hey guys i've just been referred to this site by a friend. This site has tons of Info so, I was hoping i could get a little help.
I'm going to be taking my first cycle; however, I have a few questions. I knew nothing about steroids before I got these 100/5mg tabs of Dbol (the pink hexagons). My friend told me I could take these for a total of 4 weeks and i'd put on 20 and keep 10, yet i've been reading and a cycle like this seems like a complete waste of time. I have a few questions if you guys could help.
1. What would a cycle like this do besides make me bloated, another words would I even put on a total of 5 pounds to keep?
2. How much would I break out from a tiny ass cycle (if you want to call it one) like this?
Since I've been reading on, I've seen that I should stack this with a test. I was thinking I could stack this with sust. I don't want to take a huge cycle because truthfully I am afraid of breaking out like made from it. Here are my concluding questions.
3. Since I want to stack this dbol(only 100/5mg pills) sust how should i go about doing that since that dbol will only last a month.
4. Should i stack or can i stack it with a different test that will prevent breaking out. ( I know everyones body is different, but some roids have less dramatic effects).
I'm hoping to start this by the end of May(so the sun can prevent some acne) and I only want to keep 5-10 pounds. Also I have been on accutane before and i have just been off it for 4 months, will this mean anything during my cycle? Any input I'd appreciate a lot.
STATS: 20yrs, 6' 178