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  1. #1
    vickstopdog is offline New Member
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    18 year old test cyp / stanozolol / winstrol

    Okay so I am 18 about to be 19 in Feb. I have been lifting for about 3 years now and stopped for a soild 6 months for shoulder surgery because my shoulder used to pop out of place which happened when I was 16. I plan on taking my first cycle of test cyp and winstrol starting tommorrow or next week depending on what I get on here regarding feedback. I know I am a bit young to be starting this cycle but I plan on doing a 10 week cycle which is

    Mondays - 200 mg test cyp
    Thursdays - 100 mg stanozolol
    for ten weeks and then taking winstrol after for a pct and probably milk thistle and another form of pct that I'll have to do more research on.

    I will eat a clean diet and drink plenty of water I am not worried about that, I have already taken two cycles of finnaflex 1-andro that lasted me each a month long and gained 10 lbs out of both of those cycles and eventually lost about 6 pounds from it.

    I am currently 5'8" 168 pounds and have a 7.8 body fat from what the machine tells me but Im not so sure its accurate. However I just wanted to get peoples thoughts on how they feel regarding this cycle and things I should expect from it and what side effects I should be aware of.

    Now I have been reading on here about the effects it could cause with my natural test levels and effect the endocrine system and so on but I am not so worried about that. I feel like I have hit a plateau for qutet a while now because I am so on and off with my strength with different body parts like I can lift heavier one day and then a month later I cant lift as much...Its confusing I know and most of you will probably bash on me for doing this but I would be so committed to doing this and am prepared to work my ass off to get the results I am looking for.

    I am not doing this to show off I am basically doing this because I am a fanatic about weight lifting, basically I wake up in the morning and the first thing on my mind is things like what am I eating for breakfast today and what am I lifting in the gym today...

    Now before you start bashing me for this I would appreciate if you could give me some real advice and not the whole "oh your too young to do this" because once again I will be so committed to doing this you have no idea.

    Thanks much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    You are too young but...since its obvious your mind is made up then:

    Test only for your 1st REAL cycle and you should be injecting Cyp at 200 mg X2 per week (Mon and Thurs for example)

    You need an AI and I recommend Adex or Aromasin

    You also need a proper PCT, like Nolva and Clomid.

    If you do not have these things then please get them BEFORE you start.

  3. #3
    GluteStriations is offline New Member
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    Is there a question asked other than how badly you're going to screw up your body?

  4. #4
    vickstopdog is offline New Member
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    Yeah I plan on injecting them honestly without telling me the obvious about the test levels what are some of the side effects I can expect with the beginning of the cycle? For example like acne? And why not 200 mg 1x per week?

  5. #5
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey bro, I'm not one to usually lecture younger guys about taking AAS and I usually don't get involved with threads like these, but when it comes to your cycle - you are so far off it's not even funny....You're going to take Winstrol once a week? That's a total waste of time. 200mg of cyp? That's some people's TRT dose....

    More Winstrol for a PCT? Come onnnnnn

    I think you need to hold off for a while and do more research, build a better base, and have a better understanding of these drugs. Please take this as constructive criticism, instead of the "you're wayyyy too young" replies you're gonna get
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 11-04-2012 at 09:22 PM.

  6. #6
    kronik420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vickstopdog View Post
    Yeah I plan on injecting them honestly without telling me the obvious about the test levels what are some of the side effects I can expect with the beginning of the cycle? For example like acne? And why not 200 mg 1x per week?
    your test levels are already naturally so high, that 200mg once per week probably wouldn't do anything..

    also you need to work out a proper diet before you start.. otherwise you are just wasting your money and your health for no good reason...

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vickstopdog View Post
    Yeah I plan on injecting them honestly without telling me the obvious about the test levels what are some of the side effects I can expect with the beginning of the cycle? For example like acne? And why not 200 mg 1x per week?
    Most sides can be controlled with proper AI you have or plan that?

    Injucting 1X per week is not optimal when trying to build muscle as the goal is more stable blood levels. By injecting that low dose 1X per week you will basicly be replacing your current test level and shutting your natty off for no reason.

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    since it will be a half dozen years or so before your hormonal system is fully developed, and since taking steroids now can impact that development, you are running the risk of a variety of "old man" problems, like ED, reduced libido, etc.

