Hey guys im 20 years old (pretty young i know but its my decision and has been all i have thought about since i was like 18) been training for 2 years seriously. 5 foot 9. 170lbs. 11%bf.
Could you guys help me/critique my cycle please
not started first Cycle yet but it will be:
-dbol 25mgs per day weeks 1-4
-test e 500mgs per week weeks 1-12
-pct is clomid 100mgs weeks 15-17 then 50mgs weeks 17-19
-will have take arimidex 0.25mgs eod but will have enough for 0.5mgs eod in case its not enough
diet will consist of 4000-4500 calories with 300-350 grams of protein and 400-500 carbs and not really counting fats but will be fairly high also. Will be having loads of fibre and taking a multi also
Training 5 days per week:
-monday... legs
-tuesday... chest
-thursday... back
-friday... arms
-saturday... shoulders + chest (chest is my weak spot so training it twice per week)
Will be training like a total best. Every set till complete failure. 20-25 sets per workout (apart from arms cuz they are my strong point so i will train them 10-15 sets)
goals are to put on as much muscle mass as possible. Dont really care about strength gains or fat gains.
Thanks for any help you guys give