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Thread: First time bulking with tren.

  1. #1
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    First time bulking with tren.

    Hey guys, this will be the first time I plan to bulk with tren.

    My plan is
    450mg/week test sust
    400mg/week tren e

    I have used tren a in precontest cycles but never for bulking.

    Is this enough tren? Prev tren cycle was 350mg/week

    5 prev cycles
    14yrs lifting

  2. #2
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    Nice stats. I'd only suggest your test be around 600mgs. Yes, it's enough tren.

    More importantly would be your training routine. Care to elaborate on that? I'm sure you have a good bulking diet in place..

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Nice stats. I'd only suggest your test be around 600mgs. Yes, it's enough tren.

    More importantly would be your training routine. Care to elaborate on that? I'm sure you have a good bulking diet in place..

    Funny you ask about the training, I've got something new planned.
    Day 1-chest/tris/abs
    Day 2-quads/calves
    Day 3-back/bis/forearms
    Day 4-shoulders/traps/abs
    Day 5-hams/glutes/calves
    Day 6-start over
    Day 7-rest

    So something different gets trained twice every week plus I'm not training the same body part the same day of the week.

    I need more test? I kinda wanted to run my first low test cycle.

    And yes I'm going to have to shove 7 food meals down plus a pre and post wo shake. Not looking forward to that part.

  4. #4
    austinite's Avatar
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    Yes. That is plenty Tren!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post

    Funny you ask about the training, I've got something new planned.
    Day 1-chest/tris/abs
    Day 2-quads/calves
    Day 3-back/bis/forearms
    Day 4-shoulders/traps/abs
    Day 5-hams/glutes/calves
    Day 6-start over
    Day 7-rest

    So something different gets trained twice every week plus I'm not training the same body part the same day of the week.

    I need more test? I kinda wanted to run my first low test cycle.

    And yes I'm going to have to shove 7 food meals down plus a pre and post wo shake. Not looking forward to that part.
    You mean...

    Day 6-rest
    Day 7-start over

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post

    Funny you ask about the training, I've got something new planned.
    Day 1-chest/tris/abs
    Day 2-quads/calves
    Day 3-back/bis/forearms
    Day 4-shoulders/traps/abs
    Day 5-hams/glutes/calves
    Day 6-start over
    Day 7-rest

    So something different gets trained twice every week plus I'm not training the same body part the same day of the week.

    I need more test? I kinda wanted to run my first low test cycle.

    And yes I'm going to have to shove 7 food meals down plus a pre and post wo shake. Not looking forward to that part.
    Ah, give it a try. Kinda bust for me but i'm just an old 44 year old dude.

    I believe in more test as it affects evrything a man does. It dictates everything from diet, rest, sex life, so forth and so on. I believe the only time (and this is just me) that higher dosages of tren and other compounds would be beneficial pre contest. I think that it does. But other than that, nah, not really neccesary. Just me though..

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    You mean...

    Day 6-rest
    Day 7-start over

    Day 6 will be Saturday, so Saturday I will train what I started with on Monday (next week I will start with a different body part)
    Day 7 will be Sunday and rest

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Ah, give it a try. Kinda bust for me but i'm just an old 44 year old dude.

    I believe in more test as it affects evrything a man does. It dictates everything from diet, rest, sex life, so forth and so on. I believe the only time (and this is just me) that higher dosages of tren and other compounds would be beneficial pre contest. I think that it does. But other than that, nah, not really neccesary. Just me though..
    I wouldn't even think about using less then at least a replacement dose, I'm on TRT anyway.

    But I wanted to see what tren can do and try to keep the dang bloating down. Every other bulking cycle I've done my face looks like I've stuck an air hose in it.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    Day 6 will be Saturday, so Saturday I will train what I started with on Monday (next week I will start with a different body part)
    Day 7 will be Sunday and rest
    Aah. Gotchya.

  10. #10
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    Well good luck and I hope the tren dont spoil your appatite.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Well good luck and I hope the tren dont spoil your appatite.
    Vitamin B12 takes care of that

  12. #12
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    Vitamin B12 takes care of that
    Agree! Hopefully not oral

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Agree! Hopefully not oral
    No sir.

  14. #14
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    Awesome. You gonna log this? I would follow for sure. hope you have get the results you're looking for bro!

  15. #15
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    Yes that would be good!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Awesome. You gonna log this? I would follow for sure. hope you have get the results you're looking for bro!
    Sure. I've never done that, but why not.