    Good luck mate!

  9. #9
    osamabinalex's Avatar
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    Lets not forget prostate problems...enlarged prostate at 18 because of dht buildup is gonna guarantee you're sticking catheters up your dick to piss by the time you're 50.

  10. #10
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    This is a bad decision. There is no other way to describe it nicely. Lunk1 is giving you the ONLY cycle you should consider if you're actually foolish enough to ignore the advice of the vets and stay away from steroids for several more years. It's not a question of "if", rather "how badly" you'll screw yourself up.

    As already explained, a testosterone only cycle is recommended. Anything less than 400mg/wk split between two injections, is pointless.

    At 18, you simply are not ready physically or mentally for this.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by osamabinalex View Post
    Lets not forget prostate problems...enlarged prostate at 18 because of dht buildup is gonna guarantee you're sticking catheters up your dick to piss by the time you're 50.

    and OP, good luck..

  12. #12
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Rofl...and people give me shit...

  13. #13
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    Have you tried creatine yet? If so have you attained a plateau? With 1-2 g/kg/d of protein?
    If not please try this first, then let us know how you are doing.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm
    Rofl...and people give me shit...
    SOME people give you shit.

  15. #15
    kronik420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    Rofl...and people give me shit...
    about what?

  16. #16
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    about what?
    Nothing bro lol, just playing around with a few members.

  17. #17
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    Rofl...and people give me shit...
    And why do you make comments then leave so fast? I've been looking at this from you for a few days now. If you don't have anything constructive for the OP than keep your trap shut. thanks. And when you come back on PM me.

    OP- Sorry about that but i just needed to do it.

    Lunk, as usual has it right. I really have nothing to add. But don't be so fast to disregard what others have said as well. My personal opinion, wait a few years. As TR said, those "old man" things aren't fun at all. Best to sit down and really consider.

    Good Luck

  18. #18
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    And why do you make comments then leave so fast? I've been looking at this from you for a few days now. If you don't have anything constructive for the OP than keep your trap shut. thanks. And when you come back on PM me.

    OP- Sorry about that but i just needed to do it.

    Lunk, as usual has it right. I really have nothing to add. But don't be so fast to disregard what others have said as well. My personal opinion, wait a few years. As TR said, those "old man" things aren't fun at all. Best to sit down and really consider.

    Good Luck
    Easy big guy, it was just a joke.

    I shot you a PM.

    OP, you're not mentally or physical ready to attempt to cycle and your proposed cycle is a nightmare. It is in your best interest to listen to some of the other members in this thread and this is coming from a 19 year old. Your priorities will more than likely change over time; it's not worth it at the moment.

  19. #19
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    Easy big guy, it was just a joke.

    I shot you a PM.

    OP, you're not mentally or physical ready to attempt to cycle and your proposed cycle is a nightmare. It is in your best interest to listen to some of the other members in this thread and this is coming from a 19 year old. Your priorities will more than likely change over time; it's not worth it at the moment.
    Thanks. Now see, that's a much better response. Nice.
    Last edited by stpete; 11-04-2012 at 10:41 PM.

  20. #20
    vickstopdog is offline New Member
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    Okay maybe I will rethink it but I want to take something to help make me grow because I have been putting in a lot of effort and I feel like something i take behind the scenes will help me alot. How about something along the lines of the pill like mdrol?

  21. #21
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vickstopdog View Post
    Okay maybe I will rethink it but I want to take something to help make me grow because I have been putting in a lot of effort and I feel like something i take behind the scenes will help me alot. How about something along the lines of the pill like mdrol?
    MDROL is just as toxic, if not more toxic, than Winstrol . It is by all means, a steroid . That's a no go...

  22. #22
    vickstopdog is offline New Member
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    And I find it funny you all say it won't do anything with my test levels being high but when I took the 1-andro which is a test booster it helped me gain 10 lbs and get stronger??

  23. #23
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vickstopdog
    Okay maybe I will rethink it but I want to take something to help make me grow because I have been putting in a lot of effort and I feel like something i take behind the scenes will help me alot. How about something along the lines of the pill like mdrol?
    Lack of growth is almost always due to poor nutrition. No amount of steroid will make up for poor nutrition. This is we're you must start.

