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  1. #1
    NorthwestShane is offline New Member
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    May 2012

    Need Help with My Current Cycle Please...!!!!

    Okay gang, I need help. Before I every bought anything I threw out ideas to everyone on this and another board, I even presented my cycle to the UGL I was using because they are reputed to really know their S**T. The cycle is as follows...

    Sust250, 250 mg twice a week (sunday and Wednesday)
    Deca , 300mg once a week (sunday)
    Aromasin , 12.5mg every other day of cycle
    hcg , 250 iu twice per week
    Cycle length 12 weeks
    14 days after final injection of cycle start pct
    pct to consist of clomid and tamox.

    I know this is a moderately low dose but I havent cycled in 8 years and wanted it to be effective but low.

    Now suddenly I am getting emails and messages telling me "holy S**T thats not nearly enough, you need to be pinning sust 250 3 times a week minimum and you need to run at least 300mg of deca twice per week and you should probably run a Test E and you need to be sure to run a prolactin. Suddenly Im bombarded with this, including the same thing from the UGL that called my previously planned cycle "solid" and likely good for 12 to 20 pounds of lean, retainable mass if I diet and train right, and now his story is changed.

    So Im sending out the bat signal and asking for every well informed, good intentioned, experienced Bro out there to voice their opinions and help me out before I lose my s**t, as I unloaded all the money I could afford on my gear for this little cycle and want to make sure that a)it hasnt been a waste and b)its a safe cycle. I dont think that the UGL guy is a bad dude at all, nor the other guys telling me I need to increase a lot, but when stories start conflicting I start feeling like I just bought a used car and now theyre trying to upsell me on the clear coat and undercarriage protection..."That's my deal Wade".

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Hey there, Shane!

    Rule # 1 - Never seek the advice of your source, or any source for that matter.
    Rule # 2 - Always list your full stats: Age, Weight, Height, Body Fat%, Cycle Experience, Training experience.

    Can you please complete rule #2?

  3. #3
    The Titan99's Avatar
    The Titan99 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    X2 man! Asking the source for cycle advice is like asking the car salesman if you need rust proof and undercoating. Definitely need stats. If this is your first cycle and you've done any kind of research then you already know the answer on the Deca ... If you drop that then prolactin would be a non issue. At 300 mg it most likely would be anyway, especially since your on the AI anyway. If I were doing this cycle I'd up the Deca to 400 mg and pin it right along with the Test. Also, Deca takes 21 days to clear the system, Sust takes 18 days not 14. Test E is 14 days so dropping it a half week (do the last shot with the Sust alone without the Deca) before your last Sust injection would nail your PCT. HCG is good. Run it right up to the day before PCT begins. Stacking steroids on your first cycle is like trying to sleep with 2 or more girls the first time you have sex. You don't need it and chances are your going to have problems/fvck it up!! Joking but not really if you know what I mean...

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