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  1. #1
    hell911's Avatar
    hell911 is offline Associate Member
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    [Weight Question] Is it true?

    is it true than when a 150 lb man takes steroids , he can gain 20-30 lbs in a cycle and the gained weight will not be loss after the cycle.

    and if the 180 lb man takes steroids and gains 10-20 lbs in a cycle, his gained weight will be lost after the cycle?

  2. #2
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    No its not true.

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Cycling has nothing to do with these numbers. AAS merely amplifies the results of your diet. Those numbers are far too broad. Too many factors come into play here, but growth is diet dependant.

  4. #4
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    That is nonsense

  5. #5
    sniper320's Avatar
    sniper320 is offline Member
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    If Pinocchio said his nose was going to grow, what would happen ?

  6. #6
    P.Money's Avatar
    P.Money is offline Associate Member
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    You could make either of these scenarios happen with changing your diet, cardio, patience and a good training regimen or vice versa haha.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If it says it on the internet it must be true.

    No, no and no. No mater how many times you hear or read it wont make it any more truthful either.

    Learn to eat and gain weight properly before looking into aas.

  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Well there you have it.NO!

  9. #9
    kmms's Avatar
    kmms is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hell911 View Post
    is it true than when a 150 lb man takes steroids , he can gain 20-30 lbs in a cycle and the gained weight will not be loss after the cycle.

    and if the 180 lb man takes steroids and gains 10-20 lbs in a cycle, his gained weight will be lost after the cycle?
    now that you've typed that all out, honestly, how can you read it and come to the conclusion that it is anything but false?

  10. #10
    hell911's Avatar
    hell911 is offline Associate Member
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    then what are the physiological reasons for that muscle being lost?

  11. #11
    Tron3219's Avatar
    Tron3219 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hell911
    then what are the physiological reasons for that muscle being lost?
    Typically it's because when you come off aas two things generally happen when ppl lose all of thier weight. They are not continuing to eat as they were on aas and thier pct was not in check and it took forever for ther natural test production to catch back up making thier body go into a state of catabolism

  12. #12
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hell911 View Post
    is it true than when a 150 lb man takes steroids , he can gain 20-30 lbs in a cycle and the gained weight will not be loss after the cycle.

    and if the 180 lb man takes steroids and gains 10-20 lbs in a cycle, his gained weight will be lost after the cycle?
    I think I understand what you're asking, could be wrong but based on what you said here's my take.

    Muscle mass gained on cycle is easier to hang on to after a cycle if the individual is not at his natural genetic limit. When muscle mass put on during a cycle surpasses the individuals natural genetic limit it becomes much harder to hang on to after the cycle ends. The muscle tissue that was built had the support of a large supply of exogenous hormones, and without it the individual will eventually revert to his natural limit...which can vary greatly from one man to the next.

    In a lot of ways you can look at hormones the same way you would with food. It takes a certain amount of calories to support a certain amount of muscle mass. The same can be said of hormones.

  13. #13
    Harv is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I think I understand what you're asking, could be wrong but based on what you said here's my take.

    Muscle mass gained on cycle is easier to hang on to after a cycle if the individual is not at his natural genetic limit. When muscle mass put on during a cycle surpasses the individuals natural genetic limit it becomes much harder to hang on to after the cycle ends. The muscle tissue that was built had the support of a large supply of exogenous hormones, and without it the individual will eventually revert to his natural limit...which can vary greatly from one man to the next.

    In a lot of ways you can look at hormones the same way you would with food. It takes a certain amount of calories to support a certain amount of muscle mass. The same can be said of hormones.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    Typically it's because when you come off aas two things generally happen when ppl lose all of thier weight. They are not continuing to eat as they were on aas and thier pct was not in check and it took forever for ther natural test production to catch back up making thier body go into a state of catabolism
    I like what MetalJacket and Tron3219 had to day but I don't think it's quite complete. I believe that wile on cycle you are gaining both muscle and also retaining some water(increased glycogen storage). Also, one of the effects of increased testosterone is dramatic increase in nutrient uptake and utilization. These are not correct numbers, but you could say that being on cycle is like eating double what you are actually eating because your body is absorbing so much more. Then, larger people need more quality nutrients and calories to grow and/or maintain than smaller people.
    With that said; Post cycle weight loss would mostly be do to a decreased glycogen retention (unless the user was using a very dry compound) and decrease in nutrient uptake from the lower test levels. Even if Test levels were at healthy to high levels after the cycle, Test levels on cycle would be significantly higher. That means no matter how much you eat post cycle, it will be very difficult to get the same uptake of nutrients per day to maintain that muscle you rapidly put on wile on cycle. Then it would go into what MetalJacket said and of course the issue that Tron3219 brought up.

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