    Lunk1 has already told you what a first cycle should be. His advice wouldn't change whether you are 18 or 48. If this is your first cycle, there is a recommended protocol to give you a safe approach - but again, if you don't eat correctly, nothing of any significant value will happen.

  24. #24
    vickstopdog is offline New Member
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    And if I were to take the cycle with twice a week for the cypinate winstrol how much would I gain in lbs and strength wise?

  25. #25
    kronik420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vickstopdog View Post
    Okay maybe I will rethink it but I want to take something to help make me grow because I have been putting in a lot of effort and I feel like something i take behind the scenes will help me alot. How about something along the lines of the pill like mdrol?
    Chicken, beef, Tuna, turkey, sweet potatoes, broccoli, eggs + egg whites, oats, brown rice, cottage cheese, fruit like bananas, etc..

    i dont think any of these will come in pill form... but they will help you grow

    your welcome

  26. #26
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vickstopdog
    And I find it funny you all say it won't do anything with my test levels being high but when I took the 1-andro which is a test booster it helped me gain 10 lbs and get stronger??
    10lbs huh? Real lean muscle and not fat or water? In what time frame? Are you sure about that?

    Any decent training program should lead to strength gains naturally.

  27. #27
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vickstopdog View Post
    Okay maybe I will rethink it but I want to take something to help make me grow because I have been putting in a lot of effort and I feel like something i take behind the scenes will help me alot. How about something along the lines of the pill like mdrol?
    Hey man, go over and check put the Nutrition section. There are a tons of nice members over there just waiting to help you out. At your age there's absolutely no reason you shouldn't be making astounding gains naturally, and your diet is what is more than likely withholding you from doing so which is why you would resort to contemplating the use of AAS.

    It's not worth it brother, AAS carry along some nasty side effects like the other members have mentioned. What's going to happen when there's a beautiful girl in front of you naked abd dripping wet and you can't get your dick up to save your life, or when you don't recover properly thus rendering your body incapable of producing natural testosterone ? I'm sure getting weekly injections and being monitored by doctors for the rest of your life is the last thing you want to do, especially with your age.

    Think about the future. A quick 10-15 pounds in a few months is not worth the atrocious side effects you're likely to experience down the road.


  28. #28
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    10lbs huh? Real lean muscle and not fat or water? In what time frame? Are you sure about that?

    Any decent training program should lead to strength gains naturally.
    OP - It was probably a placebo effect. When some people start taking a new supplement or steroid , they get really motivated and gung ho about training, and starting eating their ass off and training twice as hard without noticing it. This is probably what happen in your probably held water and fat from that Test booster.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by vickstopdog
    And if I were to take the cycle with twice a week for the cypinate winstrol how much would I gain in lbs and strength wise?
    That depends on NUTRITION and your EXERCISE program.

    What are you having trouble understanding here?

    There are guys here who have been lifting, training, and eating longer than you've been alive. This isn't a hobby but a lifestyle for them and you come here telling them you know best when you've been given excellent advice already.

  30. #30
    vickstopdog is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    Hey man, go over and check put the Nutrition section. There are a tons of nice members over there just waiting to help you out. At your age there's absolutely no reason you shouldn't be making astounding gains naturally, and your diet is what is more than likely withholding you from doing so which is why you would resort to contemplating the use of AAS.

    It's not worth it brother, AAS carry along some nasty side effects like the other members have mentioned. What's going to happen when there's a beautiful girl in front of you naked abd dripping wet and you can't get your dick up to save your life, or when you don't recover properly thus rendering your body incapable of producing natural testosterone ? I'm sure getting weekly injections and being monitored by doctors for the rest of your life is the last thing you want to do, especially with your age.

    Think about the future. A quick 10-15 pounds in a few months is not worth the atrocious side effects you're likely to experience down the road.

    You know this makes alot of sense come to think about it thanks I get what your saying...

  31. #31
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vickstopdog View Post
    And if I were to take the cycle with twice a week for the cypinate winstrol how much would I gain in lbs and strength wise?
    OK...sometimes these threads get carried away because almost everyone on this site actually cares about your health. There are some sites that could give a shyt less what you do to yourself but this is not the casse here.

