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Thread: Cycle Help

  1. #1
    captainbarbosaa is offline New Member
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    Nov 2012

    Question Cycle Help

    I currently have Winstrol (Stanozolol ) oral tablets and Tren -E 200. What should I do for my first cycle or how should I begin my cycle? Anything else i might need?

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    This is a cycle from hell! Where is your test Bro? This isnt the kind of cycle anyone should run.You can really mess yourself up with this one.So lets start over.Wat are your stats? Ht wt bf% goals of this cycle and how long have you been lifting.

  3. #3
    red_hulk's Avatar
    red_hulk is offline Member
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    I agree with songdog, that's a pretty bad idea for any cycle never mind your first one. Again, your stats would be necessary for proper advice, but it looks like you have a lot more reading and research to do before you start anything. You can really mess yourself up if you don't know what you're doing. But, a rule of thumb is to begin cycling with just test then gradually work in other compounds on top of it in later cycles. And most would strongly advise not to do one without a test base.

  4. #4
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Proud Bostonian

  5. #5
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Neither. Test E or C should be your only first/second cycle.

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Agree with everyone above.

    Please take a look at these links before you decide to use AAS. You may be saving yourself a lot of trouble by educating yourself about the possible health risk and side effects that can seriously affect your young developing system.

    If you want to prevent yourself from returning here in a few months freaking out wondering why you're growing boobs, or where all the acne has come from, or why you can no longer get it up or perform properly with your girl, i strongly urge you to read.

    The Young and Steroids

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