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Thread: First cycle, first post :)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Lake Ariel, PA

    Lightbulb First cycle, first post :)

    hey guys i've just been referred to this site by a friend. This site has tons of Info so, I was hoping i could get a little help.

    I'm going to be taking my first cycle; however, I have a few questions. I knew nothing about steroids before I got these 100/5mg tabs of Dbol (the pink hexagons). My friend told me I could take these for a total of 4 weeks and i'd put on 20 and keep 10, yet i've been reading and a cycle like this seems like a complete waste of time. I have a few questions if you guys could help.
    1. What would a cycle like this do besides make me bloated, another words would I even put on a total of 5 pounds to keep?
    2. How much would I break out from a tiny ass cycle (if you want to call it one) like this?

    Since I've been reading on, I've seen that I should stack this with a test. I was thinking I could stack this with sust. I don't want to take a huge cycle because truthfully I am afraid of breaking out like made from it. Here are my concluding questions.
    3. Since I want to stack this dbol(only 100/5mg pills) sust how should i go about doing that since that dbol will only last a month.
    4. Should i stack or can i stack it with a different test that will prevent breaking out. ( I know everyones body is different, but some roids have less dramatic effects).

    I'm hoping to start this by the end of May(so the sun can prevent some acne) and I only want to keep 5-10 pounds. Also I have been on accutane before and i have just been off it for 4 months, will this mean anything during my cycle? Any input I'd appreciate a lot.
    STATS: 20yrs, 6' 178

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Steroids are bad ummkay?
    that doesnt sound like enough dbol to me. for four weeks you wont even be getting 20mg a day, which is nothing. I would say a minimum effective dose would be at least 30mg/day. Sustanon is a mix of four different testosterones. You should probably run about 400-500 mg /week of that. You need to make sure you are clear on doses before you start, know what the strength of your gear is and how to take it. Don't fuck up. And while on an effective steroid cycle, acne may be a fact of life if you are prone to it. Sorry.

    Personally, if I had such modest goals as 5-10 lbs I wouldnt worry with steroids.

    It sucks that so many people who want to cycle dont have enough choice about what they can use. Instead of wanting to know what the best cycle woud be, they want to know "well what can I do with what is available to me?"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    If you are that concerned with breaking out I wouldn't do any AAS. Anytime you make hormone changes in your body acne is a possibility. Besides if you only want to put on 5lbs you can do that without AAS.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    At 20 your test and hgh is at it's peak in life if can't take full advantage of it you won't be able to with AAS either. Juice is to help not do all the work, get you diet, training, reat and sleep right, up your protein and you'll gain 15-20 in the same amount of you would do a cycle in. Wait another 3 years then juice. Read this thread


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Salt Lake City, Ut
    Definetely not worth it just taking d's. If you stack it with sust I would go 500mg first week then more like 750mg in the weeks there after. You will put on in the area of 10-20lbs and look forward to keeping around 5-10. Protein is good, but ive seen alot of people just get chubby from that route.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Lake Ariel, PA
    ok, thanks for the help guys. At first I wasn't even sure about it like you guys said b/c I am 20 and last semester my bf was at 5%. I also understand with any roid I guess that I will break out (wouldn't it be nice if there was one where i didn't heh). Stupidly I haven't even taken over the counter supplements besides 1Ad. So If there is not a good beginner cycle that I should be taking, maybe i'll just stay natural like you guys said for a while and just do over the counter. Thanks for the help guys, and nice board

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Lake Ariel, PA
    BTW, after reading around more, I'm gonna sell this dbol to a friend this week. Protein and Creatine it is (of course more sleep and diet)!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by edpettit_TSI
    BTW, after reading around more, I'm gonna sell this dbol to a friend this week. Protein and Creatine it is (of course more sleep and diet)!!!
    Good idea bro, the first young guy to take our advice. I am behind you 100%, take in alot of protein and you are on your way. Creatine is also a great addition. Good luck!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    hi tsi

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Lake Ariel, PA
    I went out today and got my protein and creatine . In a few more years, and after much more reading I think I'll be ready for a cycle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Library of Babel
    Good job guys...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Wow, he knows nothing about steroids he's 20 years old and you give him cycle advice. That just shows how much you know, he's to young to juice and so are some of you. You have 19-20 year olds giving advice to another 20 year old, when your all to young to juice. Your growth plates have not even closed yet, your bodies haven't reached full maturity yet.

    If you think you need to juice at your age, you don't know anything about training, diet or recovery. So your not ready to juice, you need to know these things to have and effective cycle.

    Look I'm not saying do juice, I'm saying wait. Get 2 more years of training, diet and recovery in then your ready. You'll have knowedle of what your doing too.


  13. #13

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