    Vick...let's back up. There is NO reason to figure this out this minute as you have your whole life ahead of you...hell my 1st cycle was at 35...never would have considered it at your age. Is your goal to get big and strong or is your goal to be able to brag that you use steroids ??? This is a really important question...stay with me here!

  32. #32
    vickstopdog is offline New Member
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    Okay besides eating because I have already done plenty of research on that what are some of the other things I could get to help me?

    Basicially I have my own workout plan and I am going in 5-6 days of week in the gym working different body parts.... I take preworkout before which is PMD Pump Fuel and I take protein with glutamine right after. I'll be honest my eating habits havent been the best lately but its hard for me because I dont necesarily do the shopping and pick and not much of a cook myself but I know what I have to eat and whats right and not.

  33. #33
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vickstopdog View Post
    Okay besides eating because I have already done plenty of research on that what are some of the other things I could get to help me?

    Basicially I have my own workout plan and I am going in 5-6 days of week in the gym working different body parts.... I take preworkout before which is PMD Pump Fuel and I take protein with glutamine right after. I'll be honest my eating habits havent been the best lately but its hard for me because I dont necesarily do the shopping and pick and not much of a cook myself but I know what I have to eat and whats right and not.
    Do you mind listing everything you ate yesterday? It will give us all a good understanding of where you're coming from.

    Meal 1: ...

    Pre-workout: ...

    Post-workout: ...

    Immediately before bed: ...



  34. #34
    vickstopdog is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    OK...sometimes these threads get carried away because almost everyone on this site actually cares about your health. There are some sites that could give a shyt less what you do to yourself but this is not the casse here.

    Vick...let's back up. There is NO reason to figure this out this minute as you have your whole life ahead of you...hell my 1st cycle was at 35...never would have considered it at your age. Is your goal to get big and strong or is your goal to be able to brag that you use steroids??? This is a really important question...stay with me here!
    Well basically I like the feeling of being big and strong and I train 5-6 days a week and im literally obsessed with the idea of training and taking my preworkout and going to the gym. I just really am considering taking something with my training to help enhance it. I know my test levels are already at the peak basically and I understand that but the point I am trying to get across is that it would be nice to take something with my training, eating, preworkout, and protein to help me get results. I am not so worried about bragging (if I were to take the steriods ) because I would be covering myself up and not being a jackass and wearing cutoffs and daigo tees to the gym im not like that. Plus its the winter and its cold you know.

    But can you atleast get what I am saying? I am not trying to rush into antying all of a suddden but it would be nice to start seeing some results from another supplement and I could also get the placebo effect like bronzer said which I had with the two cycles of 1-andro I did before.. But I hope you can get what I am trying to atleast say here.

  35. #35
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vickstopdog View Post
    Okay besides eating because I have already done plenty of research on that what are some of the other things I could get to help me?

    Basicially I have my own workout plan and I am going in 5-6 days of week in the gym working different body parts.... I take preworkout before which is PMD Pump Fuel and I take protein with glutamine right after. I'll be honest my eating habits havent been the best lately but its hard for me because I dont necesarily do the shopping and pick and not much of a cook myself but I know what I have to eat and whats right and not.
    This alone would cause your cycle to fail. Why dont we break down your workout and diet and see if we cant find some of the holes. Being able to lift heavy one day and not another day happens to us all. For me it depends on what I have or have not eaten before the gym and how much rest I have or have not gotten

  36. #36
    P.Money's Avatar
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    Please take in consideration all of these comments and advice. You obviously have not done the proper research. If you claim that a natural test booster made you gain 10 pounds than why even bother with steroids ? You need to understand that there's no fast and easy way to get big. Eating, training and resting properly until you're 25 years old will ensure that you have a solid base. Also, by then hopefully you have educated yourself about steroids and their side effects.

    Test Cyp @ 200mg a week is going to shut you down and very possibly give you sides. Like mentioned above 200mg is lower than your natural production of testosterone at your age. Winstrol is not a PCT drug, nor is it a beginner drug. Winstrol will dry you out and potentially increase risk for injuries while training. Also, orals should be taken daily since their chemical half lives are rather short. It seems to me as if you don't have much money to cycle and you got your hands on a bottle of winny and a vial of test. You are messing with your body, you only have one body. DON'T DO IT PLEASE LISTEN TO PEOPLE AROUND HERE.