    This is my full plan

    450mg/week test sust
    400mg/week tren e
    12.5mg/day aromasin
    0.5mg/day caber
    200ius/e3d hcg
    2ius/day hgh
    40mcg/day igf-1
    1000mcg/day Vitamin B12

    Might add a low dose of t3

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post

    Funny you ask about the training, I've got something new planned.
    Day 1-chest/tris/abs
    Day 2-quads/calves
    Day 3-back/bis/forearms
    Day 4-shoulders/traps/abs
    Day 5-hams/glutes/calves
    Day 6-start over
    Day 7-rest

    So something different gets trained twice every week plus I'm not training the same body part the same day of the week.

    I need more test? I kinda wanted to run my first low test cycle.

    And yes I'm going to have to shove 7 food meals down plus a pre and post wo shake. Not looking forward to that part.
    Good call on separating your ham/glute day from your quad day. A lot more competitors should do this. I'm not a huge fan of training arms with other body parts for a competitor unless your arms are already really dominating. Heck, I know several competitors that run a 7 day split splitting their arm training into 2 separate for Tri's and one for Bi's. Obviously this isn't always necessary but seems to help some guys if they're lagging in those areas...most typically lag in things like Hams though. And for the record, a 7 day training program normally takes 8-9 days to go through when you figure in rest days....definitely against the grain of a lot of common thought.

    Your cycle, a bit low dosed for an off-season competitor cycle IMO but I don't see anything wrong with it or anything like that.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    Good call on separating your ham/glute day from your quad day. A lot more competitors should do this. I'm not a huge fan of training arms with other body parts for a competitor unless your arms are already really dominating. Heck, I know several competitors that run a 7 day split splitting their arm training into 2 separate for Tri's and one for Bi's. Obviously this isn't always necessary but seems to help some guys if they're lagging in those areas...most typically lag in things like Hams though. And for the record, a 7 day training program normally takes 8-9 days to go through when you figure in rest days....definitely against the grain of a lot of common thought.

    Your cycle, a bit low dosed for an off-season competitor cycle IMO but I don't see anything wrong with it or anything like that.
    My arms are not a weak point. I need more size in shoulders, back, and legs.

  19. #19
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    what about the night sweats??? my dude frowns on tren like its the end of the world. i've never used it but i have heard great and also horrible things about it. my dude says he would never recommend it to anyone. why such the hatred towards the compound, maybe its just him not being knowledgable about the product. what you guys think?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGGUNSWANTED View Post
    what about the night sweats??? my dude frowns on tren like its the end of the world. i've never used it but i have heard great and also horrible things about it. my dude says he would never recommend it to anyone. why such the hatred towards the compound, maybe its just him not being knowledgable about the product. what you guys think?
    Affects everyone differently. Some have problems with night sweats, some don't. Some have issues with insomnia or rapid heart rate, some don't. Some say it gives them anxiety, others don't. Some say it hurts their cardiovascular endurance, others don't have a problem.

  21. #21
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    do not use caber everyday. i repeat. most people just keep it on hand. i used it every 3 days and that was questionable. if you have legit caber be prepared for uncontrollable erections. I hope your job is sitting down. You honestly cant control them. I'll get a hard on talking to a senior citizen about insurance and cant make it go away. i will also second the fact your doses look low for an off season competitor. tren kills my appetite, hard for me to use while bulking. im trying it right now with test and eq. the eq seems to fight off the suppressed appetite (only reason im using it).

    Biggest side effect i get with Tren is killing my ability to breathe. I get winded on a flight of stairs. like one flight. I feel my lungs get tight after one shot of tren ace. and it doesnt go away until i quit taking it.

  22. #22
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    Night sweats and some insomnia were the only two symptoms I got from it in the past. The night sweats are no big deal, the insomnia was difficult. It seemed to affect me in waves. Like for a couple of days in a row I would have trouble sleeping and then I was ok. My doc gave me lunesta, I will only use it if I have to of corse.

    I'm hoping that it won't be any worse than before, which is why I choose to only run 400mg of tren.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    do not use caber everyday. i repeat. most people just keep it on hand. i used it every 3 days and that was questionable. if you have legit caber be prepared for uncontrollable erections. I hope your job is sitting down. You honestly cant control them. I'll get a hard on talking to a senior citizen about insurance and cant make it go away. i will also second the fact your doses look low for an off season competitor. tren kills my appetite, hard for me to use while bulking. im trying it right now with test and eq. the eq seems to fight off the suppressed appetite (only reason im using it).

