm = mash potatoes with butter + 1.5 lbs of chicken or beaf
    10:00pm = my last protein shake glass
    11:00pm = sleep

    My diet schedule is really strict. i have gained really good shape now. Pic posted is not that recent. I think not bulking up is probably in my genetics. My siblings are all skinny. My father used to be skinny when he was of my age. But trust me,i have been working my ass off to break that barrier but it looks a bit harder than i expected. Now i will get back to everyones remarks and comments asap, i am still doing my research. Soon know enough to talk about using steroids or not. Thanks everyone for guiding me.

    Ok there is a lot wrong here. What exactly are your goals?

  18. #18
    babar's Avatar
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    My goal is to hit around 190lbs before competition, which is after 7 months.

  19. #19
    denverpride's Avatar
    denverpride is offline Associate Member
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    Deca shrunk his penis and he eats two loaves a bread a day. There is SO much wrong here.

  20. #20
    gymfu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babar View Post
    Alright i saw a lot of diet sections which confused me. So i am putting my diet here.
    8:30am = 5-6 boiled eggs, .7 litre juice and 2 loafs of bread with butter.
    3 whole eggs and 12 whites, no juice, no bread or butter, add 1.5 cups of oatmeal eat it plain or use sugar free jam, stevia, or cinnamon, add 1/2 grapefruit
    11:30am = 3 chicken breasts with 1.5lbs of rice and fried vegies like asparagus or brochli + .7 litre of juice
    Only 8-10oz of chicken breast (yes weigh it!) grilled or roasted (no frying), 50 grams worth of brown rice, veggies are good (no frying in oils or butter), no juice
    2:00pm = 1 glass of protein shake
    change this to food, some kind of read meat dish, ground beef in tomato sauce with seasoning or whatever, leave carbs out of this meal
    4:00pm = 3 chicken thigh fried with butter and mushrooms + .7 litre of juice
    no fried foods, no juice, 8-10oz chicken breast, 12oz sweet potato, steamed broccoli, 2tbs natural pb
    5:30pm = work out
    7:30pm = 1 glass of protein shake
    now you can have your juice
    8:30pm = mash potatoes with butter + 1.5 lbs of chicken or beaf
    no butter, mash potatoes are fine with salt or plain about 12-15oz of potato worth, 12oz sirloin steak, lettuce salad with 1/2 avocado
    10:00pm = my last protein shake glass
    get casin protein
    11:00pm = sleep

    My diet schedule is really strict. i have gained really good shape now. Pic posted is not that recent. I think not bulking up is probably in my genetics. My siblings are all skinny. My father used to be skinny when he was of my age. But trust me,i have been working my ass off to break that barrier but it looks a bit harder than i expected. Now i will get back to everyones remarks and comments asap, i am still doing my research. Soon know enough to talk about using steroids or not. Thanks everyone for guiding me.
    Ok good news is if that has been your diet then you have some good genetics. Because your bf should be much higher.

    This should get you started.
    Last edited by gymfu; 11-03-2012 at 10:24 PM.

  21. #21
    theanimal2114 is offline New Member
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    dude butter is a big no no unless you wanna get fat

  22. #22
    babar's Avatar
    babar is offline New Member
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    Alright guys. every member is contributing a lot and helping. I really appreciate it. I will have to make some changes to my diet.
    One more thing, I have heard a lot about Bioforge V3 pills, Do u guys recommend this without any usage of AAS. I know some use it for PCT. Does it help?

  23. #23
    Natureboy71's Avatar
    Natureboy71 is offline Associate Member
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    Gymfu's suggestion for your diet is good. Less shakes, more real food always. You have plenty of gains to make over the next year if you start eating better. Otherwise with a crappy diet as you first posted any AAS you take will be mostly wasted.

    Go live in the diet section for a while and when your done come and post your diet that you created which should show what you have or have not learned.

  24. #24
    InfamusDave831 is offline New Member
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    Also interested in gear and I need to know if there's any connections out in the San Jose area for it or even San Benito County Santa Cruz County or Monterey County

  25. #25
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InfamusDave831 View Post
    Also interested in gear and I need to know if there's any connections out in the San Jose area for it or even San Benito County Santa Cruz County or Monterey County
    Welcome.. This is not a source board.

  26. #26
    InfamusDave831 is offline New Member
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    Whatever chick?

  27. #27
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by InfamusDave831 View Post
    Whatever chick?
    Thats not a "chick" behind the avatar, it's a respected male member. You have a total of 4 posts - 3 of which are phishing for a source. Read the rules.

    Youve been told three times now. Behave yourself, and Welcome to the board.


  28. #28
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InfamusDave831
    Whatever chick?
    Lol that's a bit cheeky mate whether austinite is male or female. Bit of respect goes along way on this board. And he is male by the way chick!

  29. #29
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    Thats not a "chick" behind the avatar, it's a respected male member. You have a total of 4 posts - 3 of which are phishing for a source. Read the rules.

    Youve been told three times now. Behave yourself, and Welcome to the board.

    I've been seeing more of this lately. Pretty disappointing.

  30. #30
    Sfla80's Avatar
    Sfla80 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Any way of having the rules pop up right when someone is registering for the site? Or post it in big bold letters? Lol

    I think this is like the 5-6 in last few days.

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