    I want to ask you 3 questions and answer them truthfully

    1. What is your full diet.
    2. What is your training regimen and rest schedule
    3. What is your cardio program


  37. #37
    vickstopdog is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    Do you mind listing everything you ate yesterday? It will give us all a good understanding of where you're coming from.

    Meal 1: ...

    Pre-workout: ...

    Post-workout: ...

    Immediately before bed: ...


    Basically my body is hungry literally every two hours like I wake up every morning starving and feeling like I have to puke because I am so hungry..

    Okay usually when I wake up I eat either three scrambled eggs, cheese omelet but then I also make myself some oatmeal the one you just cook in the microwave and eat a banana

    Yesterday I made myself three scrambled eggs, oatmeal and an apple and immediately after I finish I take my preworkout go to the gym.

    I did my back yesterday for 45 minutes and did 20 of the stairstepper machine and then drank a protein shake with glutamine and then I usually eat two hours later usually a pbj and rice.

    Usually when I eat thoguh its every two hours because I am SO hungry ALL THE TIME. But basically Ill eat cereal or oatmeal before bed.

    However If I were to get serious I would eat alot of lunch meat sandwiches and tuna sandwiches throughout the day and ofcourse the fruit, chicken and all the other stuff. I like the white albacore tuna out of the can but yeah basically a quick summary lol

  38. #38
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vickstopdog View Post
    Well basically I like the feeling of being big and strong and I train 5-6 days a week and im literally obsessed with the idea of training and taking my preworkout and going to the gym. I just really am considering taking something with my training to help enhance it. I know my test levels are already at the peak basically and I understand that but the point I am trying to get across is that it would be nice to take something with my training, eating, preworkout, and protein to help me get results. I am not so worried about bragging (if I were to take the steriods ) because I would be covering myself up and not being a jackass and wearing cutoffs and daigo tees to the gym im not like that. Plus its the winter and its cold you know.

    But can you atleast get what I am saying? I am not trying to rush into antying all of a suddden but it would be nice to start seeing some results from another supplement and I could also get the placebo effect like bronzer said which I had with the two cycles of 1-andro I did before.. But I hope you can get what I am trying to atleast say here.
    Op...believe it or not, even at NEARLY 40 I can relate. I have tried every prohormone that came down the pike back in the day when they really were just legal steroids , I have tried nearly a doxen preworkouts over the years and god knows what other crap I have spent my $ on in search of gains I didn't deserve.

    I would say this....

    1) Lets get your diet tight

    2) Lets make sure your gym routine is productive

    3) Adding BCAA's and Creatine are a GREAT supp.

    Are you ready to earn your gains??? It's the only way they stay with you anyhow!!!

  39. #39
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vickstopdog View Post
    Basically my body is hungry literally every two hours like I wake up every morning starving and feeling like I have to puke because I am so hungry..

    Okay usually when I wake up I eat either three scrambled eggs 210 calories cheese 110-220 calories omelet but then I also make myself some oatmeal 150-300 calories the one you just cook in the microwave and eat a banana 105-121 calories

    Yesterday I made myself three scrambled eggs, oatmeal and an apple and immediately after I finish I take my preworkout go to the gym.

    I did my back yesterday for 45 minutes and did 20 of the stairstepper machine and then drank a protein shake with glutamine 120-280 calories and then I usually eat two hours later usually a pbj 660-700 calories and rice. 150-300 calories

    Usually when I eat thoguh its every two hours because I am SO hungry ALL THE TIME. But basically Ill eat cereal or oatmeal 150-300 calories before bed.

    Total: 1655-2400 calories give or take

    However If I were to get serious I would eat alot of lunch meat sandwiches and tuna sandwiches throughout the day and ofcourse the fruit, chicken and all the other stuff. I like the white albacore tuna out of the can but yeah basically a quick summary lol
    No wonder you're not making the gains you desire!
    Last edited by Shsm; 11-04-2012 at 11:21 PM.

  40. #40
    vickstopdog is offline New Member
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    Okay thats not everything I ate that day I cant remember everything I ate lol its hard I eat every two hours if not less?

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