    Biggest side effect i get with Tren is killing my ability to breathe. I get winded on a flight of stairs. like one flight. I feel my lungs get tight after one shot of tren ace. and it doesnt go away until i quit taking it.

    I haven't had any erection issues with caber in the past, then again I wonder if my caber is fake. I am trying a new sorce for caber as a research chemical for this cycle. I really wish ar-r had it.

    Not concerned about the decreased appetite. Vitamin B12 helps, and part of bulking is sucking it up and shoving the food down.

  24. #24
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    I don't believe caber is stable in liquid form. Which is why no research companies have it. The multiple orgasms is fun.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    I don't believe caber is stable in liquid form. Which is why no research companies have it. The multiple orgasms is fun.
    Really? Haven't heard that before.

  26. #26
    There is a research company that sells caber in a capsule. I've been using it on my Tren cycle and I'm pretty sure it's legit because it feels like my orgasms are way stronger and I have two in a row. Good times.

  27. #27
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    thats what i've heard and read about tren......if your not getting night sweats its probably not legit gear....however I wouldn't dig the insomnia either which i've heard is common from my dude as well.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGGUNSWANTED View Post
    thats what i've heard and read about tren......if your not getting night sweats its probably not legit gear....however I wouldn't dig the insomnia either which i've heard is common from my dude as well.
    There is no question my gear is good.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGGUNSWANTED View Post
    thats what i've heard and read about tren......if your not getting night sweats its probably not legit gear....however I wouldn't dig the insomnia either which i've heard is common from my dude as well.
    Your avy is creepy.

  30. #30
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    ha ha i'm starting to hear that more and more but most people recognize him but alot don't

  31. #31
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    I did start my cycle today, nothing really to report except I weighed 235 this morning for morning weights.
    Last edited by gymfu; 11-03-2012 at 10:51 PM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    I did start my cycle today, nothing really to report except I weighed 235 this morning for morning weights.

    Awesome!! Can't wait to see your progress, bro!

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGGUNSWANTED View Post
    thats what i've heard and read about tren......if your not getting night sweats its probably not legit gear....however I wouldn't dig the insomnia either which i've heard is common from my dude as well.
    This is just an old message board rumor. I've had my fair share of good Tren and bad Tren over the years and never had any sweating or insomnia issues and know plenty who can say the same thing. One of the best Tren products out there is Jinan Pharma's Tren-a or Alpha Pharma's Parabolan...both are pretty stinking good...never had issues with those either.

  34. #34
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    I agree with caber comment, if taking throughout, .5 twice a week if plenty. Also, if it's legit you will know. The sex benefits are great. I've never tried liquid though.

  35. #35
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    So I started my caber today. Using a research chemical source that sells caps.
    0.5mg twice per week

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    This is just an old message board rumor. I've had my fair share of good Tren and bad Tren over the years and never had any sweating or insomnia issues and know plenty who can say the same thing. One of the best Tren products out there is Jinan Pharma's Tren-a or Alpha Pharma's Parabolan...both are pretty stinking good...never had issues with those either.
    This is person specific. I will have both of these sides I'm sure, as I've had them with my prev tren a cycles.

  37. #37
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    I've already decided to ditch the training split. Last week I started with hams so quads was Wednesday and hams again on Saturday! It's too much on my legs. This split might work with only one leg day.
    So I will be following this

    Monday-chest, abs
    Tuesday-quads, calves
    Wednesday-back, abs
    Thursday-shoulders, traps, abs
    Friday-hams, glutes, calves
    Saturday-arms, forearms, abs or calves
    Last edited by gymfu; 11-07-2012 at 08:08 PM.

  38. #38
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    Just finished arms this morning and weighed 241, good for a am weigh. This is the end of the second week and the pump in my arms today was wicked. Strength is up too, did bench dips with five plates in my lap. Defiantly starting to kick in.

  39. #39
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    Haven't gained much more weight, up to 243. I've burned some fat, and muscles have a more mature look.

  40. #40
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    Weighing 247 now. Looking like I'm getting ready for a show. Everything is going well, my only complaint about this cycle is I have not seen an increase in strength like I usually do. In fact my bench is weaker now then it was on my last test and deca cycle. But strength is secondary to looks, I'm a BB not a powerlifter.

    I've had bout with allergies and had to take a week off from the gym. It's been forever since I've taken a week off so I'm looking forward to anything that might do for me.

    Also, I think it's safe to report at this time that I've had no tren side effects, except for maybe a slight increase in aggression. I'm sleeping good and no night sweets.

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